News: Conference
Honourable paper at CVPR 2015
Congratulations to TJ, Pulak, Anders and David. Their paper, Efficient Globally Optimal Consensus Maximisation with Tree Search, recently was awarded a Best Paper Honourable Mention at CVPR.
12 papers at CVPR 2015
The AIML (formerly ACVT) had 12 papers accepted to IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2015 (CVPR’15), one of the top 2 conferences in Computer Vision, which must be an Australian record.
Best Paper award for Prof Ian Reid at 3DV2014
Professor Ian Reid and colleagues from Oxford have been awarded the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on 3D Vision, held in Tokyo, Japan from 8-11 December 2014
[Read more about Best Paper award for Prof Ian Reid at 3DV2014]
PhD student wins Best Paper prize at ACCV 2014
Zhenhua Wang, a final year PhD student at ACVT (now AIML) has won the prestigious Best Paper prize at the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV14) in Singapore.
[Read more about PhD student wins Best Paper prize at ACCV 2014]
2013 review of the year
ACVT (now AIML) Director, Prof. Anton van den Hengel reviews the year just gone.
ICML Oral Presentation
Congratulations to Xi Li, Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen, and Anthony Dick on having had ‘Learning Hash Functions Using Column Generation’ accepted as an oral presentation to this year’s ICML.
10 papers accepted at CVPR 2013, including 2 oral presentations
Congratulations to the ACVT (now AIML) and research colleagues who have had 10 papers accepted at this year’s CVPR conference, to be held in Portland, USA in June 2013.
[Read more about 10 papers accepted at CVPR 2013, including 2 oral presentations]
DICTA Best Recognition Paper Award
The Canon “Best Recognition Paper” Prize was awarded by Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA) toVisual Distance Measures for Object Retrieval.
Spotlight Paper for the latest issue of IEEE PAMI
Our paper has just been announced as the Spotlight Paper for the September 2012 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
[Read more about Spotlight Paper for the latest issue of IEEE PAMI]
4 CVPR papers accepted
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition is one of the top 2 in the field and had an acceptance rate this year of 24%. 4 papers accepted is a great result for the group.