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Exam shenanigans: challenges, proctoru and managing stress

Completing exam paper

Whether you have one exam, four, or undertaking an exam under the watchful eye of ProctorU – the exam stress is inevitable but there are coping strategies and your powerful ability to mitigate any undesirable emotions. Keep reading for my thoughts and advice!

[Read more about Exam shenanigans: challenges, proctoru and managing stress]

The importance of taking breaks

Laptop and coffee cup

Mid-year exam time is coming up, and with it, all the expected stress, tears, and late-night snacks. But amidst all the chaos, don’t forget to develop a good study routine that includes breaks.

[Read more about The importance of taking breaks]

Britney Spears: the fight for freedom in the age of celebrity ownership

In 2007, following signs of personal struggles in public, Britney Spears was placed under a conservatorship over her assets, estate, and business affairs. Thirteen years later, amidst the height of the "Free Britney” movement, Spears has spoken out in attempt to regain her freedom. 

[Read more about Britney Spears: the fight for freedom in the age of celebrity ownership]

To study at home or at university?

owl with books image - links to study tips page

Why is it so hard for me to get work done on campus? While other’s find it hard to be productive at home? I discuss my thoughts on where to study.

[Read more about To study at home or at university?]

The most anticipated movies of 2021

Movie title screen

As a result of the chaos of COVID-19, many of the movies intended for release were instead shafted to 2021. While that made for a relatively lacklustre 2020 in Hollywood, it does mean we’ve got an exciting slate of films heading our way this year. So, in order of release, here are a few of the most anticipated movies of 2021.

[Read more about The most anticipated movies of 2021]

Looking forward to a break

Sunshine drawing

With semester break just around the corner, I am trying to find things to look forward to. Here are just a few. 

[Read more about Looking forward to a break]

Exercise: gym, walking & home workouts

Two runners running on rocky dirt track in forest.

I was recently gifted a Fitbit which I really appreciated because I owned one a couple of years ago. I found it useful to track the sort of exercise I undertook during the week, and my sleep habits! So, I am keen to go back to tracking as it’s a gentle reminder for me to get more active and sleep earlier. How do you incorporate active minutes in your day-to-day life?

[Read more about Exercise: gym, walking & home workouts]

Learning to accept mistakes

Crushed ball of paper

As I near 25, I’ve been reflecting on the chapter of my life that’s my early twenties – a time filled with successes and (quite a few) mistakes.

[Read more about Learning to accept mistakes]

My go-to smoothie recipe

Raspberry smoothie

Drinking a smoothie is one of highlights of my morning. It’s a healthy start to the day and provides lots of energy! While I am a fan of cafe smoothies or a cheeky boost juice, I often make my own at home (thank you to my trusty nutri-bullet)!

[Read more about My go-to smoothie recipe]

Burnout: hey, hey, my, my

Sea lion roar

I’m feeling like this photo I took of the sea lion captures the stress I am currently feeling about the slow pace of my writing. If only “flow” would possess me straight for four hours each day then I’d have this thesis done already.

[Read more about Burnout: hey, hey, my, my]