
We are pleased to present the HiTeMP-4 program.

Due to the late changes still occurring to the program, please use the online program below which will reflect the updates as they happen.

Forum program


Monday 21 October
AM-1 Introduction, Review, Global Drivers and Projections
AM-2 Global Strategies and Initiatives in Decarbonisation of High Temperature Processes
PM-1 Industry Hubs for the Heavy-Industrial Sector
PM-2 Energy Infrastructure - Overcoming the Barriers
Evening Cocktail function
Tuesday 22 October
AM-1 Policy, Finance and Regulation
AM-2 Net-Zero Upstream Process Technology
PM-1 Net-Zero High Temperature Process Technology
PM-2 Poster Session
Evening Dinner: Adelaide Oval
Wednesday 23 October
AM-1 International Best Practice in the Pathway to Net-Zero Iron and Steel - A
AM-2 International Best Practice in the Pathway to Net-Zero Iron and Steel - B
PM-1 International Best Practice in the Pathways to Net-Zero Alumina and Critical Minerals
PM-2 International Best Practice in the Pathways to Net-Zero Cement and Lime
PM-3 Synthesis of Key Perspectives and Next Steps

Session 1: Introduction, Review, Global Drivers and Projections

Time Topic Presenter
8:30 - 9:00am Registration and coffee With thanks to Barista Sponsor: the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources
9:00 – 9:05am Welcome from the Chair Susan Jeanes, Jeanes Holland & Associates / HILT CRC
9:05 – 9:10am Welcome to Country Jack Buckskin
9:10 – 9:15am Welcome to the University of Adelaide Prof Laura Parry, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Excellence), The University of Adelaide
9:15 – 9:20am Australia's Plans for Decarbonisation Hon Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science
9:20 – 9:35am National Strategy to Achieve Net-Zero for Industry Shane Gaddes, Head of Net Zero Industries, DCCEEW
9:35 - 9:50am Global Drivers for the Net-zero Transition for Industry and Hydrogen Prof Christian Sattler, German Aerospace Center, DLR
9:50 - 10:05am

Hydrogen – A key enabler of South Australia’s green reindustrialisation

Richard Day, Director of Industry Development, Office of Hydrogen Power SA
10:05 – 10:20am Barriers, Enablers and Pathways: Aims for the HiTeMP Forum Prof Graham 'Gus' Nathan, Interim Director, ISER, Research Director, HILT CRC
10:20 - 10:40am Panel Discussion  
10:40 - 11:05am Coffee break With thanks to Barista Sponsor: the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources

Session 2: Global Strategies and Initiatives in Decarbonisation of High Temperature Processes

Time Topic Presenter
11:05 - 11:10am Welcome from the Chairs Prof Mikko Hupa, HILT CRC & Kyra Reznikov, Finlaysons
11:10 - 11:30am Global and National Drivers to Decarbonise Heavy Industry Prof Frank Jotzo, Australian National University
11:30 - 11:50pm Finding Better Ways to Progress Steel Decarbonisation Rowan Mackay, Senior Business Development Manager, Decarbonisation, Rio Tinto
11:50 – 12:10pm Multi Hundred Megawatt and Gigawatt Scale Electrolysis Projects for Industrial Hydrogen Applications - An Update Dr Johann Rinnhofer, thyssenkrupp nucera Australia
12:10 – 12:20pm HILT CRC - Working Together to Achieve Heavy Industry Decarbonisation Jenny Selway, CEO, HILT CRC
12:20 – 12:30pm About Mission Innovation and the Net-Zero Industries Mission Dr Alan Monaghan, 

Global Mission Coordinator, Net Zero Industries Mission

12:30 - 12:40 Steeling for Change: China’s Industrial Metamorphosis Isha Chaudhary, Head of Steel and Raw Materials, Wood Mackenzie
12:40 - 1:00pm Panel Discussion  
1:00 - 2:00pm Lunch  

Session 3: Industry Hubs for the Heavy-Industrial Sector

Time Topic Presenter
2:00 - 2:10pm Welcome and Overview from the Chair Prof Ellen B. Stechel, Co-Director, LightWorks®, Executive Director, Center for an Arizona Carbon-Neutral Economy, Arizona State University
2:10 – 2:30pm Low-carbon Iron Hubs: Australia Faces Growing Global Competition Simon Nicholas, Lead Energy Finance Analyst, IEEFA
2:30 – 2:50pm Clustering decarbonisation solutions to accelerate sustainable energy transitions Prof Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Director, UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre
2:50 – 3:00pm Enabling H2 Deployment: Lessons from the LNG Industry Jason Crusan, Vice President New Energy Growth & Solutions, Woodside Energy
3:00 - 3:15pm Global and Australian Assessment of Hydrogen Production Technologies Prof Greg Metha, University of Adelaide and Australian Director, Global HyPT Center
3:15 - 3:25pm Net-Zero Energy Options for Industry (HILT CRC Project) Dr Tara Hosseini, Senior Research Scientist CSIRO and HILT CRC
3:25 - 3:55pm Discussion Panel  
3:55 - 4:20pm Coffee break  

Session 4: Energy Infrastructure - Overcoming the Barriers

Time Topic Presenter
4:20 - 4:25pm Welcome from the Chairs Rachelle Doyle, Manager Strategic Programs, Rio Tinto & Prof Bassam Dally, KAUST
4:25 - 4:45pm Scale of the Challenge for Energy Infrastructure Prof Michael Brear, Director, Melbourne Energy Institute
4:45 - 4:55pm Outlook and Perspectives of the EU's Competitiveness Corneliu Bodea, CEO, Adrem
4:55 - 5:10pm Enabling a Net-Zero Electricity System Chris Davies, Group Manager Future Energy Systems, AEMO
5:10 - 5:20pm Staged Electrical Infrastructure for Green Hydrogen Production Dan Manderson, General Manager of Assets, Zen Energy
5:20 - 5:30pm Energy Infrastructure: Overcoming the Barriers Krissy Raman, Head of Strategy and Sustainability at Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)
5:30 - 6:00pm Panel Discussion  
6:15 - 8:15pm Cocktail Function  
6:45 - 6:55pm Cocktail Function Special Guest Presentation Michael Brown MP, Member for Florey
6:55 - 7:05pm Cocktail Function Special Guest Presentation His Excellency Mr Radu Gabriel Safta, Ambassador of Romania to Australia

Session 5: Policy, Regulation and Finance

Time Topic Presenter
8:30 - 9:00am Registration and coffee With thanks to Barista Sponsor: the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources
9:00 - 9:05am Welcome from the Chairs Prof Peter Draper, Executive Director, Institute for International Trade, the University of Adelaide & Associate Professor Fiona Beck, Australian National University
9:05 - 9:25am From First-of-a-Kind to the New Best Available Technology Standard: How to Transform Global Industrial Sectors Towards Near Zero, Zero and Negative GHG Emissions Dr Chris Bataille, Columbia University
9:25 - 9:45am

Policy, Regulatory and Financial Frameworks for Facilitating the Net-Zero Transitions for High Temperature Process Industries

Prof Göran Roos, Adjunct Professor, the University of Adelaide
9:45 - 10:05am Policies to Foster Hydrogen Prof Nazmiye Ozkan, Cranfield University, UK
10:05 – 10:15am The Role of Sustainable Finance to Guide Capital to Net-Zero Transition Solutions Nicole Yazbek-Martin, Head of Taxonomy and Natural Capital, Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI)
10:15 - 10:45am

Panel Discussion

10:45 - 11:20am Coffee break With thanks to Barista Sponsor: the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources

Session 6: Net Zero Upstream Processing Technology

Time Topic Presenter
11:20 - 11:25am Welcome from the Chair Dr Burkhard Seifert, Manager Innovation Execution, BHP
11:25 - 11:45am Emerging Pathways to Process Low-grade Iron Ore: Green Iron Ore Dr Mark Pownceby, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO
11:45 - 12:00pm Net Zero Upstream Processing Technology - Beneficiation of Iron Ores for Green Steel David Trotter, Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia
12:00 - 12:15pm Emerging Leaching Technologies: Upgrading of Iron Ore for DRI Production Using Chemical Attack Dr Lina Hockaday, Curtin University
12:15 - 12:25pm Emerging Thermal Pre-treatment Technology Dr Alfonso Chinnici, The University of Adelaide / HILT CRC
12:25 - 12:35pm Steam Generation with Integrated Thermal Energy Storage Umberto D'Agostino, Sales and Business Development Manager, Magaldi Green Energy
12:35 - 12:55pm Panel Discussion  
12:55 - 1:00pm Welcome from the Poster Exhibition Chairs Dr Ellena Li, The University of Adelaide
1:00 - 2:00pm Lunch & Poster Exhibition in Exhibition Hall  

Session 7: Poster presentations

Time Topic Activity
2:00 - 3:00pm Poster Exhibition in Exhibition Hall All participants discuss their work with forum delegates
3:00 - 3:30pm Coffee break Delegates return to catering stations downstairs

Session 8: Net-Zero High Temperature Process Technology

Time Topic Presenter
3:30 - 3:35pm Welcome from the Chair Prof Peter Ashman, the University of Adelaide and HILT CRC
3:35 - 3:55pm Ramifications of H2 DRI EAF Steelmaking Dr Sara Hornby, Founder, Global Strategic Solutions Inc.
3:55 - 4:15pm Laboratory-scale Electric Smelting of Hydrogen-based DRI Produced from Australian Hematite Goethite Iron Ore

Craig Garlick, University of Newcastle

4:15 - 4:25pm Smelter: Processing Australian Iron Ore in Carbon Free Steelmaking Martin Smith, Business Development Director, Primetals
4:25 - 4:35pm New Zealand's Hydrogen-DRI Program Prof Chris Bumby, Victoria University of Wellington
4:35 - 4:45pm Calix: Decarbonising Industry through the Electrification of Industrial HiTeMP Processes Dr Matt Boot-Handford, Chief Scientist, Calix Ventures
4:45 - 4:55pm The Future of Clean Heat: A Low Carbon Revolution for Industry Dr Mahesh Venkataraman, Chief Technology Officer, 1414 Degrees
4:55 - 5:25pm Panel Discussion  
7:00 - 10:00pm Forum Dinner, John Halbert Room, Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive

Special Guest Speaker:

Dr Fiona Simon, CEO, the Australian Hydrogen Council


Session 9: International Best Practice in the Pathways to Net-zero Iron and Steel - A

Time Topic Presenter
8:30 - 9:00am Registration and coffee With thanks to Barista Sponsor: Hatch
9:00 - 9:05am Welcome from the Chairs Brian McDonald, Technical Development Director, Roy Hill and Adrien Guiraud, Principal Research Consultant, Processing Mineral Resources, CSIRO
9:05 - 9:25am Japan's Pathway to Net-zero Steel Prof Hiroshi Nogami, Tohoku University
9:25 - 9:45am Harnessing Solid Sorbents: European Innovations in CO2 Capture for Sustainable Steel Paul Cobden, Senior Researcher, Swerim
9:45 - 9:55am Cicored: A Flexible Direct Reduction Process to Utilize Australian Ores for Green Steelmaking Parizat Pandey, Director, Product Group Direct Reduced Iron, Metso
9:55 - 10:05am Renewable Carbon Products for the Transition to Net-zero Ironmaking Dr Joe Herbertson AM, Co-founder, The Crucible Group Pty Ltd
10:05 - 10:15am Flash Reduction by Hydrogen Dr Shabnam Sabah, Swinburne University of Technology
10:15 - 10:40am Coffee break With thanks to Barista Sponsor: Hatch

Session 10: International Best Practice in the Pathways to Net-zero Iron and Steel - B

Time Topic Presenter
10:40 - 11:00am Different Reactors to Hydrogen DRI - Evaluating the Options Prof Geoff Brooks, Swinburne University of Technology
11:00 - 11:10am Leading the Charge on Decarbonisation on Iron and Steel Making in Whyalla Gavin Hobart, Executive General Manager of Mining and Transformation, SIMEC Mining
11:10 - 11:20am End-to-end Technoeconomics of Hydrogen DRI Routes to Green Steel from Pilbara Ores A/Prof John Pye, Australian National University
11:20 - 12:00pm Panel Discussion  
12:00 - 12:50pm Lunch  

Session 11: International Best Practice in Pathways to Net-zero Alumina and Critical Minerals

Time Topic Presenter
12:50 - 12:55pm Welcome from the Chair Mitchell Burt, Practice Lead Decarbonisation Technology, South32 
12:55 - 1:15pm The Pathways to Net-zero Transition for the Alumina Industry Dr Alessio Scarsella, Chief Operating Officer, Almatis
1:15 - 1:35pm Pathway to Net-zero Alumina Dr Woei Saw, The University of Adelaide
1:35 - 1:55pm Decarbonising Lithium for a Net-Zero World Wendy Harris, Regional Director, Climate Change, Hatch
1:55 - 2:15pm Panel Discussion  

Session 12: International Best Practice in the Pathway to Net-zero Cement and Lime 

Time Topic Presenter
2:15 - 2:20pm Welcome from the Chair Matt Dixon, Technical & Sustainability Manager, Cement and Lime, Adbri
2:20 - 2:40pm Fortera's Plans for Decarbonisation Dr Mike Weiss, Chief Science Officer and Co-founder, Fortera Corp
2:40 – 2:50pm Pathway to Net-Zero Cement and Lime Felicity Lloyd, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer, Adbri
2:50 – 3:00pm Electric Calcination and Direct Air Capture Simon Thomsen, Chief Technology Officer, Leilac
3:00 – 3:15pm Panel Discussion  
3:15 – 3:30pm Coffee break With thanks to Barista Sponsor: Hatch

Session 13: Synthesis of Key Perspectives and Next Steps 

Time Topic Presenter
3:30 - 3:35pm Introduction from the Chairs

Prof GJ 'Gus' Nathan, HiTeMP-4 Convenor,

Dr Jordan Parham, HILT CRC (Chair: Part 1)

Jenny Selway, HILT CRC (Chair: Part 2)

3:35 - 4:00pm Panel Highlights Part 1- Drivers and Opportunities - key highlights not already covered by panel discussions.

Brian McDonald, Roy Hill

Mitch Burt, South 32

Matt Dixon, Adbri

Susan Jeanes, HILT CRC, Jeanes Holland & Associates

Dr Burkhard Seifert, BHP

4:00 - 4:05pm Comment from the Chair Dr Jordan Parham, HILT CRC
4:05 - 4:30pm Panel Highlights - Cross-cutting - key highlights not already covered by panel discussions

Prof Miko Huppa, HILT CRC

Prof Ellen B. Stechel, ASU

Prof Bassam Dally, KAUST

Prof Fiona Beck, ANU

Prof Peter Ashman, UoA, HILT CRC

4:30 - 4:35pm Comment from the Chairs Jenny Selway, HILT CRC
4:35 - 4:40pm Poster Awards Announcement Dr Woei Saw and Dr Ellena Li
4:40 - 4:45pm Closing Remarks Prof GJ 'Gus' Nathan