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Damien Sommerville

Damien Sommerville

Agronomy and farming is at the heart of Damien and his family's lives. Read about Damien's journey from completing his degree at Roseworthy in 2000 to 10 years of working on his family farms at Spalding and Burra

[Read more about Damien Sommerville]

David Long

David Long

David was twenty one and an experienced stonemason labourer, shearer and farmer when he decided to pursue his passion for Ag. The natural choice was enrolling at Roseworthy to further his skills and knowledge. Now he owns and manages his own business, Long Seed and Grain Pty Ltd, and is Regional Manager for Nidera Australia.

[Read more about David Long]

Leonie Spriggs

Leonie Spriggs

Leonie Spriggs has always been passionate and driven to work within business and agriculture. While studying at Roseworthy, Leonie felt incredibly inspired because she was combining two areas she loved. Having grown up in the country, Roseworthy was a great choice as it offered the ability to study in a country area.

[Read more about Leonie Spriggs]

Claire Brown

Claire Brown

Claire is passionate about using the skills and knowledge that she learned while studying at Roseworthy in her current role with Birchip Cropping Group (BCG) in north-west Victoria. For the last 10 years, Claire has been involved in BCG which is a not-for-profit agricultural research and extension organisation led by farmers from the Wimmera and Mallee regions of Victoria.

[Read more about Claire Brown]

Lachlan Nitschke

Lachlan Nitschke

Farming is in Lachie Nitschke's blood. Lachie grew up on his family's cropping property near Greenock in South Australia. After graduating from Kapunda High School in 2005, Lachie went onto complete his Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science) at the University of Adelaide with the intention of working in agronomy.

[Read more about Lachlan Nitschke]

John Crosby

John Crosby

John Crosby graduated from Roseworthy in 1970 and since then he has successfully chaired numerous wheat and meat industry bodies over his career including senior roles with the National Farmers Federation and Agribusiness Association of Australia.

[Read more about John Crosby]

Simon Hill

Simon Hill

From Yorke Peninsula to Roseworthy College, East Africa, China and New York! Simon Hill has traveled the world leading an exciting career of Agribusiness and other cutting-edge ventures. Simon spent his childhood growing up on his family farm near Ardrossan on the Yorke Peninsula. Following graduation from Roseworthy College, Simon's first 10 years was spent in various agronomic sales and management roles throughout South Australia, including Dermody's IAMA, J.T.Johnson & Sons and CropCare, while simultaneously juggling a League Football career with North Adelaide in the city.

[Read more about Simon Hill]

Alexander Sassenberg

Alexander Sassenberg

The topic of 'Agriculture' has always excited Alexander, who now works for one of the world's most well-known Agribusiness brands in Ag, John Deere. In 1994 Alexander studied Agricultural Economics at Georg August University of Göttingen in Germany. He then decided to travel to the land down under in search of new experiences. In 1995, he looked to Roseworthy College in order to broaden his knowledge on Australian agricultural systems. Fast forward a few years and Alexander now leads a passionate team as Territory Manager for John Deere International based out of Switzerland.

[Read more about Alexander Sassenberg]

Dale Manson

Dale Manson

Dale's experience at Roseworthy College proved to him that it was possible to make a genuine long-term difference to the community and the State's rural industries. Dale has served 34 years with the SA Government's Agriculture Department in various roles and has lead the popular rural radio program, Agrow on 5MU! Among other achievements, his career is a proud one, full of opportunity and value to rural communities.

[Read more about Dale Manson]

Sarah Lance

Sarah Lance

Since graduating Roseworthy College in 1997, Sarah has worked the length of the Murray-Darling Basin. Sarah is now a District Manager for the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) based in Murray Bridge.

[Read more about Sarah Lance]