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Tasting Australia Masterclass - from the reef

First Nations foods are increasingly gaining popularity in the mainstream and are rapidly being adopted into our diets. These plants and animals represent a plethora of foods that are pre-adapted to our environmental landscape and have been sustaining life in the Torres Strait for thousands of years. Yet it is only in recent years that these foods have been more widely adopted and integrated into modern First Nations cuisine.

[Read more about Tasting Australia Masterclass - from the reef]

'Dingo DNA to Sheep Smarts' at Pint of Science Australia

Join EI member, Dr Yassine Souilmi, as he unravels the history of dingos through ancient dingo DNA, followed by Dr Danila Marini as she reveals the truth behind how clever sheep are!

[Read more about 'Dingo DNA to Sheep Smarts' at Pint of Science Australia]

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