Staff & Affiliates
Professor Andrew Skuse is Director of ACCRU and holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from University College London. His professional work focuses on how the poor interact with information resources and how these resources affect areas such as livelihoods, health, education, peace-building and social equity. Skuse has consulted widely on the role of C4D and ICTs in the developing world for numerous international development agencies, including ADB, AusAID, DFID, EU, GTZ and WHO. Skuse previously worked as a Social Development Adviser for the UK Department for International Development. (DFID) where he was responsible for the area of communications for development. His publications span both applied and academic fields and he has worked in many countries, including: Afghanistan, China, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, Pacific Region, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa and Sri Lanka.
Professor Michael Wilmore is Executive Dean in the Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University. His work has focused on the development of media in Nepal and South Asia more generally. He is particularly interested in the uses of media by indigenous and other minority groups in post-colonial contexts. His research also looks in particular at aspects of community media development, including cable television and radio, as well as how people are using various Internet and mobile media technologies in South Asia. More recently he has become involved in a number of research projects related to the use of media in health communication.
Dr. Dianne Rodger is a Lecturer at the University of Adelaide. Her doctoral thesis was a study of Hip Hop in Australia titled ‘Living Hip Hop: Defining Authenticity in the Adelaide and Melbourne Hip Hop Scenes'. She has held both teaching and research positions at the University of Adelaide, including a Research Assistant position on the jointly funded DFID (Department for International Development)/3ie/AusAID project titled ‘Communication for Development Interventions in Fragile States: A Systematic Review'. Most recently, she was appointed as a Senior Research Associate on a two year ARC Linkage project titled ‘Health-e Baby: Communication Innovation for Improved Neo-Natal Outcomes'. The study will explore the information needs and media uses of pregnant women who are cared for by staff at a major metropolitan hospital in South Australia.
Tait Brimacombe is a Research Associate at Latrobe University and holds a bachelor's and Honours degree (First Class) in Development Studies from the University of Adelaide. She is currently undertaking PhD research on the role of gender and communication for development in the context of the Pacific, with a specific focus on gender sensitive indicators and impact measurement. This work is being undertaken in conjunction with ABC International Development and focuses on the AusAID-funded Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS). Brimacombe has also worked in the area of social policy for Mission Australia and has coordinated the African Mothers Group in Adelaide for Lutheran Community Care.
Natalie Greenland is a Senior Project Officer at Uniting Communities and holds a PhD can anthropology from the University of Adelaide. Her doctoral research focuses on radio for development in Nepal and the mobilisation of young Nepalis in nation building efforts across Nepal. Natalie has been working in the community sector since 2011 with a focus on housing research, advocacy and policy for vulnerable groups of people and those living with disadvantage. Natalie's research interests include communication for development, youth, South Asia, radio listeners' clubs, social policy, housing and refugees and asylum seekers.