Animal Welfare Information Resources
NHMRC best practice methodology guide
Best practice methodology in the use of animals for scientific purposes. (NHMRC, 2017)
The best practice guide provides advice on the conduct of animal-based studies to ensure that these studies are rigorous, transparent and reproducible, and lead to useful outcomes.
NHMRC wellbeing guidelines
Guidelines promoting the 3Rs and 'good practice' techniques.
ARRIVE and PREPARE guidelines
The ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines have been developed to improve standards of reporting the results of animal experiments. The guidelines are primarily aimed at scientists writing up their research for publication and for those who are involved in peer review.
The ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines have been developed to improve standards of reporting the results of animal experiments. The PREPARE guidelines for planning animal research and testing provide guidelines for planning animal research from day one.
Useful websites
UK Assessing the Health and Welfare of Laboratory Animals information and training resource website.
UK Site Scientific Design of Experiments incorporating the 3Rs information and training resource website.
3Rs microsite
Canadian Council for Animal Care (CCAC 3Rs microsite)
Information and training website on 'Alternatives' and Replacement, Reduction and Refinement.
ANZCCART-Australian & New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research & Teaching.
The Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching Ltd (ANZCCART) was established in 1987 in response to particular concerns in both the wider and scientific communities about the use of animals in research and teaching. It also recognised the need to address, in a balanced and considered way, the distinctive scientific, ethical, and social issues associated with the use of animals for scientific purposes. ANZCCART's objectives are to promote:
- excellence in the care of animals supplied for or used in research and teaching;
- responsible scientific use of animals;
- the 3Rs policy of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement as they apply to the use of animals for scientific purposes;
- informed discussion and debate within the community regarding these matters; and
- strategic partnerships to contribute to the education and training of scientists, students and the broader community.
Please visit the ANZCCART website for further information and news.
Animal Ethics Infolink
NHMRC Animal Welfare & Ethics Guidelines
The Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (8th edition, 2013) and related Animal Ethics Guidelines listed below are available from the NHMRC Website. The Animal Ethics guidelines should be read in conjunction with both the Animal Code and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007).
- Principles and guidelines for the care and use of non-human primates for scientific purposes (2016)
- Guidelines for the generation, breeding, care and use of genetically modified and cloned animals for scientific purposes (2007)
- Guidelines to promote the wellbeing of animals used for scientific purposes: The assessment and alleviation of pain and distress in research animals (2008)
- NHMRC Guidelines for Monoclonal Antibody Production (2008) (N.B. Revoked by NHMRC July 2017)
- NHMRC Guidelines on the Care of Cats Used for Scientific Purposes (2009) (N.B. Revoked by NHMRC July 2017)
- NHMRC Guidelines on the Care of Dogs Used for Scientific Purposes (2009) (N.B. Revoked by NHMRC July 2017)
- Guidelines on the use of animals for training interventional medical practitioners and demonstrating medical equipment and techniques (2009) (N.B. Revoked by NHMRC July 2017)
- A guide to the care and use of Australian native mammals in research and teaching (2014)
- NHMRC Best practice methodology in the use of animals for scientific purposes (2017)
Australian Animal Welfare Standards for Livestock
Nationally consistent Australian Animal Welfare Regulatory Standards and guidelines for livestock have been developed under the auspices of the Australian Government by Animal Health Australia, as part of the Australian Government Animal Welfare arrangements. The aim is to harmonise and streamline livestock welfare legislation in Australia, and to improve animal welfare outcomes in a manner that is practical for animal industries. They are based upon, and will replace, the Model Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Animals (see below).
Primary Industries Report Series - Model Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Animals
Binational OIE - Animal Welfare Science Centre (University of Melbourne Welfare and Massey Centres)
Binational OIE - Centre for Animal Welfare & Ethics (University of Queensland Welfare Centre)
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (Australian Government)
Animal Welfare Unit, Department for Environment & Water (South Australian Government)
Refinement methods for rodents you might enjoy watching
Article that outlines the benefits of handling rats positively before giving an injection to decrease their stress and increase positive responses. (Science Direct)
Delightful ultrasound recordings of rats enjoying being tickled and chasing the tickler’s hand for more. (Scientific American)
Demonstration of the Tecniplast mouse wheel and how much the mice enjoy it.