
Our publications by year

Feature publication

Australia's AI Imperative: The economic impact of artificial intelligence and what’s needed to further its growth. 

Greater utilisation of artificial intelligence (AI) in key Australian industries will lead to a short-term boost in GDP of more than $200 billion per year and the creation of an additional 150,000 jobs from 2023-2030. These are the findings of Professor John Mangan, an emeritus professor of economics at The University of Queensland, in a comprehensive report on the current state of AI in Australia and the steps the country must take in order to ensure that it is a full partner in the AI economy.  

Academic publications

Abou-Chakra, J., Dayoub, F., Sünderhauf, N. ParticleNeRF: A Particle-Based Encoding for Online Neural Radiance Fields. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Brady, A., Allen, B., Chong, J., Kotter, E., Kottler, N., Mongan, J., Oakden-Rayner, L., Pinto Dos Santos, D., Tang, A., Wald, C.,  Slavotinek, J. Developing, purchasing, implementing and monitoring AI tools in radiology: practical considerations. A multi-society statement from the ACR, CAR, ESR, RANZCR & RSNACanadian Association of Radiologists Journal Volume 75 Issue 2

Chapman, N., Dayoub, F., Browne, W., Lehnert, C. Enhancing Embodied Object Detection through Language-Image Pre-training and Implicit Object Memory.

Chodosh, N., Ramanan, D., Lucey, S. Re-Evaluating LiDAR Scene Flow. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Dinsdale, N., Jenkinson, M., Namburete, A. UniFed: A unified deep learning framework for segmentation of partially labelled, distributed neuroimaging data. bioRxiv 

Doan, A., Nguyen, B., Gupta, S., Reid, I., Wagner, M., Chin, T. Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in object detectionComputer Vision and Image Understanding Volume 238

Dölker, E., Lau, S., Bernhard, M., Haueisen, J. Perception of amplitude, pulse intervals, and location of electrocutaneous stimulation.

Dorraki, M., Sengupta, P., Verjans, J. Artificial intelligence in echocardiography. Intelligence-Based Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Lafargue, R., Bendou, Y., Pasdeloup, B., Diguet, J., Reid, I., Gripon, V., Valmadre, J. Few and Fewer: Learning Better from Few Examples Using Fewer Base Classes.

Liao, A., Van den Hengel, A., Verjans, J. Medical visual question answeringIntelligence-Based Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Liao, Z., Hu, S., Xie, Y., Xia, Y. Modelling annotator preference and stochastic annotation error for medical image segmentationMedical Image Analysis Volume 92

Lin, L., Jones, T., Yang, T.,  Li, X., Wu, C., Xiao, Z., Li, H., Li, J., Qian, J., Lin, L., Shi, J., Stranks, S., Wilson, G., Wang, X. Hydrogen bonding in perovskite solar cellsMatter Volume 7, Issue 1

Liu, L., Wang, Z., Phan, M., Zhang, B., Ge, J., Liu, Y. BPKD: Boundary Privileged Knowledge Distillation For Semantic Segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Mallick, P., Dayoub, F., Sherrah, J. Wasserstein Distance-based Expansion of Low-Density Latent Regions for Unknown Class Detection.

Saad, F., Farook, T., Ahmed, S., Zhao, Y., Liao, Z., Verjans, J., Dudley, J. Facial and mandibular landmark tracking with habitual head posture estimation using linear and fiducial markersHealthcare Technology Letters Volume 11, Issue 1

Saratchandran, H., Chng, S., Lucey, S. Analyzing the Neural Tangent Kernel of Periodically Activated Coordinate Networks.

Saratchandran, H., Chng, S., Lucey, S. Architectural Strategies for the optimization of Physics-Informed Neural Networks.

Saratchandran, H., Ramasinghe, S., Shevchenko, V., Long, A., Lucey, S. A Sampling Theory Perspective on Activations for Implicit Neural Representations.

Shu, Y., Cao, X., Chen, Q., Zhang, B., Zhou, A., Van den Hengel, A., Liu, L. Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Hypothesis Consolidation of Prediction Rationale.

Silva, A., Moskvyak, O., Long, A., Garg, R., Gould, S., Avraham, G., Van Den Hengel, A. LipAT: Beyond style transfer for controllable neural simulation of Lipstick using cosmetic attributes. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Tian, Y., Zorron,L., Pu, C., Liu, Y., Maicas, G., Verjans, J., Burt, A., Shin, S., Singh, R., Carneiro, G. Detecting, localizing and classifying polyps from colonoscopy videos using deep learningDeep Learning for Medical Image Analysis pages 425-450

Wang, L., Zheng, Y., Jin, D., Li, F., Qiao, Y., Pan, S. Contrastive Graph Similarity NetworksACM Transactions on the Web Volume 18, Issue 2

Wang, X., Zhuang, B., Wu, Q. ModaVerse: Efficiently Transforming Modalities with LLMs. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 

Wu, R., Wang, H., Dayoub, F., Chen, H. Segment Beyond View: Handling Partially Missing Modality for Audio-Visual Semantic Segmentation. AAAI Conference on artificial intelligence

Xie, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, L., Wang, H., Ye, Y., Verjans, J., Xia, Y. ReFs: A hybrid pre-training paradigm for 3D medical image segmentationMedical Image Analysis Volume 91

Yuan, D., Maire, R., Dayoub, F. Cross-Attention Between Satellite and Ground Views for Enhanced Fine-Grained Robot Geo-Localization. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Yuan, J., Phan, M., Liu, L., Liu, Y. FAKD: Feature Augmented Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Zhang, S., Deng, J., Bai, L., Li, H., Ouyang, W., Zhang, Y. HVDistill: Transferring Knowledge from Images to Point Clouds via Unsupervised Hybrid-View DistillationInternational Journal of Computer Vision

Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Deng, J., Zhang, Y. BEV-radar: bidirectional radar-camera fusion for 3D object detectionJUSTC Volume 54, Issue 1

Zheng, J., Li, X., Lucey, S. Convolutional Initialization for Data-Efficient Vision Transformers

Feature publication

Responsible AI – your questions answered: This collection of short papers developed by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) offers an insight into the world of responsible artificial intelligence and the opportunities this presents to Australia.

AIML Annual Report 2023

2023 Annual Report

Now in its sixth year, AIML has solidified the University of Adelaide’s position as a global leader in AI, advancing research excellence and innovation.


Academic publications

Abbasnejad, I., Zambetta, F., Salim, F., Wiley, T., Chan, J., Gallagher, R., Abbasnejad, E., SCONE-GAN: Semantic Contrastive learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for an end-to-end image translation. 2023 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)

Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Song, Y., Shan, Y., Liu, L. Improved Test-Time Adaptation for Domain Generalization. CVPR 2023

Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Song, Y., Shan, Y., Liu, L., Improved Test-Time Adaptation for Domain Generalization. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

Cong, G., Li, L., Qi, Y., Zha, Z., Wu, Q., Wang, W., Jiang, B., Yang, M., Huang, QLearning To Dub Movies via Hierarchical Prosody Models.  2023 CVPR Poster Session 

Cordeiro, F., Sachdeva, R., Belagiannis, V., Reid, I., Carneiro, G. Longremix: Robust learning with high confidence samples in a noisy label environmentPattern recognition Volume 133

Deng, J., Yang, Z., Liu, D., Chen, T., Zhou, W., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Ouyang, W. Transvg++: End-to-end visual grounding with language conditioned vision transformer. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) 

Garg, A., Nguyen, C., Felix, R., Do, T., Carneiro, G. Instance-Dependent Noisy Label Learning via Graphical Modelling. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Herath, S., Fernando, B., Abbasnejad, E., Hayat, M., Khadivi, S., Harandi, M., Rezatofighi, H., Haffari, G. Energy-based Self-Training and Normalization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. (PDF attachment)

Kalwar,S., Patel, D., Aanegola, A., Konda, K., Garg, S., Krishna, K. GDIP: gated differentiable image processing for object detection in adverse conditions. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  

Ke, L., Ye, M., Danelljan, M., Tai, Y., Tang, C., Yu, F. Segment Anything in High QualityAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Volume 36

Li, H., Jiang, Y., Li, X., Davey, K., Zheng, Y., Jiao, Y., Qiao, S. C2+ Selectivity for CO2 Electroreduction on Oxidized Cu-Based CatalystsJournal of the American Chemical Society Volume 145

Lin, Z., Zhang, D., Tao, Q., Shi, D., Haffari, G., Wu, Q., He, M., Ge, Z. Medical visual question answering: A survey.  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Volume 143

McCradden, M., Odusi, O., Joshi, S., Akrout, I., Ndlovu, K., Glocker, B., Maicas, G., Liu, X., Mazwi, M., Garnett, T., Oakden-Rayner, L., Alfred, M., Sihlahla, I., Shafei, O., Goldenberg, A. What's fair is… fair? Presenting JustEFAB, an ethical framework for operationalizing medical ethics and social justice in the integration of clinical machine learning. JustEFAB. FAccT '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

McDonnell, M., Gong, D., Parveneh, A., Abbasnejad, E., van den Hengel, A. RanPAC: Random Projections and Pre-trained Models for Continual Learning. 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) Dec 2023

Merkin, A., Sghirripa, S., Graetz, L., Smith, A., Hordacre, B., Harris, R., Pitcher, J., Semmler, J., Rogasch, N., Goldsworthy, M. Do age-related differences in aperiodic neural activity explain differences in resting EEG alpha? Neurobiology of Aging Volume 121

Nassar, I., Hayat, M., Abbasnejad, E., Rezatofighi, H., Haffari, G. ProtoCon: Pseudo-label Refinement via Online Clustering and Prototypical Consistency for Efficient Semi-supervised Learning. Published in 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Park, T., Märtens, M., Jawaid, M., Wang, Z., Chen, B., Chin, T., Izzo, D., D’Amico, S. Satellite pose estimation competition 2021: Results and analysesActa Astronautica Volume 204

Qiao, Y., Guo, Y., He, D. Cattle body detection based on YOLOv5-ASFF for precision livestock farming. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 204

Qiao, Y., Qi, Y., Hong, Y., Yu, Z., Wang, P., Wu, Q. HOP+: History-enhanced and Order-aware Pre-training for Vision-and-Language NavigationIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Volume 45

Qiao, Y., Yu, Z., Wu, Q., Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation. Accepted by International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023

Ramasinghe, S., Lucey, S. A learnable radial basis positional embedding for coordinate-MLPs. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 

Rana, K., Haviland, J., Garg, S., Abou-Chakra, J., Reid, I., Suenderhauf, N. Sayplan: Grounding large language models using 3d scene graphs for scalable task planning

Sachdeva, R., Cordeiro, F., Belagiannis, V., Reid, I., Carneiro, G. ScanMix: learning from severe label noise via semantic clustering and semi-supervised learningPattern recognition Volume 134

Saratchandran, H., Chng, S., Ramasinghe, S., MacDonald, L., Lucey, S. Curvature-Aware Training for Coordinate Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision

Schubert, S., Neubert, P., Garg, S., Milford, M., Fischer, T. Visual Place Recognition: A TutorialIEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) 

Shu, Y., van den Hengel, A., Liu, L. Learning Common Rationale To Improve Self-Supervised Representation for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition Problems.  CVPR 2023

Smith, L., Oakden-Rayner, L., Bird, A., Zeng, M., To, M., Mukherjee, S., Palmer, L., Machine learning and deep learning predictive models for long-term prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysisLancet Digital Health (2023/12)

Sun, L., Bian, J., Zhan, H., Yin, W., Reid, I., Shen, C. Sc-depthv3: Robust self-supervised monocular depth estimation for dynamic scenesIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  

Suo, W., Sun M., Liu, W., Gao, Y., Wang P., Zhang, Y., Wu, Q. S3C: Semi-Supervised VQA Natural Language Explanation via Self-Critical Learning. CVPR 2023

Teney, D., Abbasnejad, E., Lin, Y., Oh, S., ID and OOD Performance Are Sometimes Inversely Correlated on Real-world Datasets. 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)

Tian, Y., Liu, F., Pang, G., Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Verjans, J., Singh, R., Carneiro, G. Self-supervised pseudo multi-class pre-training for unsupervised anomaly detection and segmentation in medical imagesMedical image analysis Volume 90

Tian, Y., Pang, G., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Chen, Y., Liu, F., Singh, R., Verjans, J., Wang, M., Carneiro, G. Unsupervised anomaly detection in medical images with a memory-augmented multi-level cross-attentional masked autoencoderInternational Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Springer Nature Switzerland 

Wang, C., MacDonald, L., Jeni, L., Lucey, S. Flow Supervision for Deformable NeRF. CVPR 2023 Poster Session

Wang, H., Chen, Y., Ma, C., Avery, J., Hull, L., Carneiro, G. Multi-Modal Learning With Missing Modality via Shared-Specific Feature Modelling. 2023 CVPR Poster

Wang, Q., Liu, L., Jing, C., Chen, H., Liang, G.,  Wang, P., Shen, C. Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning. 2023 CVPR Poster

Wang, Q., Liu, L., Jing, C., Chen, H., Liang, G., Wang, P., Shen, C. Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning. 2023 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Wang, S., Zhao, X., Xu, H., Chen, Z., Yu, D., Chang, J., Yang, Z., Zhao, F. Towards Domain Generalization for Multi-View 3D Object Detection in Bird-Eye-View. 2023 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Wang, W., Liu, L., Wang, L., Zhou, L. Radiology Report Generation by Transformer With Multiple Learnable Expert Tokens.  2023 CVPR 

Wang, X., Wang, W., Cao, Y., Shen, C., Huang, T. Images Speak in Images: A Generalist Painter for In-Context Visual Learning. 2023 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Wang, Y., Deng, J., Li, Y., Hu, J., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Ji., Ouyang, W., Zhang, Y. Bi-LRFusion: Bi-Directional LiDAR-Radar Fusion for 3D Dynamic Object Detection. 2023 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Wang, Z., Liu, L., Wang, L., Zhou, L. METransformer: Radiology Report Generation by Transformer with Multiple Learnable Expert Tokens. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 

Wilson, S., Fischer, T., Sünderhauf, N., Dayoub, F. Hyperdimensional feature fusion for out-of-distribution detection. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 

Yan, Q., Liu, S., Xu, S., Dong, C., Li, Z., Shi, J., Zhang, Y., Dai, D. 3D Medical image segmentation using parallel transformersPattern Recognition Volume 138

Zeng, Q., Xie, Y., Lu, Z., Xia, Y., PEFAT: Boosting Semi-Supervised Medical Image Classification via Pseudo-Loss Estimation and Feature Adversarial Training. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023

Zhang, C., Li, G., Qi, Y., Wang, S., Qing, L., Huang, Q., Yang, M. Exploiting Completeness and Uncertainty of Pseudo Labels for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection. 2023 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Zhang, J., Cherian, A., Liu, Y., Ben-Shabat, Y., Rodriguez, C., Gould, S. Aligning Step-by-Step Instructional Diagrams to Video Demonstrations

Zhou, G., Hong, Y., Wu, Q. NavGPT: Explicit Reasoning in Vision-and-Language Navigation with Large Language Models. (26/5/2023)

Zhou, Z., Lei, Y., Zhang, B., Liu, L., Liu, Y., ZegCLIP: Towards Adapting CLIP for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

Zhu, T., Ferenczi, B., Purkait, P., Drummond, T., Rezatofighi, H., van den Hengel, A. Knowledge Combination To Learn Rotated Detection Without Rotated Annotation. CVPR 2023

Feature publication

Artificial intelligence – your questions answered: edited by Dr Kathy Nicholson and Adam Slonim. This collection of short papers developed by the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) offers a refreshing primer into the world of artificial intelligence and the opportunities and risks this technology presents to Australia. 

AIML annual report cover, shows young woman with ipad, with screen of computer code behind her

2022 Annual Report

With AIML now in its fifth year, the University of Adelaide has firmly established itself as an international leader in AI.


Academic publications 

Doan, A., Sasdelli, M., Suter, D., Chin, T. A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithm for Robust Fitting. 2022 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Howe, M., Repasky, B., Payne, T., Effective Utilisation of Multiple Open-Source Datasets to Improve Generalisation Performance of Point Cloud Segmentation Models.  Accepted into The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) 2022

Liao, Z., Liao, K., Shen, H., Van Boxel, M., Prijs, J., Jaarsma, R., Doornberg, J., Van den Hengel, A., Verjans, J. CNN Attention Guidance for Improved Orthopedics Radiographic Fracture Classification. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(7), 3139-3150

Liu, X., Glocker, B., McCradden, M., Ghassemi, M., Denniston, A., Oakden-Rayner, L. The Medical Algorithmic AuditThe Lancet Digital Health, 4(5), 2022

Parvaneh, A., Abbasnejad,E., Teney, D., Haffari, R., van den Hengel, A., Shi, J. Active Learning by Feature Mixing. 2022 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Qiao, Y., Qi, Y., Hong, Y., Yu, Z., Wang, P., Wu, Q. HOP: History-and-Order Aware Pre-training for Vision-and-Language Navigation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022

Ramasinghe, S., Lucey, S. Beyond Periodicity. Towards a Unifying Framework for Activations in Coordinate. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022

Shevchenko, V., Abbasnejad, E., Dick, A., van den Hengel, A., Teney, D. EBMs vs. CL: Exploring Self-Supervised Visual Pretraining for Visual Question Answering.

Shu, Y., Yu, B., Xu, H., Liu, L. Improving Fine-grained Visual Recognition in Low Data Regimes via Self-boosting Attention Mechanism. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022

Valmadre, J. Hierarchical classification at multiple operating points. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022

Zhang, B., Tian,Z., Tang, Q., Chu, X., Wei, X., Shen, C., Liu, Y. SegViT: Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022

Zhuang, B., Shen, C., Tan, M., Chen, P., Liu, L., Reid, I. Structured Binary Neural Networks for Image Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 130 (9), 2081-2102 (IJCV)

annual report cover

2021 Annual Report

Throughout 2021, AIML members delivered impressive achievements in both fundamental and applied machine learning science.


Academic publications

Abedin, A., M. Ehsanpour, Q. Shi, H. Rezatofighi, and D. C. Ranasinghe. Attend and Discriminate: Beyond the State-of-the-Art for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors. 10.1145/3448083. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 5, no. 1 (2021): 1-22.

Anderson, L., H. Thomas, and A. Van Den Hengel. Laurie Anderson, Norton Lecture, Spending the War without You, Rocks. Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, (2021).

Anderson, L., A. Van Den Hengel, J. Sherrah, and B. Ward. Ai Bible (Working Title). Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC: LAURIE ANDERSON, (2021).

Ang, T. L., and G. Carneiro. Artificial Intelligence in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 10.1111/jgh.15344. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia) 36, no. 1 (2021): 5-6.

Banach, A., M. Strydom, A. Jaiprakash, G. Carneiro, A. Eriksson, R. Crawford, and A. McFadyen. Visual Localisation for Knee Arthroscopy. 10.1007/s11548-021-02444-8. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (2021).

Bedrikovetski, S., N. N. Dudi-Venkata, H. M. Kroon, W. Seow, R. Vather, G. Carneiro, J. W. Moore, and T. Sammour. Artificial Intelligence for Pre-Operative Lymph Node Staging in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 10.1186/s12885-021-08773-w. BMC Cancer 21, no. 1 (2021/12/01/ 2021).

Bedrikovetski, S., N. N. Dudi-Venkata, G. Maicas, H. M. Kroon, W. Seow, G. Carneiro, J. W. Moore, and T. Sammour. Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastases in Patients with Abdominopelvic Malignancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 10.1016/j.artmed.2021.102022. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 113, no. ARTN 102022 (2021): 102022-1-22-11.

Bian, J. W., H. Zhan, N. Wang, Z. Li, L. Zhang, C. Shen, M. M. Cheng, and I. Reid. Unsupervised Scale-Consistent Depth Learning from Video. 10.1007/s11263-021-01484-6. International Journal of Computer Vision (2021/01/).

Bordin, V., I. Bertani, I. Mattioli, V. Sundaresan, P. McCarthy, S. Suri, E. Zsoldos, et al. Integrating Large-Scale Neuroimaging Research Datasets: Harmonisation of White Matter Hyperintensity Measurements across Whitehall and UK Biobank Datasets. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118189. NeuroImage 237, no. 118189 (2021/08/15): 118189.

Boyd, C., G. Brown, T. Kleinig, J. Dawson, M. D. McDonnell, M. Jenkinson, and E. Bezak. Machine Learning Quantitation of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease: A Systematic Review of Clinical Applications. 10.3390/diagnostics11030551. Diagnostics 11, no. 3 (2021): 1-23.

Chin, T. J., D. Suter, S. F. Ch’ng, and J. Quach. Quantum Robust Fitting. 10.1007/978-3-030-69525-5_29. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 12622 LNCS (2021/01): 485-99.

Chojnacki, W. A Note on Crossed Products. 10.1016/j.exmath.2019.08.001. Expositiones Mathematicae 39, no. 1 (2021):115-28.

Dai, Y., H. Lu, and C. Shen. Towards Light-Weight Portrait Matting Via Parameter Sharing. 10.1111/cgf.14179. Computer Graphics Forum 40, no. 1 (2021/02): 151-64.

Dancette, C., R. Cadène, D. Teney, and M. Cord. Beyond Question-Based Biases: Assessing Multimodal Shortcut Learning in Visual Question Answering. CoRR abs/2104.03149 (2021).

David, R., R. J. D. Menezes, J. De Klerk, I. R. Castleden, C. M. Hooper, G. Carneiro, and M. Gilliham. Identifying Protein Subcellular Localisation in Scientific Literature Using Bidirectional Deep Recurrent Neural Network. 10.1038/s41598-020-80441-8. Scientific Reports 11, no. 1 (2021): 1-11.

Dendorfer, P., A. Os̆ep, A. Milan, K. Schindler, D. Cremers, I. Reid, S. Roth, and L. Leal-Taixé. Motchallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking. 10.1007/s11263-020-01393-0. International Journal of Computer Vision 129, no. 4 (2021/04/ ): 845-81.

Dinsdale, N. K., E. Bluemke, S. M. Smith, Z. Arya, D. Vidaurre, M. Jenkinson, and A. I. L. Namburete. Learning Patterns of the Ageing Brain in MRI Using Deep Convolutional Networks. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117401. NeuroImage 224, no. 117401 (2021): 1-16.

Dinsdale, N. K., M. Jenkinson, and A. I. L. Namburete. Deep Learning-Based Unlearning of Dataset Bias for MRI Harmonisation and Confound Removal. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117689. NeuroImage 228, no. 117689 (2021): 1-16.

Doan, A. D., Y. Latif, T. J. Chin, Y. Liu, S. F. Ch’ng, T. T. Do, and I. Reid. Visual Localization under Appearance Change: Filtering Approaches. 10.1007/s00521-020-05339-y. Neural Computing and Applications 33, no. 13 (2021/07): 7325-38.

Doan, A. D., Y. Latif, T. J. Chin, and I. Reid. Hm⁴: Hidden Markov Model with Memory Management for Visual Place Recognition. 10.1109/lra.2020.3036615. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6, no. 1 (2021): 167-74.

Dong, G., Y. Yan, C. Shen, and H. Wang. Real-Time High-Performance Semantic Image Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes. 10.1109/tits.2020.2980426. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22, no. 6 (2021): 3258-74.

Eriksson, A., C. Olsson, F. Kahl, and T. J. Chin. Rotation Averaging with the Chordal Distance: Global Minimizers and Strong Duality. 10.1109/TPAMI.2019.2930051. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43, no. 1 (2021/01): 256-68.

Fouladzadeh, A., M. Dorraki, K. K. M. Min, M. P. Cockshell, E. J. Thompson, J. W. Verjans, A. Allison, C. S. Bonder, and D. Abbott. The Development of Tumour Vascular Networks. 10.1038/s42003-021-02632-x. Communications Biology 4, no. 1 (2021/12/).

Ghassemzadeh, S., M. Gonzalez Perdomo, M. Haghighi, and E. Abbasnejad. A Data-Driven Reservoir Simulation for Natural Gas Reservoirs. 10.1007/s00521-021-05886-y. Neural Computing and Applications (2021/01).

Hajdu, T., L. Anderson, A. Van Den Hengel, J. Sherrah, and B. Ward. Untitled Work. Charles Eliot Norton Lectures. Harvard University: Harvard University, (2021).

Hajdu, T., A. Van Den Hengel, J. Sherrah, P. Dalby, and J. Verjans. Adelaide Festival of Ideas: Art of Artificial Intelligence. In Elder Hall Adelaide: (2021).

Hermoza, R., G. Maicas, J. C. Nascimento, and G. Carneiro. Post-Hoc Overall Survival Time Prediction from Brain MRI. 10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9433877. Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2021-April (2021/04): 1476-80.

Hirschfeld, C. B., L. J. Shaw, M. C. Williams, R. Lahey, T. C. Villines, S. Dorbala, A. D. Choi, et al. Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Testing in the United States Versus the Rest of the World. 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.03.007. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 14, no. 9 (2021/09): 1787-99.

Hordacre, B., M. Lotze, M. Jenkinson, A. Lazari, C. D. Barras, L. Boyd, and S. Hillier. Fronto-Parietal Involvement in Chronic Stroke Motor Performance When Corticospinal Tract Integrity Is Compromised. 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102558. NeuroImage: Clinical 29, no. 102558 (2021): 1-11.

Hu, Y., Z. Zhang, Y. Yao, X. Huyan, X. Zhou, and W. S. Lee. A Bidirectional Graph Neural Network for Travelling Salesman Problems on Arbitrary Symmetric Graphs. 10.1016/j.engappai.2020.104061. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 97, no. 104061 (2021/01): 104061-61.

Juryńczyk, M., E. Klimiec-Moskal, Y. Kong, S. Hurley, S. Messina, T. Yeo, M. Jenkinson, M. I. Leite, and J. Palace. Elucidating Distinct Clinico-Radiologic Signatures in the Borderland between Neuromyelitis Optica and Multiple Sclerosis. 10.1007/s00415-021-10619-1. Journal of Neurology (2021/01).

Kang, L., J. Liu, L. Liu, Z. Zhou, and D. Ye. Semi-Supervised Emotion Recognition in Textual Conversation Via a Context-Augmented Auxiliary Training Task. 10.1016/j.ipm.2021.102717. Information Processing and Management 58, no. 6 (2021/11): 1-13. 

Kong, C., and S. Lucey. Deep Non-Rigid Structure from Motion with Missing Data. 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2997026. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43, no. 12 (2021): 4365-77.

Kuang, B., G. Pena, Z. Szpak, S. Edwards, R. Battersby, P. Cowled, J. Dawson, and R. Fitridge. Assessment of a Smartphone-Based Application for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Measurement. 10.1111/wrr.12905. Wound Repair and Regeneration 29, no. 3 (2021): 460-65.

Lassance, C., Y. Latif, R. Garg, V. Gripon, and I. Reid. Improved Visual Localization Via Graph Filtering. 10.3390/jimaging7020020. Journal of Imaging 7, no. 2 (2021/02): 20-20.

Le, H., T. J. Chin, A. Eriksson, T. T. Do, and D. Suter. Deterministic Approximate Methods for Maximum Consensus Robust Fitting. 10.1109/TPAMI.2019.2939307. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43, no. 3 (2021): 842-57.

Lei, Y., Y. Liu, P. Zhang, and L. Liu. Towards Using Count-Level Weak Supervision for Crowd Counting. 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107616. Pattern Recognition 109, no. ARTN 107616 (2021): 1-13.

Li, J., N. J. Montarello, A. Hoogendoorn, J. W. Verjans, C. A. Bursill, K. Peter, S. J. Nicholls, R. A. McLaughlin, and P. J. Psaltis. Multimodality Intravascular Imaging of High-Risk Coronary Plaque. 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.03.028. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging (2021/01).

Li, K., H. Rezatofighi, and I. Reid. Moltr: Multiple Object Localization, Tracking and Reconstruction from Monocular Rgb Videos. 10.1109/LRA.2021.3061080. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6, no. 2 (2021/04): 3341-48.

Liu, Y., T. He, H. Chen, X. Wang, C. Luo, S. Zhang, C. Shen, and L. Jin. Exploring the Capacity of an Orderless Box Discretization Network for Multi-Orientation Scene Text Detection. 10.1007/s11263-021-01459-7. International Journal of Computer Vision 129, no. 6 (2021/06): 1972-92.

Liu, Y., C. Shen, L. Jin, T. He, P. Chen, C. Liu, and H. Chen. Abcnet V2: Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network for Real-Time End-to-End Text Spotting. 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3107437. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  (2021/01): 1-1.

Lu, W., D. Gong, K. Fu, X. Sun, W. Diao, and L. Liu. Boundarymix: Generating Pseudo-Training Images for Improving Segmentation with Scribble Annotations. 10.1016/j.patcog.2021.107924. Pattern Recognition 117, no. ARTN 107924 (2021/09).

Luo, C., Q. Lin, Y. Liu, L. Jin, and C. Shen. Separating Content from Style Using Adversarial Learning for Recognizing Text in the Wild. 10.1007/s11263-020-01411-1. International Journal of Computer Vision 129, no. 4 (2021/04): 960-76.

Luong, C., Z. Liao, A. Abdi, H. Girgis, R. Rohling, K. Gin, J. Jue, et al. Automated Estimation of Echocardiogram Image Quality in Hospitalized Patients. 10.1007/s10554-020-01981-8. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 37, no. 1 (2021): 229-39.

MacDonald, L. E. Hierarchies of Holonomy Groupoids for Foliated Bundles. 10.1007/s10455-021-09792-3. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry (2021/01).

MacDonald, L. E. The Holonomy Groupoids of Singularly Foliated Bundles. 10.3842/sigma.2021.043. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 17, no. ARTN 043 (2021): 043-1-43-34.

Macdonald, L., V. Mathai, and H. Saratchandran. On the Chern Character in Higher Twisted K-Theory and Spherical T-Duality. 10.1007/s00220-021-04096-w. Communications in Mathematical Physics 385, no. 1 (2021): 331-68.

Melazzini, L., C. E. Mackay, V. Bordin, S. Suri, E. Zsoldos, N. Filippini, A. Mahmood, et al. White Matter Hyperintensities Classified According to Intensity and Spatial Location Reveal Specific Associations with Cognitive Performance. 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102616. NeuroImage: Clinical 30, no. 102616 (2021): 1-8.

Messina, S., R. Mariano, A. Roca-Fernandez, A. Cavey, M. Jurynczyk, M. I. Leite, M. Calabrese, M. Jenkinson, and J. Palace. Contrasting the Brain Imaging Features of Mog Antibody Disease, with Aqp4-Antibody Nmosd and Multiple Sclerosis. 10.1177/13524585211018987. Multiple Sclerosis Journal (2021/01): 135245852110189-89.

Neshat, M., M. M. Nezhad, E. Abbasnejad, S. Mirjalili, D. Groppi, A. Heydari, L. B. Tjernberg, et al. Wind Turbine Power Output Prediction Using a New Hybrid Neuro-Evolutionary Method. 10.1016/ Energy 229, no. 120617 (2021/08): 120617-1-17-24.

Neshat, M., M. M. Nezhad, E. Abbasnejad, S. Mirjalili, L. B. Tjernberg, D. Astiaso Garcia, B. Alexander, and M. Wagner. A Deep Learning-Based Evolutionary Model for Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting: A Case Study of the Lillgrund Offshore Wind Farm. 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114002. Energy Conversion and Management 236, no. 114002 (2021/05): 114002-02.

Nguyen, L. V., C. C. Nguyen, G. Carneiro, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, and S. C. Warren-Smith. Sensing in the Presence of Strong Noise by Deep Learning of Dynamic Multimode Fiber Interference. 10.1364/PRJ.415902. Photonics Research 9, no. 4 (2021): 109-18.

Osborn, E. A., G. J. Ughi, J. W. Verjans, Z. Piao, E. Gerbaud, M. Albaghdadi, H. Khraishah, et al. Intravascular Molecular-Structural Assessment of Arterial Inflammation in Preclinical Atherosclerosis Progression. 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.06.017. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 14, no. 11 (2021/08): 2265-67.

Paige, E., K. Doyle, L. Jorm, E. Banks, M. P. Hsu, L. Nedkoff, T. Briffa, et al. A Versatile Big Data Health System for Australia: Driving Improvements in Cardiovascular Health. 10.1016/j.hlc.2021.04.023. Heart Lung and Circulation (2021/01).

Pang, G., F. Angiulli, M. Cucuringu, and H. Liu. Guest Editorial: Non-Iid Outlier Detection in Complex Contexts. 10.1109/MIS.2021.3072704. IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 36, no. 3 (2021/05): 3-4.

Pang, G., L. Cao, and L. Chen. Homophily Outlier Detection in Non-Iid Categorical Data. 10.1007/s10618-021-00750-y. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 35, no. 4 (2021/07): 1163-224.

Pang, G., C. Shen, L. Cao, and A. V. D. Hengel. Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection: A Review. 10.1145/3439950. ACM Computing Surveys 54, no. 2 (2021/04/01).

Parra, Á, S. F. Ch'ng, T. J. Chin, A. P. Eriksson, and I. D. Reid. Rotation Coordinate Descent for Fast Globally Optimal Rotation Averaging. CoRR abs/2103.08292 (2021).

Parvaneh, A., E. Abbasnejad, Q. Wu, and J. Shi. Show, Price and Negotiate: A Hierarchical Attention Recurrent Visual Negotiator. 10.1109/TMM.2021.3065169. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia abs/1905.03721 (2021).

Raman, B., M. P. Cassar, E. M. Tunnicliffe, N. Filippini, L. Griffanti, F. Alfaro-Almagro, T. Okell, et al. Medium-Term Effects of Sars-Cov-2 Infection on Multiple Vital Organs, Exercise Capacity, Cognition, Quality of Life and Mental Health, Post-Hospital Discharge. 10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100683. EClinicalMedicine 31, no. 100683 (2021): 1-13.

Santiago, C., C. Barata, M. Sasdelli, G. Carneiro, and J. C. Nascimento. Low: Training Deep Neural Networks by Learning Optimal Sample Weights. 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107585. Pattern Recognition 110, no. 107585 (2021): 1-12.

Shevchenko, V., D. Teney, A. R. Dick, and A. V. D. Hengel. Reasoning over Vision and Language: Exploring the Benefits of Supplemental Knowledge. CoRR abs/2101.06013 (2021).

Sun, W., D. Gong, Q. Shi, A. van den Hengel, and Y. Zhang. Learning to Zoom-in Via Learning to Zoom-Out: Real-World Super-Resolution by Generating and Adapting Degradation. 10.1109/TIP.2021.3049951. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30 (2021): 1-1.

Sundaresan, V., L. Griffanti, and M. Jenkinson. Brain Tumour Segmentation Using A triplanar Ensemble of U-Nets on Mr Images. In Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries, 340-53: Springer International Publishing, (2021).

Sundaresan, V., G. Zamboni, N. K. Dinsdale, P. M. Rothwell, L. Griffanti, and M. Jenkinson. Comparison of Domain Adaptation Techniques for White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation in Brain Mr Images. 10.1016/ Medical Image Analysis 74, no. ARTN 102215 (2021).

Sundaresan, V., G. Zamboni, P. M. Rothwell, M. Jenkinson, and L. Griffanti. Triplanar Ensemble U-Net Model for White Matter Hyperintensities Segmentation on Mr Images. 10.1016/ Med Image Anal 73 (2021): 1-17.

Sundaresan, Vaanathi, Giovanna Zamboni, Nicola K. Dinsdale, Peter M. Rothwell, Ludovica Griffanti, and Mark Jenkinson. Comparison of Domain Adaptation Techniques for White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation in Brain Mr Images. 10.1101/2021.03.12.435171. (2021).

Tan, M., Z. Hu, Y. Yan, J. Cao, D. Gong, and Q. Wu. Learning Sparse PCA with Stabilized Admm Method on Stiefel Manifold. 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2935449. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33, no. 3 (2021/03): 1078-88.

Teney, D., E. Abbasnejad, S. Lucey, and A. V. D. Hengel. Evading the Simplicity Bias: Training a Diverse Set of Models Discovers Solutions with Superior Ood Generalization. CoRR abs/2105.05612 (2021).

Tian, L., P. Wang, G. Liang, and C. Shen. An Adversarial Human Pose Estimation Network Injected with Graph Structure. 10.1016/j.patcog.2021.107863. Pattern Recognition 115, no. 107863 (2021/07): 107863-63.

Tian, Y., G. Pang, Y. Chen, R. Singh, J. W. Verjans, and G. Carneiro. Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection with Contrastive Learning of Long and Short-Range Temporal Features. CoRR abs/2101.10030 (2021).

Tian, Y., G. Pang, F. Liu, Y. Chen, S. H. Shin, J. W. Verjans, R. Singh, and G. Carneiro. Constrained Contrastive Distribution Learning for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localisation in Medical Images. CoRR abs/2103.03423 (2021).

Tian, Y., L. Z. C. T. Pu, Y. Liu, G. Maicas, J. W. Verjans, A. D. Burt, S. H. Shin, R. Singh, and G. Carneiro. Detecting, Localising and Classifying Polyps from Colonoscopy Videos Using Deep Learning. CoRR abs/2101.03285 (2021).

Torso, M., S. Ahmed, C. Butler, G. Zamboni, M. Jenkinson, and S. Chance. Cortical Diffusivity Investigation in Posterior Cortical Atrophy and Typical Alzheimer’s Disease. 10.1007/s00415-020-10109-w. Journal of Neurology 268, no. 1 (2021): 227-39.

Torso, M., M. Bozzali, G. Zamboni, M. Jenkinson, and S. A. Chance. Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Cortical Diffusion Tensor Imaging. 10.1002/hbm.25271. Human Brain Mapping 42, no. 4 (2021/03): 967-77.

Torso, M., G. R. Ridgway, M. Jenkinson, and S. Chance. Intracortical Diffusion Tensor Imaging Signature of Microstructural Changes in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. 10.1186/s13195-021-00914-4. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 13, no. 1 (2021/12).

Uretsky, S., N. Aggarwal, R. B. van Heeswijk, S. Rajpal, E. Rowin, M. D. Taylor, J. W. Verjans, et al. Standards for Writing Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (Scmr) Endorsed Guidelines, Expert Consensus, and Recommendations: A Report of the Publications Committee. 10.1186/s12968-021-00801-9. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 23, no. 1 (2021/12).

Wang, B., S. Jin, Q. Yan, H. Xu, C. Luo, L. Wei, W. Zhao, et al. AI-Assisted Ct Imaging Analysis for COVID-19 Screening: Building and Deploying a Medical Ai System. 10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106897. Applied Soft Computing 98, no. ARTN 106897 (2021/01).

Wang, D. D., Z. Qian, M. Vukicevic, S. Engelhardt, A. Kheradvar, C. Zhang, S. H. Little, et al. 3d Printing, Computational Modelling, and Artificial Intelligence for Structural Heart Disease. 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.12.022. JACC. Cardiovascular imaging 14, no. 1 (2021): 41-60.

Wang, H., P. Chen, B. Zhuang, and C. Shen. Fully Quantized Image Super-Resolution Networks. 10.1145/3474085.3475227. MM 2021 - Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2021): 639-47.

Wang, P., H. Li, and C. Shen. Towards End-to-End Text Spotting in Natural Scenes. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell PP (Jul 9 2021).

Wang, P., W. Sun, Q. Yan, A. Niu, R. Li, Y. Zhu, J. Sun, and Y. Zhang. Non-Uniform Motion Deblurring with Blurry Component Divided Guidance. 10.1016/j.patcog.2021.108082. Pattern Recognition 120, no. ARTN 108082 (2021): 1-16.

Wang, W., E. Xie, X. Li, X. Liu, D. Liang, Y. Zhibo, T. Lu, and C. Shen. Pan++: Towards Efficient and Accurate End-to-End Spotting of Arbitrarily-Shaped Text. 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3077555. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  (2021/01): 1-1.

Wang, Y., Y. Qi, H. Yao, D. Gong, and Q. Wu. Image Editing with Varying Intensities of Processing. 10.1016/j.cviu.2021.103260. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 211, no. ARTN 103260 (2021/10): 1-13.

Wei, X. S., H. J. Ye, X. Mu, J. Wu, C. Shen, and Z. H. Zhou. Multi-Instance Learning with Emerging Novel Class. 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2952588. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33, no. 5 (2021): 2109-20.

Xie, Y., J. Zhang, H. Lu, C. Shen, and Y. Xia. Sesv: Accurate Medical Image Segmentation by Predicting and Correcting Errors. 10.1109/tmi.2020.3025308. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40, no. 1 (2021): 286-96.

Yan, C., G. Pang, X. Bai, C. Liu, N. Xin, L. Gu, and J. Zhou. Beyond Triplet Loss: Person Re-Identification with Fine-Grained Difference-Aware Pairwise Loss. 10.1109/TMM.2021.3069562. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia  (2021/01): 1-1.

Yan, Q., B. Wang, D. Gong, C. Luo, W. Zhao, J. Shen, J. Ai, et al. COVID-19 Chest Ct Image Segmentation Network by Multi-Scale Fusion and Enhancement Operations. 10.1109/TBDATA.2021.3056564. IEEE Transactions on Big Data 7, no. 1 (2021): 13-24.

Yan, Q., B. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. You, Q. Shi, and Y. Zhang. Towards Accurate Hdr Imaging with Learning Generator Constraints. 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.11.056. Neurocomputing 428 (2021): 79-91.

Yin, W., Y. Liu, and C. Shen. Virtual Normal: Enforcing Geometric Constraints for Accurate and Robust Depth Prediction. 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3097396. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2021/01).

Yu, J., X. Jiang, Z. Qin, W. Zhang, Y. Hu, and Q. Wu. Learning Dual Encoding Model for Adaptive Visual Understanding in Visual Dialogue. 10.1109/TIP.2020.3034494. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING 30 (2021/01): 220-33.

Zhang, J., Y. Xie, G. Pang, Z. Liao, J. Verjans, W. Li, Z. Sun, et al. Viral Pneumonia Screening on Chest X-Rays Using Confidence-Aware Anomaly Detection. 10.1109/TMI.2020.3040950. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40, no. 3 (2021): 879-90.

Zhang, J., Y. Xie, Y. Wang, and Y. Xia. Inter-Slice Context Residual Learning for 3d Medical Image Segmentation. 10.1109/TMI.2020.3034995. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40, no. 2 (2021/02): 661-72.

Zhang, L., Z. Shi, J. T. Zhou, M. M. Cheng, Y. Liu, J. W. Bian, Z. Zeng, and C. Shen. Ordered or Orderless: A Revisit for Video Based Person Re-Identification. 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2976969. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43, no. 4 (2021/04): 1460-66. 

Zhang, P., W. Liu, Y. Zeng, Y. Lei, and H. Lu. Looking for the Detail and Context Devils: High-Resolution Salient Object Detection. 10.1109/TIP.2020.3045624. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30 (2021/01): 3204-16.

Zhang, S., Y. Liu, L. Jin, Z. Wei, and C. Shen. Opmp: An Omnidirectional Pyramid Mask Proposal Network for Arbitrary-Shape Scene Text Detection. 10.1109/TMM.2020.2978630. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23 (2021/01): 454-67.

Zhang, W., C. Ma, Q. Wu, and X. Yang. Language-Guided Navigation Via Cross-Modal Grounding and Alternate Adversarial Learning. 10.1109/TCSVT.2020.3039522. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 31, no. 9 (2021/09): 3469-81.

Zhao, Y., C. Shen, X. Yu, H. Chen, Y. Gao, and S. Xiong. Learning Deep Part-Aware Embedding for Person Retrieval. 10.1016/j.patcog.2021.107938. Pattern Recognition 116, no. 107938 (2021): 1-10.

Zhuang, B., M. Tan, J. Liu, L. Liu, I. Reid, and C. Shen. Effective Training of Convolutional Neural Networks with Low-Bitwidth Weights and Activations. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell PP (2021/06).

Annual Report 2020

2020 Annual Report

Despite many challenges presented in 2020, exciting developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning capability offered a view to the future.


Academic publications

Antico M, Fontanarosa D, Carneiro G, Vukovic D, Camps S, Sasazawa F, Takeda Y, Le A, Jaiprakash A, Roberts J, Crawford R. Deep learning for US image quality assessment based on femoral cartilage boundaries detection in autonomous knee arthroscopy. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 2020.

Antico M, Sasazawa F, Dunnhofer M, Camps S, Jaiprakash A, Pandey A, Crawford R, Carneiro G, Fontanarosa D. Deep Learning-Based Femoral Cartilage Automatic Segmentation in Ultrasound Imaging for Guidance in Robotic Knee Arthroscopy. Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2020;46(2):422-435.

Camps S, Houben T, Carneiro G, Edwards C, Antico M, Dunnhofer M, Martens E, Baeza J, Vanneste B, van Limbergen E, de With P, Verhaegen F, Fontanarosa D. Automatic quality assessment of transperineal ultrasound images of the male pelvic region, using deep learning. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2020;46(2):445-454.

Cheng Tao Pu LZ, Maicas G, Tian Y, Yamamura T, Nakamura M, Suzuki H, Singh G, Rana K, Hirooka Y, Burt AD, Fujishiro M, Carneiro G, Singh R. Computer-aided diagnosis for characterisation of colorectal lesions: a comprehensive software including serrated lesions. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 2020.

Chin TJ, Cai Z, Neumann F. Robust fitting in computer vision: Easy or hard? International Journal of Computer Vision 2020;128(3):575-587.

Clarke KD, Osborne G, Auricht H, Lewis M. Condition Assessment and Risk Management System (CARMS): Monitoring rangeland condition in South Australia. 2020.

Dunnhofer M, Antico M, Sasazawa F, Takeda Y, Camps S, Martinel N, Micheloni C, Carneiro G, Fontanarosa D. Siam-U-Net: encoder-decoder siamese network for knee cartilage tracking in ultrasound images. Medical Image Analysis 2020;60(101631):101631-101631-101631-101617.

Gong D, Zhang Z, Shi Q, van den Hengel A, Shen C, Zhang Y. Learning Deep Gradient Descent Optimization for Image Deconvolution. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2020.

Huang Y, Wu Q, Wang W, Wang L. Image and Sentence Matching via Semantic Concepts and Order Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2020;42(3):636-650.

Li J, Liu Y, Yuan X, Zhao C, Siegwart R, Reid I, Cadena C. Depth based semantic scene completion with position importance aware loss. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2020;5(1):219-226.

Liao Z, Drummond T, Reid I, Carneiro G. Approximate Fisher information matrix to characterise the training of deep neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2020;42(1):15-26.

Liu C, Yao R, Rezatofighi S, Reid I, Shi Q. Model-Free Tracker for Multiple Objects Using Joint Appearance and Motion Inference. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2020;29:277-288.

Liu W, Zhang P, Chen X, Shen C, Huang X, Yang J. Embedding Bilateral Filter in Least Squares for Efficient Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2020;30(1):23-35.

Orlando J, Fu H, Barbossa Breda J, van Keer K, Bathula D, Diaz-Pinto A, Fang R, Heng P, Kim J, Lee J, Lee J, Li X, Liu P, Lu S, Murugesan B, Naranjo V, Phaye S, Shankaranarayana S, Sikka A, Son J, van den Hengel A, Wang S, Wu J, Wu Z, Xu G, Xu Y, Yin P, Li F, Zhang X, Xu Y, Bogunović H. REFUGE Challenge: A unified framework for evaluating automated methods for glaucoma assessment from fundus photographs. Medical Image Analysis 2020;59(UNSP 101570).

Osborn H, Ansdell M, Ioannou Y, Sasdelli M, Angerhausen D, Caldwell D, Jenkins J, Raeissi C, Smith J. Rapid classification of TESS planet candidates with convolutional neural networks. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2020;633(ARTN A53).

Rezatofighi H, Kaskman R, Motlagh FT, Shi Q, Milan A, Cremers D, Leal-Taixé L, Reid ID. Learn to Predict Sets Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks. CoRR 2020;abs/2001.11845.

Teney D, Abbasnejad E, van den Hengel A. Unshuffling Data for Improved Generalization. CoRR 2020;abs/2002.11894.

Yan Q, Zhang L, Liu Y, Zhu Y, Sun J, Shi Q, Zhang Y. Deep HDR Imaging via A Non-Local Network. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2020;29:4308-4322.

Yan Y, Tan M, Tsang I, Yang Y, Shi Q, Zhang C. Fast and Low Memory Cost Matrix Factorization: Algorithm, Analysis and Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2020;32(2):288-301.

Zhang L, Wang P, Shen C, Liu L, Wei W, Zhang Y, van den Hengel A. Adaptive importance learning for improving lightweight image super-resolution network. International Journal of Computer Vision 2020;128(2):479-499.

Zhang P, Liu W, Lei Y, Wang H, Lu H. Deep Multiphase Level Set for Scene Parsing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2020;29:4556-4567.

Zhang P, Liu W, Lei Y, Wang H, Lu H. RAPNet: Residual Atrous Pyramid Network for Importance-Aware Street Scene Parsing. IEEE transactions on image processing: A publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2020.

Zhao Y, Liu Y, Shen C, Gao Y, Xiong S. MobileFAN: Transferring deep hidden representation for face alignment. Pattern Recognition 2020;100.

Zhao Y, Shen C, Wang H, Chen S. Structural Analysis of Attributes for Vehicle Re-Identification and Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2020;21(2):723-734.

 AIML Annual Report 2019

2019 Annual Report

AIML has grown from strength to strength in 2019. Highlights include moving into our new state of the art premises at Lot Fourteen and securing contracts with diverse industry partners.


Academic publications

Abbasnejad E, Wu Q, Shi Q, van den Hengel A. What's to know? uncertainty as a guide to asking goal-oriented questions. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 4150-4159.

Abbasnejad M, Shi Q, Van Den Hengel A, Liu L. A generative adversarial density estimator. In: Proc A generative adversarial density estimator Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 10774-10783.

Abbasnejad ME, Shi Q, Van Den Hengel A, Liu L. A Generative Adversarial Density Estimator. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019. pp 10782-10791.

Abdi M, Lim C, Mohamed S, Nahavandi S, Abbasnejad E, Van Den Hengel A. Discriminative clustering of high-dimensional data using generative modelling. In: Proc IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) Windsor, Canada, 2019. pp 799-802.

Abedin Varamin A, Rezatofighi H, Shi Q, Ranasinghe D. SparseSense: Human Activity Recognition from Highly Sparse Sensor Data-streams Using Set-based Neural Networks. In: Proc International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019) Macao, China. Online, 2019/07/01/. pp 5780-5786.

Ansdell M, Ioannou Y, Osborn H, Sasdelli M, Smith J, Caldwell D, Jenkins J, Raissi C, Angerhausen D. Automatic Classification of Transiting Planet Candidates using Deep Learning. In: Proc 28th Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVIII) Univ Maryland, Astron Dept, Coll Pk, MD, USA. Online, 2019/01/01/. pp 59-62.

Aoki Y, Goforth H, Srivatsan RA, Lucey S. PointNetLK: Robust & Efficient Point Cloud Registration Using PointNet. In: Proc 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 15-20 June 2019, 2019. pp 7156-7165.

Bay A, Sidiropoulos P, Vazquez E, Sasdelli M. Real-time Tracker with Fast Recovery from Target Loss. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Brighton, UK. Online, 2019. pp 1932-1936.

Bian J, Lin W, Liu Y, Zhang L, Yeung S, Cheng M, Reid I. GMS: Grid-Based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence. International Journal of Computer Vision 2019.

Bustos ÁP, Chin TJ, Neumann F, Friedrich T, Katzmann M. A Practical Maximum Clique Algorithm for Matching with Pairwise Constraints. CoRR 2019;abs/1902.01534.

Cai M, Shen C, Reid I. A hybrid probabilistic model for camera relocalization. In: Proc British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Online, 2019/01/01/. pp 1-12.

Cai Z, Chin T, Bustos A, Schindler K. Practical optimal registration of terrestrial LiDAR scan pairs. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2019;147:118-131.

Carneiro G, Manuel J, Tavares R, Bradley A, Papa J, Nascimento J, Cardoso J, Lu Z, Belagiannis V. Editorial. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization 2019;7(3):241.

Carneiro G, You S. Computer Vision – ACCV 2018 Workshops: Springer; 2019.

Carneiro G, You S. Preface. In: Carneiro G, You S, editors. Computer Vision – ACCV 2018 Workshops; 2019.  p v-v.

Chang M, Lambert J, Sangkloy P, Singh J, Bak S, Hartnett A, Wang D, Carr P, Lucey S, Ramanan D, Hays J. Argoverse: 3D Tracking and Forecasting With Rich Maps. In: Proc 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 15-20 June 2019, 2019. pp 8740-8749.

Chojnacki W, Szpak Z. Determining ellipses from low-resolution images with a comprehensive image formation model. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2019;36(2):212-233.

Chojnacki W, Szpak Z. Full explicit consistency constraints in uncalibrated multiple homography estimation. In: Proc Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) Perth, Australia, Switzerland, 2019. pp 659-675.

Chojnacki W. A note on crossed products. Expositiones Mathematicae 2019.

Do H, Chin T, Moretti N, Jah M, Tetlow M. Robust foreground segmentation and image registration for optical detection of GEO objects. Advances in Space Research 2019;64(3):733-746.

Do T, Hoang T, Le Tan D, Pham T, Le H, Cheung N, Reid I. Binary constrained deep hashing network for image retrieval without manual annotation. In: Proc 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Waikoloa Village, HI, USA. Online, 2019/03/04/. pp 695-704.

Do T, Pham T, Cai M, Reid I. Real-time monocular object instance 6D pose estimation. In: Proc British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Online, 2019/01/01/. pp 1-12.

Do TT, Tran T, Reid I, Kumar V, Hoang T, Carneiro G. A theoretically sound upper bound on the triplet loss for improving the efficiency of deep distance metric learning. In: Proc IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, CA, USA, 2019. pp 10396-10405.

Doan A, Latif Y, Chin T, Liu Y, Ch'Ng S, Do T, Reid I. Visual Localization under Appearance Change: A Filtering Approach. 2019 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2019 2019:1-8.

Doan D, Latif Y, Chin T, Liu Y, Do T, Reid I. Scalable place recognition under appearance change for autonomous driving. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Seoul, South Korea. Online, 2019/10/01/. pp 9318-9327.

Duan X, Wu Q, Gan C, Zhang Y, Huang W, van den Hengel A, Zhu W. Watch, reason and code: Learning to represent videos using program. In: Proc ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia) Nice, France. Online, 2019/10/15/. pp 1543-1551.

Felix Alves R, Harwood B, Sasdelli M, Carneiro G. Generalised zero-shot learning with domain classification in a joint semantic and visual space. In: Proc Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Perth, Australia. Online, 2019. pp 1-8.

Felix R, Harwood B, Sasdelli M, Carneiro G. Generalised zero-shot learning with a classifier ensemble over multi-modal embedding spaces. arXiv 2019;OnlinePubl.

Felix R, Harwood B, Sasdelli M, Carneiro G. Generalised Zero-Shot Learning with Domain Classification in a Joint Semantic and Visual Space. 2019 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2019 2019;abs/1908.04930.

Felix R, Sasdelli M, Reid ID, Carneiro G. Multi-modal Ensemble Classification for Generalized Zero Shot Learning. CoRR 2019;abs/1901.04623.

Gale W, Oakden-Rayner L, Carneiro G, Palmer LJ, Bradley AP. Producing radiologist quality reports for interpretable deep learning. In: Proc IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) Venice, ITALY. Online, 2019. pp 1275-1279.

Glaser S, Maicas G, Bedrikovetski S, Sammour T, Carneiro G. Semi-supervised Multi-domain Multi-task Training for Metastatic Colon Lymph Node Diagnosis From Abdominal CT. CoRR 2019;abs/1910.10371.

Goforth H, Lucey S. GPS-Denied UAV Localization using Pre-existing Satellite Imagery. In: Proc 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 20-24 May 2019, 2019. pp 2974-2980.

Gong D, Liu L, Le V, Saha B, Mansour M, Venkatesh S, Van Den Hengel A. Memorizing normality to detect anomaly: Memory-augmented deep autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection. In, 2019/10/01/. pp 1705-1714.

Gong D, Tan M, Shi Q, van den Hengel A, Zhang Y. MPTV: matching pursuit based total variation minimization for image deconvolution. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019;28(4):1851-1865.

Guo Y, Chen Q, Chen J, Wu Q, Shi Q, Tan M. Auto-Embedding Generative Adversarial Networks for High Resolution Image Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2019;21(11):2726-2737.

Hasani-Shoreh M, Ameca-Alducin M, Blaikie W, Neumann F, Schoenauer M. On the behaviour of differential evolution for problems with dynamic linear constraints. In: Proc IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) Wellington, New Zealand, 2019. pp 3045-3052.

He T, Shen C, Tian Z, Gong D, Sun C, Yan Y. Knowledge adaptation for efficient semantic segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019;2019-June:578-587.

Hosseinzadeh M, Latif Y, Pham T, Suenderhauf N, Reid I. Structure aware SLAM using quadrics and planes. In: Proc Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) Perth, Australia.

Hosseinzadeh M, Li K, Latif Y, Reid I. Real-time monocular object-model aware sparse SLAM. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Montreal, Canada.

Hunter J, Jateff E, van den Hengel A. Using Digital Visualization of Archival Sources to Enhance Archaeological Interpretation of the ‘Life History’ of Ships: The Case Study of HMCS/HMAS Protector. In: McCarthy JK, Benjamin J, Winton T, van Duivenwoorde W, editors. 3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2019.  p 89-101.

Jian S, Pang G, Cao L, Lu K, Gao H. CURE: Flexible Categorical Data Representation by Hierarchical Coupling Learning. IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng 2019;31(5):853-866.

Johnston A, Carneiro G. Single View 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction using Novel View Synthesis and Self-Supervised Depth Estimation. In: Proc Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Perth, Australia. Online, 2019/12/01/. pp 1-8.

Kellett J, Barreto R, Van Den Hengel A, Vogiatzis N. How Might Autonomous Vehicles Impact the City? The Case of Commuting to Central Adelaide. URBAN POLICY AND RESEARCH 2019;37(4):442-457.

Kong C, Lucey S. Deep Non-Rigid Structure From Motion. In: Proc 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 27 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, 2019. pp 1558-1567.

Li H, Wang P, Shen C, Van Den Hengel A. Visual question answering as reading comprehension. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 6312-6321.

Li H, Wang P, Shen C, Zhang G. Show, Attend and Read: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Irregular Text Recognition. In: Proc 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence; 31st Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence; 9th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence Honolulu, HI, USA. Online, 2019. pp 8610-8617.

Li H, Wang P, Shen C. Toward End-to-End Car License Plate Detection and Recognition With Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2019;20(3):1126-1136.

Li J, Liu Y, Gong D, Shi Q, Yuan X, Zhao C, Reid I. RGBD based dimensional decomposition residual network for 3D semantic scene completion. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 7685-7694.

Li R, Gong D, Sun J, Zhu Y, Wei Z, Zhang Y. Robust and Accurate Hybrid Structure-From-Motion. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Taipei, Taiwan. Online, 2019/09/01/. pp 494-498.

Li R, Xian K, Shen C, Cao Z, Lu H, Hang L. Deep Attention-Based Classification Network for Robust Depth Prediction. In: Proc 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2018 Perth, Western Australia. Online, 2019. pp 663-678.

Li X, Zhao L, Ji W, Wu Y, Wu F, Yang M, Tao D, Reid I. Multi-Task Structure-Aware Context Modelling for Robust Keypoint-Based Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2019;41(4):915-927.

Lin C, Wang O, Russell BC, Shechtman E, Kim VG, Fisher M, Lucey S. Photometric Mesh Optimization for Video-Aligned 3D Object Reconstruction. In: Proc 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 15-20 June 2019, 2019. pp 969-978.

Liu H, Ji R, Wang J, Shen C. Ordinal constraint binary coding for approximate nearest neighbour search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2019;41(4):941-955.

Liu J, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Xie F, Vasileff A, Qiao S. Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C₃N₄ )-derived N-rich graphene with tuneable interlayer distance as a high-rate anode for sodium-ion batteries. Advanced Materials 2019;31(24):e1901261-e1901261.

Liu W, Gong D, Tan M, Shi Q, Yang Y, Hauptmann A. Learning Distilled Graph for Large-scale Social Network Data Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2019.

Liu W, Li Y, Wu Q. An Attribute-Based High-Level Image Representation for Scene Classification. IEEE Access 2019;7:4629-4640.

Liu Y, Dong W, Zhang L, Gong D, Shi Q. Variational bayesian dropout with a hierarchical prior. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 7117-7126.

Liu Y, Tian Y, Maicas G, Pu LZ, Singh R, Verjans JW, Carneiro G. Photoshopping Colonoscopy Video Frames. CoRR 2019;abs/1910.10345.

Lu H, Dai Y, Shen C, Xu S. Indices matter: Learning to index for deep image matting. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2019;2019-October:3265-3274.

Lu L, Wang X, Carneiro G, Yang L. Preface; 2019. v-vii p.

Lyu F, Wu Q, Hu F, Wu Q, Tan M. Attend and Imagine: Multi-Label Image Classification with Visual Attention and Recurrent Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2019;21(8):1971-1981.

Maicas G, Bradley A, Nascimento J, Reid I, Carneiro G. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Detecting Breast Lesions from DCE-MRI. In: Lu L, Wang X, Carneiro G, Yang L, editors. Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Imaging and Clinical Informatics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2019.  p 163-178.

Maicas G, Bradley AP, Nascimento JC, Reid I, Carneiro G. Pre and post-hoc diagnosis and interpretation of malignancy from breast DCE-MRI. Medical Image Analysis 2019;58(101562):101562-101561-101562-101514.

Maicas Suso G, Snaauw G, Bradley AP, Reid I, Carneiro G. Model agnostic saliency for weakly supervised lesion detection from breast DCE-MRI. In: Proc IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) Venice, ITALY. Online, 2019. pp 1057-1060.

Manchin A, Abbasnejad E, van den Hengel A. Reinforcement Learning with Attention that Works: A Self-Supervised Approach. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2019;1143 CCIS:223-230.

Manchin A, Abbasnejad E, Van Den Hengel A. Reinforcement learning with attention that works: a self-supervised approach. In: Proc International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) Sydney, 2019. pp 223-230.

Nekrasov V, Chen H, Shen C, Reid I. Fast neural architecture search of compact semantic segmentation models via auxiliary cells. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019;2019-June:9118-9127.

Nekrasov V, Chen H, Shen C, Reid ID. Architecture Search of Dynamic Cells for Semantic Video Segmentation. CoRR 2019;abs/1904.02371.

Nekrasov V, Chen H, Shen C, Reid ID. Fast Neural Architecture Search of Compact Semantic Segmentation Models via Auxiliary Cells. CVPR 2019:9126-9135.

Nekrasov V, Dharmasiri T, Spek A, Drummond T, Shen C, Reid I. Real-time joint semantic segmentation and depth estimation using asymmetric annotations. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Montreal, Canada, 2019. pp 7101-7107.

Nekrasov V, Shen C, Reid ID. Template-Based Automatic Search of Compact Semantic Segmentation Architectures. CoRR 2019;abs/1904.02365.

Neshat M, Abbasnejad E, Shi Q, Alexander B, Wagner M. Adaptive Neuro-Surrogate-Based Optimisation Method for Wave Energy Converters Placement Optimisation. ICONIP (2) 2019;11954:353-366.

Nguyen H, Chesser M, Koh L, Rezatofighi SH, Ranasinghe D. TrackerBots: autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle for real-time localization and tracking of multiple radio-tagged animals. Journal of Field Robotics 2019;36(3):617-635.

Nguyen HV, Rezatofighi H, Vo BN, Ranasinghe DC. Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Planning for Jointly Discovering and Tracking Mobile Object. In, 2019.

Oakden-Rayner L, Dunnmon J, Carneiro G, Ré C. Hidden Stratification Causes Clinically Meaningful Failures in Machine Learning for Medical Imaging. CoRR 2019;abs/, 2019. pp 7123-7129. online, 2019/05/01/. pp 2385-2391.

Pahuja A, Lucey S. Lossy GIF Compression Using Deep Intrinsic Parameterization. In: Proc 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW), 27-28 Oct. 2019, 2019. pp 4581-4583.

Pang G, Shen C, Van Den Hengel A. Deep anomaly detection with deviation networks. In: Proc ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD) Anchorage, AK, New York, 2019/07/25/. pp 353-362.

Parra Bustos A, Chin T, Eriksson A, Reid I. Visual SLAM: Why bundle adjust? In: Proc International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Montreal, Canada.

Parvaneh A, Abbasnejad E, Wu Q, Shi J. Show, price and negotiate: a hierarchical attention recurrent visual negotiator. arXiv 2019;OnlinePubl.

Pena G, Kuang B, Szpak Z, Cowled P, Dawson J, Fitridge R. Evaluation of a Novel Three-Dimensional Wound Measurement Device for Assessment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. ADVANCES IN WOUND CARE 2019.

Peng X, Zhu H, Feng J, Shen C, Zhang H, Zhou JT. Deep Clustering With Sample-Assignment Invariance Prior. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 2019.

Pu LZCT, Maicas G, Tian Y, Yamamura T, Singh G, Rana K, Suzuki H, Nakamura M, Hirooka Y, Burt A, Fujishiro M, Carneiro G, Singh R. Prospective study assessing a comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis for characterization of colorectal lesions: Results from different centres and imaging technologies. In, 2019/09/01/. pp 25-26.

Purkait P, Zach C, Reid I. Seeing behind Things: Extending Semantic Segmentation to Occluded Regions. In: Proc IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Macau, China. Online, 2019/11/01/. pp 1998-2005.

Rezatofighi H, Tsoi N, Gwak J, Sadeghian A, Reid ID, Savarese S. Generalized Intersection Over Union: A Metric and a Loss for Bounding Box Regression. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019. pp 658-666.

Rowntree T, Pontecorvo C, Reid I. Real-Time Human Gaze Estimation. In: Proc Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Perth, Australia. Online, 2019/12/01/. pp 1-7.

Snaauw G, Gong D, Maicas G, van den Hengel A, Niessen WJ, Verjans J, Carneiro G. End-to-end diagnosis and segmentation learning from cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. In: Proc IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) Venice, Italy. Online, 2019. pp 802-805.

Suwanwimolkul S, Zhang L, Gong D, Zhang Z, Chen C, Ranasinghe D, Qinfeng Shi J. An adaptive markov random field for structured compressive sensing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019;28(3):1556-1570.

Suwanwimolkul S, Zhang L, Ranasinghe D, Shi Q. One-step adaptive Markov random field for structured compressive sensing. Signal Processing 2019;156:116-144. Switzerland, 2019. pp 410-426.

Tchapmi L, Kosaraju V, Reid I, Rezatofighi H, Savarese S. Topnet: Structural point cloud decoder. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 383-392.

Teney D, Abbasnejad E, Hengel AVD. On Incorporating Semantic Prior Knowledge in Deep Learning Through Embedding-Space Constraints. CoRR 2019;abs/1909.13471.

Teney D, Van Den Hengel A. Actively seeking and learning from live data. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019;2019-June:1940-1949.

Teney D, Van Den Hengel A. Actively Seeking and Learning From Live Data. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019. pp 1940-1949.

Teney D, Wang P, Cao J, Liu L, Shen C, Hengel AVD. V-PROM: A Benchmark for Visual Reasoning Using Visual Progressive Matrices. CoRR 2019;abs/1907.12271.

Tian Y, Pu LZ, Singh R, Burt AD, Carneiro G. One-stage five-class polyp detection and. In: Proc IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) Venice, ITALY. Online, 2019/01/01/. pp 70-73.

Tian Z, He T, Shen C, Yan Y. Decoders matter for semantic segmentation: Data-dependent decoding enables flexible feature aggregation. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019;2019-June:3121-3130.

Tian Z, Shen C, Chen H, He T. FCOS: Fully convolutional one-stage object detection. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2019;2019-October:9626-9635.

Tran T, Do T, Reid I, Carneiro G. Bayesian generative active deep learning. In, 2019/01/01/. pp 10969-10978.

Tran T, Do TT, Reid I, Carneiro G. Bayesian Generative Active Deep Learning. In: Proc International Conference on Machine Learning (IMCL) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/05/28/. pp 6295-6304.

Verjans J, Veldhuis W, Carneiro G, Wolterink J, Išgum I, Leiner T. Cardiovascular diseases. In: Ranschaert ER, Morozov S, Algra PR, editors. Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Opportunities, Applications and Risks. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2019. p 167-185.

Wang C, Kong C, Lucey S. Distill Knowledge From NRSfM for Weakly Supervised 3D Pose Learning. In: Proc 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 27 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, 2019. pp 743-752.

Wang C, Lucey S, Perazzi F, Wang O. Web Stereo Video Supervision for Depth Prediction from Dynamic Scenes. In: Proc 2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 16-19 Sept. 2019, 2019. pp 348-357.

Wang P, Liu L, Shen C, Shen H. Order-aware convolutional pooling for video based action recognition. Pattern Recognition 2019;91:357-365.

Wang P, Wu Q, Cao J, Shen C, Gao L, Hengel A. Neighbourhood watch: Referring expression comprehension via language-guided graph attention networks. In, 2019/06/01/. pp 1960-1968.

Wang X, Liu S, Shen X, Shen C, Jia J. Associatively segmenting instances and semantics in point clouds. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019;2019-June:4091-4100.

Ward B, Brien C, Oakey H, Pearson A, Negrão S, Schilling R, Taylor J, Jarvis D, Timmins A, Roy S, Tester M, Berger B, Van Den Hengel A. High‐throughput 3D modelling to dissect the genetic control of leaf elongation in barley (Hordeum vulgare). The Plant Journal 2019;98(3):555-570.

Weerasekera C, Garg R, Latif Y, Reid I. Learning Deeply Supervised Good Features to Match for Dense Monocular Reconstruction. In: Proc Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2018 Perth, Australia, Switzerland, 2019. pp 609-624.

Wei X, Wang P, Liu L, Shen C, Wu J. Piecewise Classifier Mappings: Learning Fine-Grained Learners for Novel Categories with Few Examples. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019;28(12):6116-6125.

Wei X, Zhang C, Liu L, Shen C, Wu J. Coarse-to-fine: A RNN-based hierarchical attention model for vehicle re-identification. In: Proc Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) Perth, Australia, Switzerland, 2019. pp 575-591.

Wei X, Zhang C, Wu J, Shen C, Zhou Z. Unsupervised object discovery and co-localization by deep descriptor transformation. Pattern Recognition 2019;88:113-126.

Wu Z, Shen C  van den Hengel A. Wider or Deeper: Revisiting the ResNet Model for Visual Recognition. Pattern Recognition 2019;90:119-133.

Xie F, Zhang L, Gu Q, Chao D, Jaroniec M, Qiao S. Multi-shell hollow structured Sb₂S₃ for sodium-ion batteries with enhanced energy density. Nano Energy 2019;60:591-599.

Xie Y, Lu H, Zhang J, Shen C, Xia Y. Deep segmentation-emendation model for gland instance segmentation. In: Proc Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Shenzhen, China. Switzerland, 2019/01/01/. pp 469-477.

Xiong H, Cao Z, Lu H, Madec S, Liu L, Shen C. TasselNetv2: in-field counting of wheat spikes with context-augmented local regression networks. Plant Methods 2019;15(1):150-151-150-114.

Xu W, Liu W, Chi H, Qiu S, Jin Y. Self-paced learning with privileged information. Neurocomputing 2019;362:147-155.

Yan C, Pang G, Bai X, Shen C, Zhou J, Hancock E. Deep hashing by discriminating hard examples. In: Proc ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM) Nice, France. Online, 2019/10/15/. pp 1535-1542.

Yan Q, Gong D  Shi Q, Van Den Hengel A, Shen C, Reid I, Zhang Y. Attention-guided network for ghost-free high dynamic range imaging. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 1751-1760.

Yan Q, Gong D, Zhang P, Shi Q, Sun J, Reid I, Zhang Y. Multi-scale dense networks for deep high dynamic range imaging. In: Proc IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Waikoloa Village, HI, USA, 2019. pp 41-50.

Yan Q, Gong D, Zhang Y. Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Blind Image Quality Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019;28(5):2200-2211.

Yan Y, Huang Y, Chen S, Shen C, Wang H. Joint Deep Learning of Facial Expression Synthesis and Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2019.

Yao R, Lin G, Shen C, Zhang Y, Shi Q. Semantics-Aware Visual Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2019;29(6):1687-1700.

Yin W, Liu Y, Shen C, Yan Y. Enforcing geometric constraints of virtual normal for depth prediction. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2019;2019-October:5683-5692.

Zakizadeh R, Qian Y, Sasdelli M, Vazquez E. Instance Retrieval at Fine-Grained Level Using Multi-attribute Recognition. In: Proc 2018 14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Online, 2019. pp 442-448.

Zhan H, Weerasekera C, Garg R, Reid I. Self-supervised learning for single view depth and surface normal estimation. In: Proc International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Montreal, Canada. Online, 2019/05/01/. pp 4811-4817.

Zhang H, Li Y, Jiang Y, Wang P, Shen Q, Shen C. Hyperspectral Classification Based on Lightweight 3-D-CNN with Transfer Learning. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2019;57(8):5813-5828.

Zhang H, Shen C, Li Y, Cao Y, Liu Y, Yan Y. Exploiting temporal consistency for real-time video depth estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2019;2019-October:1725-1734.

Zhang J, Wu Q, Zhang J, Shen C, Lu J, Wu Q. Heritage image annotation via collective knowledge. Pattern Recognition 2019;93:204-214.

Zhang J, Wu Q, Zhang J, Shen C, Lu J. Mind your neighbours: Image annotation with metadata neighbourhood graph co-attention networks. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 2951-2959.

Zhang J, Xie Y, Wu Q, Xia Y. Medical image classification using synergic deep learning. Medical Image Analysis 2019;54:10-19.

Zhang J, Xie Y, Xia Y, Shen C. Attention residual learning for skin lesion classification. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2019;38(9):2092-2103.

Zhang J, Xie Y, Zhang P, Chen H, Xia Y, Shen C. Light-weight hybrid convolutional network for liver tumour segmentation. In: Proc International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Macao, China. Online, 2019/01/01/. pp 4271-4277.

Zhang L, Wang P, Wei W, Lu H, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Zhang Y. Unsupervised domain adaptation using robust class-wise matching. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2019;29(5):1339-1349.

Zhang L, Wei W, Shi Q, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Zhang Y. Accurate Tensor Completion via Adaptive Low-Rank Representation. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 2019.

Zhang L, Wei W, Shi Q, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Zhang Y. Accurate imagery recovery using a multi-observation patch model. Information Sciences 2019;501:724-741.

Zhang P, Liu W, Lei Y, Lu H. Hyperfusion-Net: Hyper-densely reflective feature fusion for salient object detection. Pattern Recognition 2019;93:521-533.

Zhang P, Liu W, Lu H, Shen C. Salient object detection with lossless feature reflection and weighted structural loss. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019;28(6):3048-3060.

Zhang P, Liu W, Wang H, Lei Y, Lu H. Deep gated attention networks for large-scale street-level scene segmentation. Pattern Recognition 2019;88:702-714.

Zhang T, Ji P, Harandi M, Hartley R, Reid I. Scalable deep k-subspace clustering. In: Proc Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) Perth, Australia, Switzerland, 2019. pp 466-481.

Zhang T, Lin G, Cai J, Shen T, Shen C, Kot A. Decoupled Spatial Neural Attention for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2019;21(11):2930-2941.

Zhang X, Cao J, Shen C, You M. Self-training with progressive augmentation for unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2019;2019-October:8221-8230.

Zhuang B, Shen C, Tan M, Liu L, Reid I. Structured binary neural networks for accurate image classification and semantic segmentation. In: Proc IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Long Beach, USA. Online, 2019/06/01/. pp 413-422.

2018 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

This annual report marks the completion of our first year of operation.


Academic publications

Abbasnejad ME, Dick AR, Shi QR, van den Hengel A, Active learning from noisy tagged images. BMVC Workshop, 2018.

Abbasnejad E, Wu Q, Abbasnejad I, Shi J, van den Hengel A. An Active Information Seeking Model for Goal-oriented Vision-and-Language Tasks. CoRR 2018;abs/1812.06398.

Abbasnejad E, Wu Q, Shi J, van den Hengel A. What’s to know? Uncertainty as a Guide to Asking Goal-oriented Questions. CoRR 2018;abs/1812.06401.

Abdi M, Lim CP, Mohamed SMK, Nahavandi S, Abbasnejad E, van den Hengel A. Discriminative Clustering of High-Dimensional Data Using Generative Modelling. 2018. p 799-802.

Alfaro-Almagro F, Jenkinson M, Bangerter NK, Andersson JLR, Griffanti L, Douaud G, Sotiropoulos SN, Jbabdi S, Hernandez- Fernandez M, Vallee E, Vidaurre D, Webster M, McCarthy P, Rorden C, Daducci A, Alexander DC, Zhang H, Dragonu I, Matthews PM, Miller KL, Smith SM. Image processing and Quality Control for the first 10,000 brain imaging datasets from UK Biobank. Neuroimage 2018;166:400-424.

Anderson P, Wu Q, Teney D, Bruce J, Johnson M, Sünderhauf N, Reid ID, Gould S, van den Hengel A. Vision-and Language Navigation: Interpreting Visually- Grounded Navigation Instructions in Real Environments. 2018. p 3674-3683.

Ansdell M, Ioannou Y, Osborn H, Sasdelli M, Smith J, Caldwell D, Jenkins J, Räissi C, Angerhausen D. Scientific Domain Knowledge Improves Exoplanet Transit Classification with Deep Learning. Astrophysical Journal Letters 2018;869(1).

Battaglini M, Jenkinson M, De Stefano N, Neuroimaging AsD. SIENA-XL for Improving the Assessment of Gray and White Matter Volume Changes on Brain MRI. Human Brain Mapping 2018;39(3):1063-1077.

Bay A, Sidiropoulos P, Vazquez E, Sasdelli M. Hide and Seek tracker: Real- time recovery from target loss. CoRR 2018;abs/1806.07844.

Bozek J, Makropoulos A, Schuh A, Fitzgibbon S, Wright R, Glasser MF, Coalson TS, O’Muircheartaigh J, Hutter J, Price AN, Cordero-Grande L, Teixeira RPAG, Hughes E, Tusor N, Baruteau KP, Rutherford MA, Edwards AD, Hajnal JV, Smith SM, Rueckert D, Jenkinson M, Robinson EC. Construction of a neonatal cortical surface atlas using Multimodal Surface Matching in the Developing Human Connectome Project. Neuroimage 2018;179:11-29.

Bustos A, Chin T. Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Point Cloud Registration with Correspondences. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018;40(12):2868-2882.

Cao Y, Wu Z, Shen C. Estimating Depth from Monocular Images as Classification Using Deep Fully Convolutional Residual Networks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018;28(11):3174-3182.

Cao Y, Zhao T, Xian K, Shen C, Cao Z, Xu S. Monocular Depth Estimation with Augmented Ordinal Depth Relationships. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2018.

Carneiro G, Tavares J, Bradley A, Papa J, Belagiannis V, Nascimento J, Lu Z, Conjeti S. DLMIA 2018 Preface. In:

Stoyanov D, Taylor Z, Carneiro G, Syeda- Mahmood T, editors. Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support: 4th International Workshop, DLMIA 2018 and 8th International Workshop, ML-CDS 2018 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018 Granada, Spain, September 20, 2018 Proceedings; 2018. p VII-VII.

Carneiro G, Tavares J, Bradley A, Papa J, Nascimento J, Cardoso J, Lu Z, Belagiannis V. 1st MICCAI workshop on deep learning in medical image analysis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization 2018;6(3):241-242.

Chance SA, Torso M, Jenkinson M. Cortical Disarray Measurement Using Diffusion MRI Correlates with Braak Staging and Improves Amyloid Pet Prediction of Ad Progression. Alzheimer’s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2018;14(7):P1245.

Chen B, Ting KM. Neighbourhood Contrast: A Better Means to Detect Clusters Than Density. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; 2018. p 401-412.

Chen B, Ting KM, Washio T, Zhu Y. Local contrast as an effective means to robust clustering against varying densities. Machine Learning 2018;107(8-10):1621-1645.

Chojnacki W, Szpak ZL. Determining ellipses from low resolution images with a comprehensive image formation model. CoRR 2018;abs/1807.06814.

Chojnacki W, Szpak ZL. Full explicit consistency constraints in uncalibrated multiple homography estimation. CoRR 2018;abs/1805.02352.

Connally EL, Ward D, Pliatsikas C, Finnegan S, Jenkinson M, Boyles R, Watkins KE. Separation of trait and state in stuttering. Human Brain Mapping 2018;39(8): 3109-3126.

Do T, Cheung N. Embedding based on function approximation for large scale image search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018;40(3):626-638.

Gale W, Oakden-Rayner L, Carneiro G, Bradley AP, Palmer LJ. Producing radiologist-quality reports for interpretable artificial intelligence. CoRR 2018;abs/1806.00340.

Gong D, Tan M, Shi Q, van den Hengel A, Zhang Y. MPTV: Matching Pursuit Based Total Variation Minimization for Image Deconvolution. CoRR 2018;abs/1810.05438.

Gong D, Zhang Z, Shi Q, van den Hengel A, Shen C, Zhang Y. Learning an Optimizer for Image Deconvolution. CoRR 2018;abs/1804.03368.

Griffanti L, Jenkinson M, Suri S, Zsoldos E, Mahmood A, Filippini N, Sexton CE, Topiwala A, Allan C, Kivimaki M, Singh-Manoux A, Ebnaeier KP, Mackay CE, Zamboni G. Classification and characterization of periventricular and deep white matter hyperintensities on MRI: A study in older adults. Neuroimage 2018;170:174-181.

Guo G, Wang H, Shen C,Yan Y, Liao H. Automatic Image Cropping for Visual Aesthetic Enhancement Using Deep Neural Networks and Cascaded Regression. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2018;20(8):2073-2085.

Harston GWJ, Carone D, Sheerin F, Jenkinson M, Kennedy J. Quantifying Infarct Growth and Secondary Injury Volumes: Comparing Multimodal Image Registration Measures. Stroke 2018;49(7):1647-1655.

Hodgson J, Mott R, Baylis S, Pham T, Wotherspoon S, Kilpatrick A, Raja Segaran R, Reid I, Terauds A, Koh L. Drones count wildlife more accurately and precisely than humans. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2018;9(5):1160-1167.

Hu Q, Wang P, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Porikli F. Pushing the Limits of Deep CNNs for Pedestrian Detection. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Techn 2018;28(6): 1358-1368.

Li H, Wang P, Shen C. Toward End-to-End Car License Plate Detection and Recognition With Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2018.

Li H, Wang P, Shen C, van den Hengel A. Visual Question Answering as Reading Comprehension. CoRR 2018;abs/1811.11903.

Li H, Wang P,You M, Shen C. Reading car license plates using deep neural networks. Image and Vision Computing 2018;72(C):14-23.

Li X, Zhao L, Ji W, Wu Y, Wu F,Yang M, Tao D, Reid I. Multi-task structure-aware context modelling for robust keypoint-based object tracking. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018;OnlinePubl:1-13.

Liao Z, Drummond T, Reid I, Carneiro G. Approximate Fisher Information Matrix to Characterise the Training of Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018.

Lin G, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Reid ID. Exploring Context with Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 2018;40(6):1352-1366.

Liu F, Lin G, Qiao R, Shen C. Structured Learning of Tree Potentials in CRF for Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2018;29(6):2631-2637.

Liu H, Ji R, Wang J, Shen C. Ordinal Constraint Binary Coding for Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018:1-1.

Liu W, Zhang P, Chen X; Shen C; Huang X, Yang J. Embedding Bilateral Filter in Least Squares for Efficient Edge-preserving Image Smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018.

Lu H, Shen C, Cao Z, Xiao Y, Van Den Hengel A. An embarrassingly simple approach to visual domain adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2018;27(7):3403-3417.

Ma C, Shen C, Dick AR, Wu Q, Wang P, van den Hengel A, Reid ID. Visual Question Answering With Memory-Augmented Networks. 2018. p 6975-6984.

Makropoulos A, Robinson EC, Schuh A, Wright R, Fitzgibbon S, Bozek J, Counsell SJ, Steinweg J, Vecchiato K, Passerat- Palmbach J, Lenz G, Mortari F, Tenev T, Duff EP, Bastiani M, Cordero-Grande L, Hughes E, Tusor N, Tournier JD, Hutter J, Price AN, Teixeira RPAG, Murgasova M, Victor S, Kelly C, Rutherford MA, Smith SM, Edwards AD, Hajnal JV, Jenkinson M, Rueckert D. The developing human connectome project: A minimal processing pipeline for neonatal cortical surface reconstruction. Neuroimage 2018;173:88-112.

Nekrasov V, Dharmasiri T, Spek A, Drummond T, Shen C, Reid ID. Real-Time Joint Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation Using Asymmetric Annotations. CoRR 2018;abs/1809.04766.

Nekrasov V, Shen C, Reid ID. Diagnostics in Semantic Segmentation. CoRR 2018;abs/1809.10328.

Nguyen D, Vu N, Do T, Nguyen T, Yearwood J. Improving Chamfer template matching using image segmentation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2018;25(11):1635-1639.

Page A, Li H. Meal-sensing signalling pathways in functional dyspepsia. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2018;12(ARTN 10).

Pallebage-Gamarallage M, Foxley S, Menke RAL, Huszar IN, Jenkinson M, Tendler BC, Wang CY, Jbabdi S, Turner MR, Miller KL, Ansorge O. Dissecting the pathobiology of altered MRI signal in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A post mortem whole brain sampling strategy for the integration of ultra-high-field MRI and quantitative neuropathology. Bmc Neuroscience 2018;19.

Robinson EC, Garcia K, Glasser MF, Chen ZD, Coalson TS, Makropoulos A, BozekJ, Wright R, Schuh A, Webster M, Hutter J, Price A, Grande LC, Hughes E, Tusor N, Bayly PV, Van Essen DC, Smith SM, Edwards AD, Hajnal J, Jenkinson M, Glocker B, Rueckert D. Multimodal surface matching with higher-order smoothness constraints. Neuroimage 2018;167:453-465.

Saillant A, Platsch G, Shah V, Zuehlsdorff S, Jenkinson M, Chappell M. Reliability of myocardial blood flow estimates in abnormal scans. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2018;59.

Schmid AB, Campbell J, Hurley SA, Jbabdi S, Andersson JL, Jenkinson M, Bangerter NK, Bennett DL, Tracey I, Frost R, Clare S. Feasibility of Diffusion Tensor and Morphologic Imaging of Peripheral Nerves at Ultra-High Field Strength. Investigative Radiology 2018;53(12):705-713.

Sheng B, Shen C, Lin G, Li J, Yang W, Sun C. Crowd counting via weighted VLAD on a dense attribute feature map. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018;28(8):1788-1797.

Snaauw G, Gong D, Maicas G, van den Hengel A, Niessen WJ, Verjans J, Carneiro G. End-to-End Diagnosis and Segmentation Learning from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. CoRR 2018;abs/1810.10117.

Teney D, Anderson P, He X, van den Hengel A. Tips and Tricks for Visual Question Answering: Learnings From the 2017 Challenge. 2018. p 4223-4232.

Teney D, van den Hengel A. Visual Question Answering as a Meta Learning Task. ECCV 2018. p 229-245.

Wang L. Image and Sentence Matching via Semantic Concepts and Order Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018.

Wang P, Wu Q, Cao J, Shen C, Gao L, van den Hengel A. Neighbourhood Watch: Referring Expression Comprehension via Language-guided Graph Attention Networks. CoRR 2018;abs/1812.04794.

Wang P, Wu Q, Shen C, Dick AR, van den Hengel A. FVQA: Fact-Based Visual Question Answering. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 2018;40(10):2413-2427.

Wang X, Gao L, Wang P, Sun X, Liu X. Two-stream 3-D convNet Fusion for action recognition in videos with arbitrary size and length. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2018;20(3):634-644.

Wei X, Xie C, Wu J, Shen C. Mask-CNN: Localizing parts and selecting descriptors for fine-grained bird species categorization. Pattern Recognition 2018;76(C):704-714.

Williamson W, Lewandowski AJ, Forkert ND, Griffanti L, Okell TW, Betts J, Boardman H, Siepmann T, McKean D, Huckstep O, Francis JM, Neubauer S, Phellan R, Jenkinson M, Doherty A, Dawes H, Frangou E, Malamateniou C, Foster C, Leeson P. Association of Cardiovascular Risk Factors With MRI Indices of Cerebrovascular Structure and Function and White Matter Hyperintensities in Young Adults. Jama- Journal of the American Medical Association 2018;320(7):665-673.

Williamson W, Lewandowski AJ, Huckstep O, Visser E, Betts B, Jenkinson M, Dawes  H, Foster C, Leeson  P. Thalamic Volume  is a Predictor of Cardiac Function at Rest and During Exercise in Young Adults. Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association 2018;138(Suppl_1):A16361.

Wu Q, Shen C, Wang P, Dick A, van den Hengel A. Image captioning and visual question answering based on attributes and external knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018;40(6):1367-1381.

Wu Q, Wang P, Shen C, Reid ID, van den Hengel A. Are You Talking to Me? Reasoned Visual Dialog Generation Through Adversarial Learning. 2018. p 6106-6115.

Xu W, Liu W, Huang X,Yang J, Qiu S. Multi-modal self-paced learning for image classification. Neurocomputing 2018;309(C):134-144.

Yao R, Lin G, Shen C, Zhang Y, Shi Q. Semantics-Aware Visual Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018;Online:1-14.

Yao R, Lin G, Shi Q, Ranasinghe D. Efficient dense labelling of human activity sequences from wearables using fully convolutional networks. Pattern Recognition 2018;78(C):252-266.

You M, Zhang Y, Shen C, Zhang X. An Extended Filtered Channel Framework for Pedestrian Detection. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2018;19(5):1640-1651.

Zakizadeh R, Sasdelli M, Qian Y, Vazquez E. FineTag: Multi-label Retrieval of Attributes at Fine-grained Level in Images. CoRR 2018;abs/1806.07124.

Zakizadeh R, Sasdelli M, Qian Y, Vazquez E. Improving the Annotation of DeepFashion Images for Fine-grained Attribute Recognition. CoRR 2018;abs/1807.11674.

Zhang J, Wu Q, Shen C, Zhang J, Lu J. Multilabel Image Classification with Regional Latent Semantic Dependencies. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2018;20(10):2801-2813.

Zhang J, Wu Q, Shen C, Zhang J, Lu J, van den Hengel A. Goal-oriented visual question generation via intermediate rewards, ECCV 2018.

Zhang L, Wang P, Liu L, Shen C, Wei W, Zhang Y, van den Hengel A. Towards Effective Deep Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning. CoRR 2018;abs/1808.10075.

Zhang L, Wang P, Shen C, Liu L, Wei W, Zhang Y, van den Hengel A. Adaptive Importance Learning for Improving Lightweight Image Super-resolution Network. CoRR 2018;abs/1806.01576.

Zhang L, Wang P, Wei W, Lu H, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Zhang Y. Unsupervised domain adaptation using robust class- wise matching. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018;OnlinePubl:1-12.

Zhang L, Wei W, Zhang Y, Shen C, van den Hengel A, Shi Q. Cluster Sparsity Field: An Internal Hyperspectral Imagery Prior for Reconstruction. International Journal of Computer Vision 2018;126(8):797-821.

Zhou X, Liu Z, Gong C, Liu W. Improving video saliency detection via localized estimation and spatiotemporal refinement. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2018;20(11):2993-3007.

Zhuang B, Wu Q, Shen C, Reid ID, van den Hengel A. HCVRD: A Benchmark for Large- Scale Human-Centered Visual Relationship Detection. 2018. p 7631-7638.

Zhuang B, Wu Q, Shen C, Reid ID, van den Hengel A. Parallel Attention: A Unified Framework for Visual Object Discovery Through Dialogs and Queries. 2018. p 4252-4261.

Zhuang N,Yan Y, Chen S, Wang H, Shen C. Multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification. Pattern Recognition 2018;80(C):225-240.

Zsoldos E, Filippini N, Mahmood A, Mackay CE, Singh-Manoux A, Kivimaki M, Jenkinson M, Ebmeier KP. Allostatic load as a predictor of grey matter volume and white matter integrity in old age: The Whitehall II MRI study. Scientific Reports 2018;8.

Zulqarnain Gilani S, Mian A, Shafait F, Reid I. Dense 3D Face Correspondence. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018;40(7):1584-1598.

Academic publications

Abbasnejad I, Sridharan S, Nguyen D, Denman S, Fookes C, Lucey S. Using Synthetic Data to Improve Facial Expression Analysis with 3D Convolutional Networks. In: Proc 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 22-29 Oct. 2017, 2017. pp 1609-1618.

Abbasnejad M, Dick A, van den Hengel A. Infinite variational autoencoder for semi-supervised learning. In: Proc 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017) Honolulu, 2017. pp 781-790.

Abbasnejad M, Shi Q, Abbasnejad I, Hengel A, Dick A. Bayesian Conditional Generative Adverserial Networks. CoRR 2017;abs/1706.05477.

Alismail H, Kaess M, Browning B, Lucey S. Direct Visual Odometry in Low Light Using Binary Descriptors. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2017;2(2):444-451.

Anderson P, He X, Buehler C, Teney D, Johnson M, Gould S, Zhang L. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and VQA. CoRR 2017;abs/1707.07998.

Ball D, Upcroft B, van Henten E, van den Hengel A, Tokekar P, Das J. JFR Special Issue on Agricultural Robotics. Journal of Field Robotics 2017;34(6):1037-1038.

Cao Y, Shen C, Shen H. Exploiting depth from single monocular images for object detection and semantic segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017;26(2):836-846.

Carneiro G, Nascimento J, Bradley A. Automated analysis of unregistered multi-view mammograms with deep learning. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2017;36(11):2355-2365.

Carneiro G, Nascimento J, Bradley A. Deep Learning Models for Classifying Mammogram Exams Containing Unregistered Multi-View Images and Segmentation Maps of Lesions. In: Zhou S, Greenspan H, Shen D, editors. Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis. London: Elsevier; 2017.  p 321-339.

Carneiro G, Oakden-Rayner L, Bradley A, Nascimento J, Palmer L. Automated 5-year mortality prediction using deep learning and radiomics features from chest computed tomography. In: Proc IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017) Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Online, 2017. pp 130-134.

Carneiro G, Oakden-Rayner L, Bradley AP, Nascimento JC, Palmer LJ. Automated 5-year mortality prediction using deep learning and radiomics features from chest computed tomography. IEEE; 2017.  p 130-134.

Carneiro G, Peng T, Bayer C, Navab N. Automatic quantification of tumour hypoxia from multi-modal microscopy images using weakly-supervised learning methods. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2017;36(7):1405-1417.

Carneiro G, Tavares J, Bradley A, Papa J, Nascimento J, Cardoso J, Belagiannis V, Lu Z. Preface DLMIA 2017. 2017.  p 1-1.

Carneiro G, Zheng Y, Xing F, Yang L. Review of deep learning methods in mammography, cardiovascular, and microscopy image analysis. In: Lu L, Zheng Y, Carneiro G, Yang L, editors. Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Computing: precision medicine, high performance and large-scale datasets. Switzerland: Springer; 2017.  p 11-32.

Chen Y, Shen C, Wei X, Liu L, Yang J. Adversarial PoseNet: A structure-aware convolutional network for human pose estimation. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017) Venice, ITALY. Piscataway, NJ, 2017. pp 1221-1230.

Chen Z, Jacobson A, Sunderhauf N, Upcroft B, Liu L, Shen C, Reid I, Milford M. Deep Learning Features at Scale for Visual Place Recognition. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2017 Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Online, 2017. pp 3223-3230.

Cheng LZTP, Campbell B, Carneiro G, Burt AD, Singh R. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for characterising colorectal lesions: Initial results of a newly developed software. WILEY; 2017.  p 251-251.

Chin T, Purkait P, Eriksson A, Suter D. Efficient globally optimal consensus maximisation with tree search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2017;39(4):758-772.

Chin TJ, Suter. The Maximum Consensus Problem Recent Algorithmic Advances. USA: Morgan & Claypool Publishers; 2017.

Demarty C, Sjöberg M, Ionescu B, Do T, Gygli M, Duong N. Mediaeval 2017 predicting media interestingness task. In: Proc 2017 Multimedia Benchmark Workshop Dublin. Online, 2017.

Dhungel N, Carneiro G, Bradley A. A deep learning approach for the analysis of masses in mammograms with minimal user intervention. Medical Image Analysis 2017;37(C):114-128.

Dhungel N, Carneiro G, Bradley A. Combining deep learning and structured prediction for segmenting masses in mammograms. In: Lu L, Zheng Y, Carneiro G, Yang L, editors. Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Computing: precision medicine, high performance and large-scale datasets. Switzerland: Springer; 2017.  p 225-240.

Dhungel N, Carneiro G, Bradley A. Fully automated classification of mammograms using deep residual neural networks. In: Proc IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017) Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Online, 2017. pp 310-314.

Do T, Le Tan D, Pham T, Cheung N. Simultaneous feature aggregating and hashing for large-scale image search. In: Proc 30th IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Honolulu, HI, 2017/11/06/. pp 4217-4226.

Fagg A, Lucey S, Sridharan S. Fast, Dense Feature SDM on an iPhone. In: Proc 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), 30 May-3 June 2017, 2017. pp 95-102.

Faulkner H, Dick A. TenniSet: A dataset for dense fine-grained event recognition, localisation and description. In: Proc International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2017) Sydney, AUSTRALIA. Piscataway, NJ, 2017. pp 1-8.

Gale W, Oakden-Rayner L, Carneiro G, Bradley AP, Palmer LJ. Detecting hip fractures with radiologist-level performance using deep neural networks. CoRR 2017;abs/1711.06504.

Galoogahi HK, Fagg A, Huang C, Ramanan D, Lucey S. Need for Speed: A Benchmark for Higher Frame Rate Object Tracking. In: Proc 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 22-29 Oct. 2017, 2017. pp 1134-1143.

Galoogahi HK, Fagg A, Lucey S. Learning Background-Aware Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking. In: Proc 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 22-29 Oct. 2017, 2017. pp 1144-1152.

Gong D, Tan M, Zhang Y, Hengel A, Shi Q. Self-paced kernel estimation for robust blind image deblurring. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017) Venice, ITALY. Online, 2017. pp 1670-1679.

Gong D, Tan M, Zhang Y, Van Den Hengel A, Shi Q. MPGL: An efficient matching pursuit method for generalized LASSO. In: Proc 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17) San Francisco, 2017. pp 1934-1940.

Gong D, Yang J, Liu L, Zhang Y, Reid I, Shen C, Hengel A, Shi Q. From motion blur to motion flow: a deep learning solution for removing heterogeneous motion blur. In: Proc 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017) Honolulu, HI. Online, 2017. pp 3806-3815.

Ham C, Chang M, Lucey S, Singh S. Monocular Depth from Small Motion Video Accelerated. In: Proc 2017 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 10-12 Oct. 2017, 2017. pp 575-583.

Ham C, Singh S, Lucey S. Occlusions are Fleeting - Texture is Forever: Moving Past Brightness Constancy. In: Proc 2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 24-31 March 2017, 2017. pp 273-281.

Harwood B, Kumar V, Carneiro G, Reid I, Drummond T. Smart mining for deep metric learning. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017) Venice, ITALY. Piscataway, NJ, 2017. pp 2840-2848.

Hoang T, Do T, Le Tan D, Cheung N. Selective deep convolutional features for image retrieval. In: Proc International Conference on Multimedia (MM) Mountain View, California. Online, 2017. pp 1600-1608.

Hosseinzadeh M, Latif Y, Reid I. Sparse point-plane SLAM. In: Proc 2017 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation Sydney. Online, 2017. pp 148-155.

Hu Q, Wang H, Li T, Shen C. Deep CNNs with spatially weighted pooling for fine-grained car recognition. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2017;18(11):3147-3156.

Huang C, Lucey S, Ramanan D. Learning Policies for Adaptive Tracking with Deep Feature Cascades. In: Proc 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 22-29 Oct. 2017, 2017. pp 105-114.

Ji P, Li H, Dai Y, Reid I. "Maximizing rigidity" revisited: a convex programming approach for generic 3D shape reconstruction from multiple perspective views. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017) Venice, ITALY. Piscataway, NJ, 2017. pp 929-937.

Ji P, Reid, Garg, i H, Salzmann M. Low-Rank Kernel Subspace Clustering. In: Proc:

Ji P, Zhang T, Li H, Salzmann M, Reid I. Deep subspace clustering networks. In: Proc Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Long Beach, CA, 2017. pp 1-10.

Jian S, Cao L, Pang G, Lu K, Gao H. Embedding-based Representation of Categorical Data by Hierarchical Value Coupling Learning. In: Proc Twenty-sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) Melbourne, Australia. Online, 2017. pp 1937-1943.

Johnston A, Garg R, Carneiro G, Reid I, van den Hengel A. Scaling CNNs for high resolution volumetric reconstruction from a single image. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW 2017) Venice, ITALY. Piscataway, NJ, 2017. pp 930-939.

Khosravian A, Chin T, Reid I, Mahony R. A discrete-time attitude observer on SO(3) for vision and GPS fusion. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2017) Singapore, 2017. pp 5688-5695.

Khosravian A, Chin T, Reid I. A branch-and-bound algorithm for checkerboard extraction in camera-laser calibration. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017) Singapore, 2017. pp 6495-6502.

Kim J, Latif Y, Reid I. RRD-SLAM: Radial-distorted rolling-shutter direct SLAM. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Singapore, 2017/07/21/. pp 5148-5154.

Kong C, Lin C, Lucey S. Using Locally Corresponding CAD Models for Dense 3D Reconstructions from a Single Image. In: Proc 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 21-26 July 2017, 2017. pp 5603-5611.

Lai T, Wang H, Yan Y, Chin T, Zhao W. Motion segmentation via a sparsity constraint. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2017;18(4):973-983.

Latif Y, Huang G, Leonard J, Neira J. Sparse optimization for robust and efficient loop closing. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2017;93(C):13-26.

Le H, Chin T, Suter D. RATSAC - Random tree sampling for maximum consensus estimation. In: Proc 2017 International Conference on Digital Image Computing - Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Sydney, 2017. pp 1-8.

Le H, Chin TJ, Suter D. An exact penalty method for locally convergent maximum consensus. In: Proc 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017) Honolulu, HI. Online, 2017. pp 379-387.

Leal-Taixé L, Milan A, Schindler K, Cremers D, Reid I, Roth S. Tracking the Trackers: An Analysis of the State of the Art in Multiple Object Tracking. arXiv preprint arXiv:170402781 2017.

Li C, Cao J, Huang Z, Zhu L, Shen HT. Leveraging weak semantic relevance for complex video event classification. In: Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Venice, ITALY, 2017. pp 3667-3676.

Li C, Huang Z, Yang Y, Cao J, Sun X, Shen HT. Hierarchical latent concept discovery for video event detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017;26(5):2149-2162.

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