Wear It Purple Day & how you can be an ALLY!


What is Wear It Purple Day?

Wear It Purple is a day of recognition to foster and support an inclusive environment for rainbow young people. This movement, born in 2010, aims to promote the message that everybody has the right to be exactly who they are.

By encouraging people to wear purple on Friday the 25th of August, it helps to raise awareness of key LGBTIQ+ issues, provide opportunities to join communities, collaborate with like-minded people and for visibility, acceptance and support.

Students can get involved by joining the ALLY Network here at the University of Adelaide, undertaking continual education around LGBTIQ+ topics, using inclusive language, subscribing to an open mind, or can start by simply wearing purple on the 25th of August!

What is the ALLY Network and how do I join?

The University of Adelaide Ally Network is a visible network of staff and students across the University who support the University’s commitment to providing an inclusive and respectful university environment for people who identify as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ*).

The University of Adelaide Allies are staff and students who are knowledgeable in, receptive to and understanding of LGBTIQ* issues. Allies are not experts about matters of sexuality and gender identity - they are people who strongly support making the University an environment where all staff and students can safely work and study free of harassment or discrimination. Awareness and training sessions are organised bimonthly, with topics including understanding what makes an effective Ally and the diversity of sex, gender and sexual orientation.

Words by

Peta Cleary, Student Engagement Project Officer & Current Student

Claudia Szabo, ALLY Network Co-convenor

Tagged in student news, Wear it Purple Day, ALLY Network