Alumni in Focus: Ana Hranilovic

PhD in Wine Microbiology Ana Hranilovic is this month's Alumni in Focus.
After completing her Bachelor in Horticulture and Masters in Viticulture and Oenology in Croatia, this month's Alumni in Focus, Ana commenced her PhD in Wine Microbiology. Her interest in ‘unconventional’ grapes was extended to ‘unconventional’ yeasts, and for the past five years she has been working on selecting strains to help winemakers make better wines in warming climates.
What are your hobbies?
Fermenting stuff! I recently discovered the joys homebrewing and lacto-fermenting fruits and vegetables. I am also quite excited about my own wine label (Domaine Ludo Wines) started with Marcell Kustos and Olaf Schelezki, two close friends who also finished their PhDs in Wine Science at the Waite Campus.
Favourite place to eat when in Adelaide?
My go-to places are Parwana, Peel Street and Africola. I also really enjoy take away fish and chips from Stunned Mullet, served with a bottle of (Clare Valley) Riesling and a Henley Beach sunset.
If I could go back to my University days I would…
… learn more about (to me) the abstract world of business and entrepreneurship.
Most prized possession?
Lately I’ve been living out of a suitcase, so I am rather unattached to most material possessions. That said, I do not part with my pair of RM Williams boots.
Something that makes you smile?
Vinyasa flow.
Something you are grateful for?
The support of my friends and family, and good health.
If I could pursue a different career I would…
Run a self-sufficient farm.
The most valuable lesson I have learned is…
Balance is the key to everything – good wines, meals, jobs, lives.
I cannot get through the day without…
Three words your closest friends would use to describe you?
Sensitive, independent, perservering.
Your definition of success?
Turning your passion into a career.
Best thing my parents taught me was…
Generosity. Some of my earliest memories involve my parents hosting a number of refugees in our home in Northern Croatia.
Biggest career highlight?
Helping secure industry funding for a post-doctoral project which enabled me to further progress my PhD work to the results that are not only scientifically novel and excellent, but are also applicable in the industry. The project is now ending with a selected yeast strain available for winemakers to respond to major challenges in wine industry – overly high alcohols and lacking acidity in wines.
2020 is the year I will…
… try scuba diving.
How do you relax?
Physical activity such as bike commuting, running and yoga helps me relax on a daily basis. On weekends, it’s going to farmers markets, long beach walks or hikes, movies, parties and definitely not cleaning.
When I get home the first thing I do is…
Put on some music.
The biggest risk you have taken?
I got onto a plane to a big island far away from home to start a PhD on a topic I was unfamiliar with.