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Travel story: Amy Garrett
Amy Garrett from the Robinson Research Institute travelled to Sydney in July to attend and give a poster and presentation at the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) Conference and also attended a full-day workshop on “The Adolescent Window: DOHaD Interventions that engage adolescents of transgenerational change”.
Travel story: Bihong Zhang
Bihong Zhang from the Robinson Research Institute travelled to China in June to visit to Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, and attend the American Society for Reproductive Immunology Conference in Shanghai.
Travel story: Melanie Smith
Melanie Smith from the Robinson Research Institute travelled to Brisbane in July to attend the Winter School in Mathematical and Computational Biology.
Travel story: Rui Wang
Dr Rui Wang from the Robinson Research Institute travelled to The Netherlands and Spain in June and July to attend the The 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, and a course on individual participant data meta-analysis.
Travel story: Qianhui Wan
Qianhui Wan from the Robinson Research Institute travelled to Brisbane in July to attend the Winter School in Mathematical & Computational Biology.