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Why we need to ditch diet culture

Our obsession with dieting and weight loss has been ongoing for more than 150 years. Now, there is a new kind of movement emerging: the anti-diet. 

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Semester break and back again

The year is chugging along, and semester break has come and gone. Here are a few things I do to stay relaxed and feel recharged for the second half of semester.

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I need to read more

Do you ever find it hard to find the time to sink your teeth into a great book instead of an academic essay?

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Group work woes

Urgh! Group work! As always there is at least one group assignment during the semester. This is how I am taking it on.

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Ph.D. students: they call us dreamers, but we’re the ones who don’t sleep

Trouble sleeping? Maybe we’ve procrastinated for too long and it’s catching up with us and so we have to burn the midnight oil and make a sprint of our writing. Maybe we’ve been going through some emotional hurdles during lockdown and have been finding it difficult to sleep. Maybe you’ve taken some time out of your usual writing schedule to help a friend out. Maybe the imposter syndrome has gotten a strong grip on us and we’re feeling stuck with our writing.

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Presentations via zoom

It’s hard enough to make a presentation engaging in person, what about on zoom?

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Turning 21

I just turned 21 a few weeks ago. In the couple of weeks leading up to it, I kept forgetting it was coming up, seriously just went right over my head. I can’t tell if it was my subconscious trying to block out the fact that I’m getting older, that its time to be an adult, be more responsible, that soon my parents will kick me out. Or that life is so fleeting, passing by so, so quickly like how dare she!... Seriously what’s the deal?! I’ve realized recently that I haven’t been making the most of my life. A lot of you may feel the same way, so what can we do to feel like we're actually living? Writing it down in this blog has actually helped me to self reflect, to realise that I actually have done a lot and have a lot going for myself. Hope this inspires you as a reader. 

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Drawing to relax

It has been a long time since I pulled out some colouring in pencils and drew. I forgot how therapeutic and relaxing it can be.

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Oscars 2021: The Trial of the Chicago 7 review

Aaron Sorkin's Oscar-nominated film The Trial of the Chicago 7 might skirt the edge of silliness, but it's not a film that can be easily shaken off.

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Easter picnic and carrot cake adventures

Traditional carrot and walnut cake

I’m already missing the long weekend, what about you? It was glorious autumn weather and we truly had a lovely time with family and friends. I also now have enough chocolate to get me through winter (and my thesis writing)! 

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