News: alumni in focus

Alumni in Focus: Lauren DeCesare

Alumni in Focus-Lauren DeCesare

Adelady co-founder and Bachelor of Media graduate Lauren DeCesare is this month’s Alumni in Focus.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: Lauren DeCesare]

Alumni in Focus: Jonathan Hall

Jonathan Hall

Named as one of InDaily's 40 under 40 for 2019, Co-Founder and Director of Life Whisperer, and Bachelor of Science and PhD graduate Jonathan Hall is this month’s Alumni in Focus.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: Jonathan Hall]

Alumni in Focus: Natalie Wade

Natalie Wade

Founder of Equality Lawyers and Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Laws graduate Natalie Wade is this month’s Alumni in Focus.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: Natalie Wade]

Alumni in Focus: Patrick Iland OAM, Peter Gago AC, Andrew Caillard MW and Peter Dry.

Patrick Iland OAM, Peter Gago AC, Andrew Caillard MW and Peter Dry.

Award-winning authors of Australian Wine: styles and tastes, people and places Patrick Iland OAM, Peter Gago AC, Andrew Caillard MW and Peter Dry are this month’s Alumni in Focus.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: Patrick Iland OAM, Peter Gago AC, Andrew Caillard MW and Peter Dry.]

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