Our Co-Partners
The fourth international forum on High Temperature Minerals Processing (HiTeMP-4) was brought to you by the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Adelaide, the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition (HILT) CRC and Mission Innovation's Net Zero Industries (NZI) Mission.
Centre for Energy Technology
The Centre for Energy Technology (CET) is supported by the Institute of Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER) at the University of Adelaide to accelerate the global transition to carbon neutrality. The centre develops, de-risks and delivers, with its industry partners, innovative technologies for sustainable, secure and affordable energy.
The CET has a long history of close collaboration with industry, with three technology platforms in ongoing commercial use, another seven being upscaled from lab-scale demonstration and a series of activities to de-risk technologies of its industry partners. It specialises in the decarbonisation of high temperature industrial processes, in alternative fuels including hydrogen, in renewable energy and in CO2 management. The CET is also heavily engaged in collaborative research, with a leading role in three national Cooperative Research Centres and many international partnerships. The CET invites delegates to join the forum, generate new ideas, establish new collaborations and accelerate the transition to the low-carbon economy for our sector.
Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition (HILT) CRC
The HILT CRC is de-risking the pathway to allow Australia’s heavy industry sector to thrive in the low-carbon global economy, with a focus on the production of carbon-neutral materials such as ‘green’ iron, alumina, cement and lime.
The HILT CRC is developing and de-risking those technologies and methods with greatest potential to overcome barriers to the low-carbon transition in the context of Australia’s producers. This is being undertaken with industry along the technology supply chain to ensure that it targets both relevant and implementable solutions.
Since being awarded in June 2021, the HILT CRC has established its research program and refined its focus, so that it is ready to expand its partnerships and identify new opportunities for knowledge-sharing through the forum.
Mission Innovation's Net Zero Industries (NZI) Mission
Mission Innovation is an intergovernmental initiative, which addresses clean energy innovation through action-oriented cooperation. It brings together governments, public authorities, corporates, investors and academia to accelerate the implementation of affordable clean energy globally and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The Net Zero Industries Mission is one of seven clean energy missions, seeking to drive innovations in all of the spheres that are needed to meet the Paris targets.
Co-led by Austria and Australia, the NZI Mission is working to address the challenge of decarbonising the difficult to abate heavy industries such as steel, cement and chemicals. These sectors, which are responsible for a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, are challenging to abate due to the lack of commercially-proven technology, the high cost of investment for process equipment and long payback periods. Mission Innovation is proud to support this forum to foster knowledge sharing and the establishment of new partnerships to overcome such barriers.