
people in meeting room looking at a large screen with computer code

We support a cohort of around 75 PhD and master degree students, supervised by our senior researchers and academics. 

AIML students undertake research across all areas of machine learning.  

Student Program AIML supervisor
Abdul Mohsi Jawaid MPhil Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Andrew Du PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Anh Vu Nguyen PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Ankush Arudkar PhD Professor Mark Jenkinson
Arpit Garg PhD Professor Gustavo Carneiro
Bahram Mohammadi PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Boris Repasky PhD Associate Professor Anthony Dick
Cameron Gordon PhD Professor Simon Lucey
Chaohan Wang PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Chong Wang PhD Professor Gustavo Carneiro
Choubo Ding PhD Professor Chunhua Shen
Ethan Elms MPhil Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Fengyi (Frances) Yang PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Gaëlic Bechu PhD Dr Ehsan Abbasnejad
Gengze Zhou PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Georgia Kenyon PhD Professor Mark Jenkinson
Guoliang (Greg) Min PhD Professor Ian Reid
Haiyao Cao PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Huy Anh Nguyen PhD Professor Minh Hoai Nguyen
Ignacio Meza de La Jara PhD Dr Ehsan Abbasnejad
James Bockman PhD Professor Chunhua Shen
Jian Zhou MPhil Associate Professor Qi Wu
Jianqiao Zheng PhD Professor Simon Lucey
Jinchao Ge PhD Professor Chunhua Shen
Jordan Cooper Vihermaki PhD Professor Lyle Palmer
Lachlan Holden PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Lana Tikhomirov PhD Associate Professor Carolyn Semmler
Luke Whitbread PhD Professor Mark Jenkinson
Matthew Howe PhD Professor Ian Reid
Mohamed Khalil Jabri PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Nadhir Hassen PhD Associate Professor Johan Verjans
Qiaoyang Luo PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
Qing Zhong PhD Professor Chunhua Shen
Raphaël Lafargue PhD Professor Ian Reid
Ryan James Faulkner PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Samya Bagchi PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Sebastian Cocks MPhil Dr Feras Dayoub
Seyedeh Mahdieh Mirmahdi PhD Dr Ehsan Abbasnejad
Shuai Fu PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Sofia McLeod PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Weian (Wayne) Mao PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
William Meakin PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Xia Jiatong MPhil Dr Lingqiao Liu
Xiaoyi Wang PhD Professor Lyle Palmer
Xuan Ren PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
Xueqian Li PhD Professor Simon Lucey
Yongtao Ge PhD Professor Chunhua Shen
Yuan Zhang PhD Professor Gustavo Carneiro
Yuanhong Chen PhD Professor Gustavo Carneiro
Yuhao Lin PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Yuyuan Liu PhD Professor Gustavo Carneiro
Ziqin (Quinn) Zhou PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
Christopher Fusco MPhil Professor Simon Lucey
Madeleine Cochrane PhD Associate Professor Johan Verjans
Xiangyu Shi MPhil Dr Feras Dayoub
Harrison (Harry) Bennett PhD Dr Feras Dayoub
Alix Bird PhD Professor Lyle Palmer
Luke Smith PhD Professor Lyle Palmer
Minyan Zeng PhD Professor Mark Jenkinson
Luke Heffernan PhD Associate Professor Johan Verjans
Adam Bethell PhD Professor Ian Reid
Townim Chowdhury PhD Associate Professor Johan Verjans
Tam Nguyen PhD Professor Tat-Jun Chin
Zheng Yu PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Feng Chen PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Hamed Damirchi PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Wenbo Zhang PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
Chun-Jung Lin PhD Dr Feras Dayoub
Zicheng Duan PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
Harrison Inglis PhD Dr Feras Dayoub
Tianjiao Jiang PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Yichao Cai PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Yiping Ji PhD Professor Simon Lucey
Ankit Yadav PhD Dr Lingqiao Liu
Guangyuan Yang PhD Professor Javen Shi
Yanyan Shao PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Yunxiang Liu PhD Associate Professor Johan Verjans
Sinuo Wang PhD Associate Professor Qi Wu
Jiaxin Wang PhD Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi
Huy Ta PhD Dr Zhibin Liao
Lokesha Rasanjalee PhD Professor Mark Jenkinson
Nanyu Dong PhD Associate Professor Johan Verjans
Zerui Li MPhil Associate Professor Qi Wu
Dustin Craggs MPhil Dr Feras Dayoub