Finding Jobs and Opportunities
From internships to industry events; learn how to increase your employability and kick-start your career.
We have a range of information and services available to help you find opportunities and plan for your future. This support will assist you to stay self-motivated throughout your career, learn how to conduct your own research and create a career action plan.
CareerHub is free for University of Adelaide students. On this platform you will find jobs and internship opportunities, resources and guides, events and workshops and more. Access with your Student ID until 12 months post-graduation.
Internships, vacation programs and practical experience
Internships, vacation programs and practical experience
If you need to complete practical experience as part of your degree, or you are looking to gain experience throughout the year or in your summer break; internships are a great way to build skills. Check CareerHub frequently to stay ahead of new opportunities as they are advertised.
Grad Employment Bootcamp
Grad Employment Bootcamp
Are you thinking about graduate jobs? The Grad Employment Bootcamp is a great way to learn more about sourcing and applying for graduate opportunities. Over 5 weeks qualified Career Development Practitioners will lead you through job search techniques, branding and marketing tools and practical sessions to develop your interview skills. The sessions are tailored to final year students sourcing and applying for graduate opportunities but the content would also be relevant for students applying for work experience opportunities.
Part 1: Sourcing Graduate Jobs
The Sourcing Graduate Jobs seminar is Faculty specific, however, the job search techniques will be useful for all disciplines, and could also suit students looking for work experience. We will be looking at specific websites and alternative sources and techniques which could be utilised during the job-hunting process.
Part 2: Applications
The Applications seminar will guide you through the recruitment process and in particular, how to complete online applications and address selection criteria for Graduate Programs. This is for final year students applying for graduate jobs (any discipline). You will be guided through how to formulate your selection criteria responses, as well as how to best present yourself in online applications and learn about psychometric testing.
Part 3: Branding via LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a global network for professionals with more than 300 million members. It is the way that professionals connect, engage and access knowledge and career building resources. This session is an interactive, hands-on development session intended to maximise your LinkedIn profile. Please note: As this session will focus on developing your profile, please create an account for LinkedIn prior to attending the workshop (
Part 4: Interviews
The Interviews session is a practical session where you can practice answering typical interview questions.
Pre workshop preparation:
We have a huge number of videos, articles and tips on preparing for interviews available in our Career Skills platform (use your Uni ID and password to access them) and you can also review our Interview Guide (pdf) and/or Online Interview Module within CareerHub for more information. In these resources above you can learn about:
Types of interviews
Appropriate attire and behaviours for the interview
Interview techniques for answering questions
Learn about using the STAR Model - We will have a practice of this technique in the interview session so it is a good idea to think of some examples to use in the session.
Practice Session:
Booking into this event will allow you time to practice your interview techniques with other students from the Uni. We will:
practice introductions
flesh out and practice your answer to 'tell me about yourself'
develop and practice some behavioural questions using the STAR Model as a framework.
Part 5: Assessment Centre – practice session
This interactive workshop will simulate a real-life assessment centre which is often the final stage of the recruitment process. Students will receive oral feedback on their performance in the assessment centre tasks. The session will be 2.5 hours of practice - undertaking activities that simulate real assessment centre tasks. Students will be given verbal feedback on their performance in the assessment centre tasks.
Interested? Look out for communications from Career Services in February and keep an eye out for the events to be listed in CareerHub. Sessions traditionally run in the first half of Semester 1.
Graduate Jobs and Graduate Programs
Graduate jobs and Graduate programs
Graduate programs and entry-level positions can be sourced in many ways including online through job search engines, accessing the hidden job market, applying to companies directly and through CareerHub.
For students with disabilities, chronic illnesses, mental health conditions or who are neurodivergent (no documentation required), who are at any point of study and in any degree, and in the year (12 months) from completion of studies access the USEP employment support service.
To learn more about graduate programs and finding opportunities you can access online resources and guides, and stay updated, as opportunities are listed on CareerHub.
Casual, Part-time work and Volunteering
Casual, part-time work and volunteering
Getting an entry-point into the workforce and learning new skills as a volunteer are great ways to build your resume.
CareerHub lists degree-related part-time roles, the University of Adelaide has a campus casual roles register, YouX: Student employment has a casual jobs board and volunteering register and there are lots of other external sites.
Start thinking about ways to build your experience now.
More Job Resources
More Job Resources
Looking for more inspiration for your job hunting and career planning? Check out industry sites like GradConnection (including their new Jobs Guide) for company profiles, graduate jobs and more. In the Australian market, GradAustralia is also a go-to for job hunting and resources.
International Opportunities
International opportunities
GoinGlobal can help you prepare for an international career and we have made sure that all students have free access to the platform. The site provides you with employment resources including world-wide job opportunities, internship listings, industry profiles and country-specific career information.
Industry Events
Industry events
Meeting industry professionals in-person and building your network is a great way to prepare for your future. We arrange regular events and industry visits on and off campus where students can meet professionals. Industry events range from information sessions on careers within certain companies to hackathons and site visits.
Careers Expo
Careers Expo
Careers Expo is an annual event held in March that brings employers and industry. Stay tuned for more info on which companies will attend and how to prepare.
Resources and Guides
Resources and guides
Read articles written by industry professionals, interviews with recruiters, downloadable guides, profiles on recent graduates and more. All resources and guides span across a range of career and employability topics and are available for free on CareerHub.
Employability Website
Employability website
Our employability website is a useful information resource for students. Designed to help you find opportunities to develop your employability at the University, it highlights both curricular and extra-curricular experiences.
Advice for Chinese Students
Advice for Chinese students
The China Career Ready Plus (CCR+) Program is designed to assist students from China who are looking to build a successful career. This award-winning careers program provides expert support to Chinese students to help prepare for graduate jobs in Australia and China.
Employment Support for Students with a disability, mental health condition, chronic illness or who are neurodivergent
Disability employment support
The University Specialist Employment Partnership (USEP) is set up to help enrolled and recently graduated students with a disability, mental health condition, chronic illness or who are neurodivergent to gain graduate employment. This is a free, flexible and tailored disability employment service provided by an experienced consultant.