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HEART HELP: The secret to reducing the effects of a common but potentially deadly heart condition has been unlocked by a group of Adelaide researchers

[Read more about HEART HELP: The secret to reducing the effects of a common but potentially deadly heart condition has been unlocked by a group of Adelaide researchers]

Atrial fibrillation: Weight loss reverses heart condition in obesity sufferers

Published in the heart journal Europace, the researchers found that a 10% loss in weight along with management of associated risk factors, can reverse the progression of the disease.

[Read more about Atrial fibrillation: Weight loss reverses heart condition in obesity sufferers]

Interview with Prash Sanders at Heart Rhythm (2018), Boston USA - conference

[Read more about Interview with Prash Sanders at Heart Rhythm (2018), Boston USA - conference]

Channel 9 news story

Jessica Stanley from Channel 9 news reported on a collaborative clinical trial that 'for the first time, it found that the minimally invasive procedure was associated with a greater improvement in survival rates for atrial fibrillation patients compared to traditional treatments.'

[Read more about Channel 9 news story]

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