Illuminate Adelaide

Each year during the depths of winter, Illuminate Adelaide celebrates that idea by bringing together the best and boldest in art, music, technology and invention from around Australia and the world, and sets them loose across the city and the state.

Running from 28 June to 30 July 2023, Illuminate Adelaide turned Adelaide’s streetscapes and iconic locations into a beacon. An invitation. A city-wide spectacle daring us to shake off the winter blues and rekindle a sense of wonder.

Illuminate Adelaide welcomed people from all walks of life to experience a program of free and ticketed events by local, national and international artists.

Explore Illuminate Adelaide

Official programming has ended.

The 2023 festival has ended but you can still visit the Illuminate Adelaide website.

Illuminate Adelaide

Image Credit: Moment Factory

Alumni in Illuminate Adelaide

Shining a light on South Australia for the month of July, Illuminate Adelaide hosts many alumni throughout its program. Join the excitement of this festival that welcomes people from all walks of life to experience free and ticketed events by local, national and international artists and companies.