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Waite 100: Black tie gala celebrates Waite campus as century-long engine of innovation

Waite 100

The University of Adelaide celebrates 100 years of scientific discovery in agriculture, food and wine during its 150th year.

[Read more about Waite 100: Black tie gala celebrates Waite campus as century-long engine of innovation]

Climate change impacts terrorist activity

Monsoon clouds over a mountain range in India credit Rabhimb Bardhan

Changing weather patterns induced by climate change are contributing to shifts in the location of terrorist activity, according to new research.

[Read more about Climate change impacts terrorist activity]

Exercise habits in youth create better health outcomes for some

Young girls playing soccer sport credit Joppe Spaa

Forming a long-term recreational exercise habit as a young person has a beneficial impact on physical and mental health later in life, but some groups, such as females and academic high-achievers, miss out on these benefits disproportionately.

[Read more about Exercise habits in youth create better health outcomes for some]

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