News: mental health

What brings me joy

This week is mental health awareness week and we have been asked to write something in line with the prompt ‘what brings you joy’.

[Read more about What brings me joy]

Breaking the loneliness spiral

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about loneliness. I've also been thinking about its antidote: vulnerability.

[Read more about Breaking the loneliness spiral]

Eating well and savouring

Since I gave birth to my little one, I can’t recall having a meal I have savoured fully. I’ve had a few meals out with family and friends, mid-morning coffees with colleagues at work, and indulged in a couple of delicious take-away meals delivered to my door. I think eating well isn’t purely just about what you’re eating, but it’s also about the how.

[Read more about Eating well and savouring]

What brings me joy?

This week (10-17 October) is Mental Health Awareness Week at Adelaide Uni, and I've been thinking about joy. 

[Read more about What brings me joy?]

Spring has sprung

An archway of wisteria flowers

Spring is here and all the flowers are in bloom.

[Read more about Spring has sprung]

Getting 'good' at conflict

I think most of us could hazard a guess that healthy confrontation involves listening to the other person, but how exactly do we do this? How do we get 'good' at conflict?

[Read more about Getting 'good' at conflict]

How I de-stress in a just a few minutes

A yellow flower

Sometimes I forget that the North terrace campus is just across the road from the best de-stress space in the city, the Botanic Gardens!

[Read more about How I de-stress in a just a few minutes ]

R U OK? Day: Am I okay?

RUOK Day is a really positive initiative which seeks to promote discussion about mental health, and support for those who are struggling.

[Read more about R U OK? Day: Am I okay?]

How can I support someone else's mental health?

This week (7-11 September) is Health Week at Adelaide Uni, and I've been reflecting on how to best support the people in my life who are facing mental health issues. 

[Read more about How can I support someone else's mental health? ]

How does the media we consume influence the way we think?

Have you wondered at the effect of media – be it a film, a TV show, the local newspaper, a podcast, or a book – on our internal states? On our ideas and behaviours? On the deep-seated decisions we make? 

[Read more about How does the media we consume influence the way we think?]

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