Professor Jennie Shaw
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
About the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Reporting to the Vice Chancellor, the role of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) is to provide leadership in achieving the University's strategic goals, particularly in relation to learning and teaching, including the provision of quality student experience across the University and the ongoing professional development of University staff.
Fundamental to the role is the development of educational frameworks and policies, which support the University's goals and provide faculties and other areas guidance in achieving them.
The DVC&VP(A) is responsible for implementing initiatives related to teaching pedagogy, student experience, and academic performance as well as oversight of divisional business such as student services and administration, learning and teaching, and learning resources.
Professor Jennie Shaw
Professor Jennie Shaw was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) in August 2021.
Prior to her appointment as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic), Jennie was the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts at The University of Adelaide where she oversaw the Schools of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, the Elder Conservatorium of Music, several university research centres, and the University of Adelaide’s node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in the History of Emotions.
Previous roles include that of Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of New England, inaugural Director of Arts New England - UNE Centre for Research and Innovation in the Arts, and Associate Dean and Head of School at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney.
Jennie has a BA Honours (First Class and Medal) and LLB (Honours First Class) from the University of Sydney and an MA and PhD from Stony Brook University. Her research and teaching interests cross the arts and humanities broadly, with a particular focus on the Second Viennese School and on creative practice as research. Recent publications include Music’s Immanent Future: The Deleuzian Turn in Music Studies (Routledge 2016), edited by Sally Macarthur, Judy Lochhead and Jennie Shaw and the Cambridge Companion to Schoenberg, edited with Joseph Auner.
An active oboe and cor anglais performer, Jennie also currently sits on the advisory boards of the Helpmann Academy (SA) and the Australian Music Examinations Board (SA & NT). She is a Trustee of AMF (Australia), which provides scholarship funding for Australian music students to study overseas, and Deputy Chair of the federal AMEB board.
Contact Professor Jennie Shaw