Atrial fibrillation: Weight loss reverses heart condition in obesity sufferers

Published in the heart journal Europace, the researchers found that a 10% loss in weight along with management of associated risk factors, can reverse the progression of the disease.

"The study showed that if obese people lose more than 10% of their weight and subsequent management of other risks to their lifestyle, they can reverse the progression of the disease. People who lost weight experienced fewer symptoms, required less treatment and had better outcomes. Those who previously had sustained symptoms experienced only intermittent symptoms or indeed stopped experiencing AF entirely," says Ms Middeldorp.

Read the full story here.

Journal reference:

Melissa E Middeldorp, Rajeev K Pathak, Megan Meredith, Abhinav B Mehta, Adrian D Elliott, Rajiv Mahajan, Darragh Twomey, Celine Gallagher, Jeroen M L Hendriks, Dominik Linz, R Doug McEvoy, Walter P Abhayaratna, Jonathan M Kalman, Dennis H Lau, Prashanthan Sanders. PREVEntion and regReSsive Effect of weight-loss and risk factor modification on Atrial Fibrillation: the REVERSE-AF study. EP Europace, 2018; DOI: 10.1093/europace/euy117

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Tagged in atrial fibrillation, weight, weight loss, heart condition