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Poor housing leaves its mark on our mental health for years to come

The damaging effects of housing disadvantage on people’s mental health can persist even years after their housing situation improves.
[Read more about Poor housing leaves its mark on our mental health for years to come]
Making wine in a warmer world

South Australian winemakers are looking to Europe as the climate—and what drinkers want—is changing.
From Star Wars to Apocalypse Now, director’s cuts are all the rage. But do they make the films any better?

Is this self-indulgence or part of the artistic process?
Southeast Asia was crowded with archaic human groups long before we turned up

The ancestral population of modern humans appears to have split as it moved across Asia.
[Read more about Southeast Asia was crowded with archaic human groups long before we turned up]
Drought-tolerant grape vines tested for Australian conditions

Increasing temperatures and frequency of heat waves are affecting vine harvests and our researchers are investigating potential solutions.
[Read more about Drought-tolerant grape vines tested for Australian conditions]