Constitution of the University of Adelaide Club
A. Name, definitions and object
B. Membership
C. Subscriptions
D. Cessation of membership
E. Committee and Secretary
F. General meeting (Annual or Special)
G. Financial Year
H. Accounts
I. Licences
J. Date of operation
K. Alterations
A. Name, definitions and object
- The name of the Club is "The University of Adelaide Club".
- Definitions:
- "Club amenities" means and includes the rights to use and enjoy for Club purposes the premises and the accommodation facilities and social amenities provided by the Club including the right to invite guests to Club premises but shall not include any "Club management rights".
- "Club premises" means the premises for the time being used by the Club.
- "Club management rights" means and includes the right to vote at meetings of members and to be elected to the Committee or an office thereon as set out in this Constitution.
- "The Club" means the University of Adelaide Club.
- "The University" means the University of Adelaide.
- "The Committee" means that Committee elected under E.1. of this Constitution.
- "The Secretary" means the elected Committee Secretary/Public Officer.
- "The Minutes Secretary" means the person nominated at Committee meetings to record the minutes.
- "The Club manager" means the Manager who is a paid employee of the Club and answerable to the Committee.
- "Postgraduate student" means a person who is enrolled as a Postgraduate student (Masters by Research or Coursework and all higher degrees) at the University of Adelaide.
- "Reciprocating Club" means a club of any interstate Australian University or any overseas University club, or any entity whose club is determined by the Committee as suitable and has agreed in writing to extend reciprocal automatic visiting membership rights to a member of the University of Adelaide Club.
- "Classification" of membership means the graduated classifications determined by the Committee within the categories of ordinary and associate membership relevant to the member's substantive level of employment.
- "Part-time" means a member who is employed within their relevant classification for (0.5) time or less.
- The object of the Club shall be to procure from the University a licence to use and maintain premises for the use of the Club and provide out of the funds of the Club social amenities and accommodation on Club premises for the use of its members and their guests.
- The Club shall not be carried on for the purpose of trading or making any pecuniary profit or gain for its individual members and if wound up or dissolved its assets (after payment therefrom of its liabilities) are to be transferred to the University for application to such objects and in such manner as the Council of the University shall from time to time think fit.
B. Membership
- The Club shall consist of ordinary members and associate members. In addition, honorary life members will retain their status for life without paying any subscription and will retain their entitlement to both Club amenities and Club management rights.
- All members shall be over 18 years of age.
- The following classes of persons shall be eligible for membership either ordinary or associate as the case may be:-
- (a) As an ORDINARY MEMBER entitled to Club amenities and Club management rights:
- (i) The Visitor of the University
- (ii) Members of the University Council and of any Faculty, Board or Committee of the University
- (iii) Any full-time or part-time employees of the University of Adelaide, The University of South Australia and Flinders University and members of the Councils of these three Universities
- (iv) Any postgraduate student of the University and any person engaged in full-time postgraduate research work within the University
- (v) Any head of a University College of the University
- (vi) Any member of the full-time staff of the Adelaide University Union or the Adelaide University Union Bookshop
- (vii) Any member of the CSIRO whose place of employment is within the curtilage of the University
- (viii) Any honorary life member
- (b) As an ASSOCIATE MEMBER (entitled to Club amenities only):
- (i) All those persons who are members of the University of Adelaide Women's Club or its successor
- (ii) Any employee of any South Australian institution of higher education
- (iii) Any employee of the C.S.I.R.O., the South Australian Art Gallery, the South Australian Museum, the South Australian Constitutional Museum, the History Trust of South Australia, the State Library of South Australia, the South Australian Conservation Centre, the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, the South Australian Dental Service, the Royal Adelaide Hospital or the Zoological Gardens
- (iv) The holder of any degree, diploma or certificate from the University of Adelaide or any other University or institution of higher education
- (v) Spouses/Partners of members
- (vi) Any person who has been an ordinary or associate member of the Club and who has ceased to be eligible for such membership by reason of retirement or change of employment
- (vii) Any person who, not being otherwise eligible for ordinary or associate membership of the Club, has rendered to the University or to the Club substantial and prolonged personal assistance and support. This eligibility to be determined by the Committee
- (c) As an ASSOCIATE-HONORARY VISITING MEMBER (entitled to Club amenities only, but without the right to introduce visitors):
- (i) Members of. the academic, administrative, library or technical staff of any other University not in South Australia
- (ii) Any person attending any conference held under the auspices of The University of Adelaide, or of any Faculty or Department of the University, or held on the University premises with the consent of the Council of the University
- (iii) A visiting academic
- (iv) A person who is visiting the University in any capacity which relates to the educational or administrative work of the University
Provided that the period during which the classes of persons set out in 3. (c) (i) - (iv) of Clause c shall be entitled to visiting membership for the period during which they are visiting the University or attending a conference thereat or a period of two months (whichever is the shorter).
- (d) As an ASSOCIATE-VISITING MEMBER OF A RECIPROCATING CLUB (entitled to Club amenities only, but without the right to introduce visitors):
- Any person who is a member of a reciprocating club of an interstate Australian University or any overseas University or any entity whose club is determined by the Committee to be suitable
- (e) As an ASSOCIATE-NEW MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE STAFF (entitled to Club amenities only, but without the right to introduce visitors):
- Any person who is invited (as a new member of staff) by the Committee to accept an introductory membership for a period of time (determined from time to time at the discretion of the Committee) following their appointment
- (f) As an ASSOCIATE-HONORARY VIP MEMBER (entitled to Club amenities, with the right to introduce visitors at the discretion of the Committee or Club Manager):
- Any person who is invited (after a determination has been made by the Committee that the person is a significant community leader) by the Committee to accept an honorary membership for a period of 12 months
- (a) As an ORDINARY MEMBER entitled to Club amenities and Club management rights:
- (a) All prospective ordinary and associate members of the Club (other than members of the University of Adelaide Women's Club or its successor) shall, before becoming members:
- (i) have the necessary qualifications; and
- (ii) be nominated as a prospective ordinary or associate member by two existing ordinary or associate members in writing delivered or sent to the Club Manager; and
- (iii) have their names displayed by the Club Manager for one week at least in a conspicuous place on Club premises as a prospective ordinary or associate member; and
- (iv) be elected by the committee as an ordinary or associate member by a resolution passed at a meeting held at least two weeks after the date of the receipt by the Committee of the said nominations; and
- (v) pay to the Club Manager the annual subscription in accordance with this constitution
- (b) All prospective associate members from the University Women's Club or its successor shall have their names notified in writing to the committee by the committee of the University of Adelaide Women's Club or its successor and upon receipt of such notification by the committee and payment of the annual subscription, shall become associate members of the Club
- (c) All prospective visiting members shall apply in writing to the Club Manager setting out their qualifications for eligibility as visiting members and the Club Manager shall promptly submit the application to the committee
- (d) All visiting members of a reciprocating club shall introduce themselves to the Club Manager at the commencement of the period of their use of Club amenities and a record shall be kept of their names and addresses and the name of their reciprocating clubs
- (e) Honorary Life Members will be any member who has been recognised by the Committee as a Club member of long standing and is a person who has given extraordinary, non-remunerated service to the Club during their period of membership. A member so recognised will be proposed by the Committee at a General Meeting, and under a general resolution be granted this status for life
- (a) All prospective ordinary and associate members of the Club (other than members of the University of Adelaide Women's Club or its successor) shall, before becoming members:
- In every case, the Minutes Secretary shall record in the minutes of each Committee meeting the number of members voting in respect of the election of any member to the Club.
- If any member ceases to hold the necessary qualifications for his/her membership the Committee may (on written application of such member to be received by the Committee within one calendar month after such cessation) continue his/her membership (subject always to any notice in writing from the Committee discontinuing his/her membership).
- All members of the Club shall be deemed to be aware of and be bound by this Constitution and shall be entitled to have produced to them a copy thereof for perusal and return to the Club Manager within fourteen days.
- The committee shall have power from time to time to fix restrictions on membership or reject an application for membership from any such person or persons whose membership is deemed by the Committee to be against the best interests of the Club.
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C. Subscriptions
- Within each of the two membership categories for which a subscription is payable (ORDINARY and ASSOCIATE), the rate of subscription determined from time to time by the Committee will apply within the following guidelines:
- (a) ordinary and associate members who are employed more than half-time within the City of Adelaide will pay a rate of subscription dependant on their full-time classification
- (b) All other ordinary and associate members will pay a reduced rate of subscription dependant on their part-time classification
- (c) All ordinary and associate members who are employed more than half-time outside of the City of Adelaide will pay the same rate of subscription as that which applies to their relevant part-time classification
- (d) All ordinary members who are Postgraduate students at the University shall pay the rate of subscription which applies to their classification as Postgraduate students
- All subscriptions are payable in advance or by payroll deduction.
- The Committee may reduce to any approximately proportionate amount the subscription payable (for the then current financial year only) by any ordinary, associate or temporary member.
D. Cessation of membership
- The ordinary (or associate) membership of an ordinary (or an associate member) shall cease:
- (a) at the expiration of the financial year during which any notice of his/her resignation from the Club is received by the Club Manager
- (b) forthwith upon his/her ceasing to hold the necessary qualifications for his/her eligibility as such ordinary (or associate) member or (if the Committee by notice in writing permits him/her to continue as a member) upon the date notified to him/her in writing by the Committee as the date upon which his/her membership is to cease
- (c) if any due subscription has not been paid within one month of receiving notice in writing from the Committee
- The visiting membership of a visiting member, or introductory membership of a new member of staff, or Honorary VIP membership of a community leader shall cease forthwith upon the expiration of the period of his/her membership as limited by this Constitution or by any decision of the Committee thereunder.
- (a) It shall be the duty of the Committee if it thinks it proper in the interests of the Club in any case so to do to invite any member by letter (which shall contain sufficient particulars of any matter of complaint to bring the same before the member's notice) to withdraw from the Club and cease to be a member thereof by a time specified in such letter or in default thereof to submit the question of such withdrawal or cessation to a special general meeting of the Club to be duly convened and held within six weeks after the date of such letter and at such meeting the member shall be heard by and be allowed to submit to the Chair thereof any relevant explanation orally or in writing
- (b) The voting on the question of the expulsion of a member shall if at least five members present so demand be by ballot
- (c) If at least two thirds of the members present and voting vote in favour of the expulsion of a member, such member's membership shall cease forthwith.
E. Committee and Secretary
- The business and affairs of the Club shall be under the management of the "Committee" consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer (who is, or who has been, a qualified accountant), Immediate Past Chair, and four Committee Members elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting. One of the elected members of the Committee (who will normally be the Secretary) will be the Minutes Secretary.
- The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the election of officers at the next Annual General Meeting when they shall retire but be eligible for re-election. Except in unusual circumstances, the Chair may not serve for more than two consecutive years. In normal circumstances, the terms of office of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall overlap for one year.
- Of the four remaining members of the Committee, two shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting and two shall serve until the following Annual General Meeting.
- The Committee shall cause all the books of account and other records usual for a club or society to be correctly kept and entered up to show the financial affairs and transactions of the Club, and all such books and records should be kept, including the register of members and all other books and records relating to transactions, business rules and management of the Club.
- The Committee shall hold Committee meetings whenever necessary or reasonably requisite and in any case not less than once every quarter of a year and Minutes of all resolutions and proceedings of the Committee shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose.
- (a) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt to the Committee two additional members from any membership class who shall have full Committee rights.
- (b) The Committee may authorise any member of the Club to be able to assist the Committee in any matter to attend any Committee meeting and express his/her opinions on or discuss any subject but not to vote for or against any resolution.
- For every meeting of the Committee the quorum shall be four and the Chair (or in his/her absence the Vice-Chair or in his/her absence a committee member elected by the Committee members present) shall act as Chair. If on any motion the voting is equal, the Chair may after exercising his/her deliberative vote exercise a second or casting vote.
- The power of management of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in the Committee which may from time to time pass rules (not inconsistent with this constitution):--
- (a) Regulating the use of the Club premises and facilities by members and non-members
- (b) Regulating the use of Club premises licensed under the Liquor Licensing Act 1985 or other applicable legislation
- (c) For any other purpose or concerning any other matter contemplated by the Constitution or pertaining to the Club
- (a) At every annual general meeting each candidate for any office on the Committee shall be separately proposed and seconded
- (b) If the number of candidates so proposed and seconded exceeds the number of vacancies, the election shall be by ballot
- (c) The Committee should comprise no more than 3 ordinary members from any one classification of ordinary membership
If any casual vacancy occurs in members of the Committee it may appoint an ordinary member of the Club to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting when such member shall retire and be eligible for re-election.
F. General Meeting (Annual or special)
- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be held each year on such date during the first academic term or semester as the Committee shall determine and shall transact the following business:
- (a) the submission of the annual report and balance sheet and statement of receipts and expenditure for the previous financial year;
- (b) the declaration of the Chair that all offices are vacant, the appointment by the members present of a person to preside over the election of Chair for the ensuing year, who shall forthwith act as Chair for the election of Vice-Chair, Secretary and Committee members, all to hold office until the next annual general meeting;
- (c) the appointment of an auditor or auditors for the ensuing year;
- (d) to transact any other business duly notified as mentioned in 3 and 4 of Clause F
- SPECIAL: The Committee may at any time for any purpose call a special General Meeting and shall do so forthwith upon any requisition in writing of not less than 10 ordinary members of the Club stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.
- At least fourteen days' prior notice in writing of every general meeting whether annual or special (with a brief statement of the business proposed to be transacted thereat) shall be sent to every ordinary member.
- At any general meeting:
- (a) no business shall be transacted which is not mentioned in the notice convening the same or is business tabled from the floor, and consented to by the Chair of the meeting, and then consented to by a majority vote of the meeting;
- (b) the Chair (or in his/her absence the Vice-Chair or in his/her absence a member appointed by the members present) shall act as Chair;
- (c) every member present in person (if entitled to vote) shall be entitled to one vote upon every motion and in case of an equality of votes the Chair shall have a second or casting vote;
- (d) a quorum shall be fifteen including the Chair
G. Financial Year
The financial year of the Club shall end on the last day of the calendar year.
H. Accounts
Proper accounts shall be kept entered up of all financial transactions and dealings of the Club and shall as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year be audited by a professional accountant (appointed as auditor by the members at the last preceding annual general meeting) who shall complete such audit and inform the Club Treasurer thereof at least twenty one days before the annual general meeting about to be held.
I. Licences
The Club may apply for and hold any licence under the Liquor Licensing Act 1985 and any other applicable legislation as the Club may from time to time determine.
J. Date of operation
The resolution for the adoption of this Constitution (to come into operation forthwith in place of the pre-existing Constitution or Rules revoked by the resolution) was duly passed at a general meeting of members duly convened and held at Adelaide on the ninth day of June 1971 as from which date this Constitution applies.
K. Alterations
- This Constitution may be altered only at a general meeting of members duly convened by a notice which sets out the proposed alteration and at which meeting not less than two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote, vote in favour of the alteration.
As amended at a Special General Meeting of the Club held on 9th November l978.
As further amended at the Annual General Meeting of the Club held on 8th May, 1986.
As further amended at a Special General Meeting of the Club held on 28th October, 1986.
As further amended at the Annual General Meeting of the Club held on 6th May, 1987.
As further amended at a Special General Meeting of the Club held on l8th September, 1987.
As further amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 15th June 1989.
As further amended at the Special General Meeting of the Club held on 7th December 1989.
As further amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 13th June 1991.
As further amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 18th June 1992.
As further amended at the Special General Meeting of the Club held on 27th October 1992.
As further amended at the Special General Meeting of the Club held on 11th September 2002.