Research Tuesdays

Research Tuesdays

A public lecture series from The University of Adelaide

From tackling Meningococcal B to finding energy solutions for the future, our discoveries make a difference to people's lives across the world.

At Research Tuesdays we share this knowledge, every month. If you're curious about the changing world, we invite you to join us.


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Improving endometriosis care

Nearly one million Australians suffer from endometriosis pain. Associated healthcare expenses and loss of social and economic engagement cost Australia billions per year. And yet, despite its undeniable toll, pathways to diagnosis and treatment remain challenging.

Fortunately, researchers from the University of Adelaide are breaking down the barriers to accessible care. With AI, new medicines, and community platforms, they’re revolutionising less invasive diagnosis, pain management, and information accessibility.

Join us in August for the latest on our pioneering endometriosis research.

The presenters

Professor Louise Hull
Dr Beck O'Hara
Dr Jodie Avery

Date: Tuesday, August 13
Time: 5.30pm

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Previous events


Our new right to disconnect

The global shift to remote working during the pandemic arguably led to ‘availability creep’ and unspoken expectations that employees must be accessible to their workplace at all hours.

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Identifying cyber threats

University of Adelaide researchers are studying web scrapers, automated tools used to collect cyber data, to determine their legal limitations, ethical implications, threat levels, and potential upsides.

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Animal ethics

Does acknowledging the emotional complexity of other living beings change our responsibilities toward them?

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