Contact Us
Biobank Senior Manager
Dr. Georget Reaiche-Miller
Working hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel: +61 8 8313 4807
Mob: +61 499 110 449
Helen Mayo North Building, NG23
Dr. Georget Reaiche-Miller received her Bachelor of Science and Honours degree in 2003 in the area of Microbiology and Immunology. In 2008 she completed her PhD in Virology and Viral Immunology at the School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, The University of Adelaide. She joined the Hepatitis Research Group as a postdoctoral researcher from 2008 to 2014 with her work resulting in the publication of 3 book chapter and a number of articles in peer review journals. During this time, she was in charge of research, supervision of Honours and Ph.D. students, preparation of peer reviewed publications and grant applications. She was also in responsible for OGTR, IBC and quarantine requirements of the laboratory as part of the Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (DAWE).
In March 2014, Dr. Reaiche-Miller was appointed as the full-time manager of The University of Adelaide Biobank. The Adelaide Biobank is a state of the art facility with purposely built biorepositories to securely house valuable material, ranging from environmental and biological research to clinical and long-term/longitudinal research, that would otherwise be stored in ultra-cold (-80 degrees) freezers throughout the university. As well as managing the Adelaide Biobank, Georget works closely with The University of Adelaide Legal and Risk team. As a result, the Adelaide Biobank has developed and implemented a Cold Storage Management Policy to safely manage local cold storage facilities. The policy was developed to further protect research and clinical material stored in ultra-cold freezers and cryo-storage facilities across the university.
Dr. Georget Reaiche-Miller is currently the President of the Australasian Biospecimen Network Association (ABNA). “ABNA is an organisation committed to providing an opportunity for individuals who have an interest in tissue banking and biorepositories to share information and experience. Our membership includes biobankers from right across Australia and New Zealand, spanning human disease, zoological and agricultural biobanks”. The Adelaide Biobank is an active member of ABNA.
Biobank Operations Manager
Corinne Mensforth
Working hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel: +61 8 8313 5566
Helen Mayo North Building, NG23
Corinne received her Bachelor of Science and Honours degree in 2005 in Animal Biology from Flinders University. She is experienced in the fields of human and veterinary pathology laboratories as well as in teaching and research support environment across all three South Australian universities. Corinne joined the Adelaide Biobank team in 2023 and brings extensive experience in ultra-low temperature and cryogenic management and storage, laboratory database management systems as well as PC2, Biosecurity and GMO laboratory protocols.