News: Societal wellbeing

Digital age: screen time’s effect on language learning in children

Digital age: screen time’s effect on language learning in children

Research at the University of Adelaide highlights how screen time can interfere with—and possibly aid—children’s early development.

[Read more about Digital age: screen time’s effect on language learning in children]

Speed-reducing innovations drive safety on regional roads

A road with a road sign on the left

University of Adelaide’s Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) is developing technology to reduce crashes at regional intersections and––in the words of CASR researcher Chris Stokes––“save lives.”

[Read more about Speed-reducing innovations drive safety on regional roads]

Jailing is Failing: Rehabilitation in the Australian Prison System

A prison building

The women entering Australia’s prison system are invariably accompanied by significant histories of trauma and abuse. Some have had children forcibly removed, and many women are experiencing levels of self-harm and suicidal ideation that would be completely unacceptable if identified in the outside world.

[Read more about Jailing is Failing: Rehabilitation in the Australian Prison System]

Research unpacking student scholarships for work experience

applying for a scholarship

Financial support for students undertaking work integrated learning is essential for improving the accessibility of internships and work placements. Research from the University of Adelaide Law School has identified key gaps in these programs and generated recommendations for maximising their accessibility.

[Read more about Research unpacking student scholarships for work experience ]

As the Aussie home ownership dream fades, it’s time to lift our game for renters

Front door of a rental property

The number of people renting in Australia is growing at twice the rate of home ownership, and a new dataset generated by University of Adelaide researchers will help inform future policy that supports renters and guides infrastructure spending.

[Read more about As the Aussie home ownership dream fades, it’s time to lift our game for renters]

A cool change is coming to city streets

tree lined street

Our cities are heating up and we need to find innovative ways to lower urban temperatures, or life will become increasingly harder for residents. In Adelaide, the number of days when outdoor temperatures soared above 40°C increased from only two days per year in 2000 to six days per year in 2020.

[Read more about A cool change is coming to city streets]

The solution to staying safe could lie in the virtual world

Virtual reality

Whilst many of us escape into virtual worlds as a fun diversion, Researchers believe the secret to teaching people to behave safely and act decisively in the real world can also be found amongst online realms.

[Read more about The solution to staying safe could lie in the virtual world]

Battling the complexities of diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's patient with doctor

New research is hoping to create more accurate diagnostic tests to allow earlier intervention.

[Read more about Battling the complexities of diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease]

What people’s beef is with gene editing?

Australian cattle

Gene editing in the beef industry could provide significant new strategies for producing far superior livestock. It could be used to produce cattle that are heathier, more environmentally resilient and allow for higher levels of animal welfare by eliminating the need for painful common procedures.

[Read more about What people’s beef is with gene editing? ]

Disjointed sleep can be a health nightmare for women

Disjointed sleep can be a health nightmare for women

Most people remember when they wake during the night. But it’s the many briefer moments of stirring from slumber that can dramatically impact health – particularly for women.

[Read more about Disjointed sleep can be a health nightmare for women]

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