What you need to know about working in Australia

Moving to another country to study is an exciting time! As you settle into your new study routine you might be considering getting a job, or you might already have one. Either way, it’s important to understand the legal protections that are in place for people who work in Australia, regardless of citizenship or visa status. 

The Australian Red Cross supports international communities living in Australia and provides free resources to help you get familiar about working in Australia. 

What you need to know about working in Australia

Learn how the Australian Government services Fair Work Ombudsman and the Fairwork website can inform you about workplace rights and protections. Read the digital flyer What you need to know about working in Australia

Checklist for starting a new job in Australia

Get tips to help you identify potential jobs that are unsafe and untrustworthy, what work records you need to keep, and how to ensure you well informed about your working arrangements. Read the digital checklist for starting a new job in Australia. 

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