Rental Accommodation

Private rental accommodation refers to domestic residential properties available for rent, or individual bedrooms in established households offered as share accommodation.
Private rental accommodation is the most affordable option in Adelaide but it can be the hardest to secure and difficult to settle into.
The University encourages students to consider choosing a University managed student accommodation option in their first year so they have time to settle into their study routine, to become familiar with private rental accommodation options in Adelaide and to get used to the public transport network before beginning their search for quality private rental accommodation.
Students have access to a wide range of online platforms to search for, and secure private rental accommodation but most of these are unregulated which means they are being provided outside of local government framework which exists to protect the interests of both the provider and tenant.
Students looking to find private rental accommodation (including share accommodation) are encouraged to:
- Inspect private rental accommodation options before making a financial commitment to secure the property or room. This will require students to book temporary accommodation for their arrival in Adelaide.
- Access the rental database to find regulated private rental accommodation options from providers who generally have some association with the University community.
- Only make commitments to private rental accommodation options that are underpinned by a written agreement and where receipts are issued for all payments, including security bonds.
Finding a private rental accommodation option, in a convenient location, sharing with people you are compatible with, offered by providers who are committed to your safety and wellbeing will require an investment in time.
Online and some social media platforms which promote flexible arrangements are likely to be unregulated and can be problematic.
The Accommodation Service is available to help students to make a well informed decision about accommodation prior to arriving in Adelaide.