
The demonstration of the properties of radio waves by the German scientist Heinrich Hertz, led to the invention of radar. Since then, radar technology has evolved to be a ubiquitous sensor in modern lives.

Today, through its many and diverse applications, radar is a key tool for remotely sensing and monitoring the environment. It also underpins the tracking and surveillance of both civil and military targets.

The focus of the Adelaide Radar Research Centre is in the use of radar for surveillance and environmental monitoring. It brings together research groups from the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and the School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences together with various external organisations such as the Australian Defence Science and Technology (DST) Group, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Australian Antarctic Division and commercial companies such as Raytheon Australia, SRC Australia and ATRAD.

Key research themes in the Centre are in the area of radar systems and technology, RF propagation and radar signal processing. The applications focus for the Centre's research will be the areas of environmental and atmospheric monitoring through radar sensing, surveillance and radar systems design. The Centre's education activities include training of radar researchers at post graduate level and in the delivery of post-graduate short courses of radars and their applications.

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ARRC at IEEE International Radar Conference

Researchers from the Adelaide Radar Research Centre will present papers at the 2023 International Radar Conference in Sydney, Australia. The papers cover topics in ISAR, SAR and remote sensing. Details of the program is available here.