Study With Us

Work or study alongside our distinguished researchers, across diverse fields of evolutionary biology, environmental change and population genetics.

The Australian Centre for Ancient DNA provides opportunities for students and scientists to join its innovative and collaborative research programs.

  • Higher degree study

    Natural trap cave

    Image: Natural Trap Cave in Wyoming, USA. One of our field sites for collecting samples.

    ACAD has several postgraduate projects by research for students who meet the following criteria:

    • Have a 1st Class Honours or MSc degree and high undergraduate academic record in any of the following areas: evolution, genetics, microbial ecology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, palaeontology, archaeology, or anthropology.
    • Are highly motivated and enjoy independent and unusual research.
    • Have an interest in evolution and natural history.
    • Meet the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements.
    • Must be an Australian/NZ citizen or permanent Australian resident or in the case of international students, must apply for an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship. This award covers stipends (a living allowance) and in some cases tuition fee waivers.

    Closing date for applications is 31 August for International Students and 31st October for domestic students with minor application rounds throughout the year. Refer to further information below about application requirements.

    If you meet the above criteria and are interested in studying at ACAD, please submit your expression of interest in writing and include your CV by contacting the relevant supervisor.

  • Undergraduate summer scholarships

    Summer research scholarships offer real-world research experience to undergraduate students who will work alongside our scientists and research groups.

    These scholarships are traditionally held over the summer break (late November to February) for a period of 4-8 weeks depending on the scholarship funding. These projects can be a gateway into an honours year as they provide similar projects and learning opportunities that you may experience in an honours degree.

    How to apply - summer research scholarships

  • Work opportunities

    Most research positions at the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA are attached to grant funding, and currently positions are filled. 

    When positions become available they are posted on the University careers website. Please visit this page regularly for upcoming career opportunities.

    University careers website