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Secure your filesThis page contains instructions on how to secure files that contain sensitive University information. These notes mainly apply to the University's main web server. If your page is hosted on, then you already have access to these methods. For other servers, please see your server administrator for the best way to secure your files. Don't rely on the IP address for securityIn the past it was common practice for people to base access restrictions on the IP address of the computer which was accessing the server. Typically, access to "University Only" documents would be allowed if the IP address matched the University's IP domain (129.127.*.*). Deciding access controls based on IP addresses is not good practice, as it is only testing the location of the computer, instead of the person using it and their relationship with the University. For example, someone could use library terminals to access sensitive University documents. Or a student at any of our University labs could have access to documents classified as "Staff Only". Using secure sub-sitesIf you want to have a folder or a sub-site that is secure within the University, please contact Online Media about setting this up for you. Using this method you can secure content to be visible to one of the following:
Passwording individual documentsIn some instances, if may be useful to put a password onto a specific document. This feature is built in to Microsoft word and pdf files. Secure Word documents with a password by doing the following:
To secure a pdf file with a password, do the following:
Note that once the file is saved with a password, it cannot be opened without the password so it is important to note the password for future reference. Alternative locations for restricted documentsIf the documents you are putting up should be limited to students studying a particular course, consider using MyUni instead. If you have any queries about page security, please email the Online Media Unit.