Open Universities Australia (OUA) Programs

In July 2021, the University of Adelaide expanded into the fully online undergraduate market in partnership with Open Universities Australia (OUA).

Our strategic partnership with Open Universities Australia will drive the development of new and flexible offerings to meet the growing needs of current and future learners.

Open Universities Australia ‘Open Access’ programs are unique in that they provide students an alternative pathway to enter University.

On successful completion of four single, open access courses as non-award study, students will be eligible and are guaranteed admission into the full undergraduate degree program. There are no pre-requisites for the open access courses.

  • Goals

    • Broaden access and equity opportunities to attract a new cohort of learners (Pillar 4 of Future Making)
    • Develop a new, sustained stream of revenue for the University
    • Position the University as a contemporary, flexible and accessible education provider
    • Lead the market with flexible, scalable online education offerings
    • Grow existing portfolio by entering the fully online undergraduate market
    • Enhance UofA academic capacity and capability in online curriculum design and delivery
  • Objectives

    • Develop and deliver two fully online undergraduate programs in 2022. (Bachelor of International Business (launching T1, 2022), and Bachelor of Health Service Management (launching T2, 2022).
    • Offer the newly developed online undergraduate courses to domestic students through OUA at full fee-paying rates, in addition to and above Commonwealth Grant Scheme (CSG) caps
    • Leverage OUA’s marketing reach to attract new cohorts of students
    • Deliver flexible pathways, timetables, and teaching modes with a student focus.
    • Develop courses in-house through LEI, ensuring alignment with the University’s Online Quality Framework
  • Timelines and milestones

    Project milestones Dates

    OUA and The University of Adelaide Open Access Partnership Agreement Signed 

    10 September 2020 

    Project Business Case approved by PBC 

    31 November 2020 

    Bachelor of International Business program approved by APEAC 

    6 October 2021 

    “Go Live” of Bachelor of International Business on OUA Website and Degree Finder 

    3 November 2021 

    Rapid Development Funding (RDF) Agreement signed by OUA and University of Adelaide  

    24 November 2021 

    Delivery of first three open access online courses by LEI 

    17 December 2021 

    “Go Live” of automated secure data exchange process between OUA and PeopleSoft Campus Solutions  

    14 January 2022 

    Bachelor of Health Service Management program approved by APEAC 

    19 January 2022 

    “Go Live” of Bachelor of Bachelor of Health Service Management on OUA Website and Degree Finder  

    9 February 2022 

    Trimester 1 commencement of first three open access courses for BIB program 

    31 January 2022 

    Trimester 2 commencement for both BIB and HSM program open access course enrolments 

    23 May 2022 

    Trimester 3 commencement for both BIB and HSM open access and Award program enrolments 

    3 September 2022 

  • Key terms and abbreviations

    Term Abbreviation Definition
    Open Universities Australia OUA Open Universities Australia (OUA) is an online higher education organisation based in Australia
    Open Access Subject Open Access Subject These are single courses that have no pre-requisites, that also allow students to access FEE HELP for a single course of study
    Subject Subject OUA refers to all courses as subjects
    Course Course OUA refers to all Award programs (Degrees) as courses
    OUA Student Hub OUA Student Hub  OUA student portal where students manage their enrolments and payments.  
    OUA Partner Hub  OUA Partner Hub  OUA partner portal which allows University staff to manage the program and course catalogue on the OUA website, view and manage program applications, course enrolments, and changes to grades. 
  • Identifying an OUA student

    Process Open Access Pathway Award
    Enquiries, admissions and enrolment
    • Students admitted to the Non-Award OUA Program Plan
    • All course titles have a suffix of OUA
    • Students can be identified by the campus code of OUA in the CRM
    • Students admitted into:
      B. International Business OUA 
      Prog Code: BIB
      Plan Code: BINTBUSOUA
      Degree Code: BINTBUS
    • B. Hlth Service Management OUA 
      Prog Code: BHSM 
      Plan Code: BHSMOUA 
      Degree Code: BHSM
    • All course titles have a suffix of OUA
    • Students can be identified by the campus code of OUA in the CRM
    Student systems Students cannot Add or Drop on Access Adelaide – this must be completed on the OUA Student Hub portal Students cannot Add or Drop on Access Adelaide – this must be completed on the OUA Student Hub portal
    Student fees Courses are set up with $0 billing units in PeopleSoft – all student fees are managed by OUA Courses are set up with $0 billing units in PeopleSoft – all student fees are managed by OUA
    Learning management system All courses are 100% online and are delivered on MyUni All courses are 100% online and are delivered on MyUni
    UoA student services Initial student contact (Student Advisors etc) leading to enrolment and initial on-boarding is managed by OUA. Connection is largely done via online (text/email). Once students complete first four open access courses, OUA nurture application and admission into Award Program.  
  • Support contacts 

    Type of enquiry Supporting team Opening hours
    Student support - pre census and
    enrolments, amendments and student fees

    Contact OUA via:

    Call: 13673
    Open Universities Chat
    Open Universities online help

    • Monday to Thursday: 8am to 8pm AEST/AEDT
    • Friday: 9am to 6pm AEST/AEDT
    • Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 5pm AEST/AEDT
    Student enquiries - post census

    Contact Ask Adelaide via: 

    Call: 8313 5208
    Ask Adelaide live chat
    AskAdel online form

    • Call: Monday to Friday : 9am to 5pm ACST
    • Chat: Monday to Friday : 9am to 5:45pm ACST
    • E-mail: Anytime
    Student access issues - MyUni

    Contact ITDS via: 

    MyIT Portal 

    Call: 8313 3000

    Student email access issues

    Contact ITDS via:  

    MyIT Portal 

    Call: 8313 3000

    Academic support issues - MyUni

    Contact LEI via:

    • Monday to Friday : 9 am to 5 pm ACST
    All other enquiries

    Contact OUAHelp@adelaide via:


    • Monday to Friday : 9 am to 5 pm ACST

OUA / UoA operating model

High Level Summary 

  • OUA is responsible for the acquisition of the student, managing applications, enrolments and all matters relating to funding at payment. 
  • The University is responsible for the teaching and learning components, which includes any communications relating to each course (subject), the delivery of all course content, assessments and grades. 

Key changes

  • Marketing and Prospective Management

    • OUA is responsible from marketing and prospect management for enrolment into Open Access courses and award programs.
    • Shared UofA and OUA branding – all advertising and promotion approved by UofA
    • Any prospective students' enquiries received by UoA should be redirected to OUA
    • OUA is responsible for all marketing and prospective student management for Open Access Subjects and Undergraduate Online Programs.
    • OUA programs are promoted on the OUA website and students apply via the OUA Student Hub portal.  
    • Degree Finder “Apply Here” is linked directly to the University program on the OUA website.
    • Prospective students have direct access to OUA Student Advisors who can discuss their study plans and answer any questions they may have.
    • OUA Partner Hub portal which allows University staff to manage the program and course catalogue on the OUA website, view program applications, course enrolments, and make changes to grades.
  • Admissions, Enrolments and Amendments

    • OUA will process and manage all admissions, enrolments and amendments in their system.
    • Students manage their enrolments and fees through the OUA Student Hub portal.
    • All admission and enrolment data will be transferred directly into PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (CS) via an automated secure data exchange process.
    • Courses in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (CS) are identified with a code suffix of OUA
    • OUA students will have access to all relevant UoA services once their record is activated in PeopleSoft CS – including MyAdelaide, MyUni, student email and online library access.
    • OUA students have ‘view only’ access to MyAdelaide, except for entering their expected graduation year field. An enrolment checklist will not be assigned as this data is collected by OUA.
    • Students will receive Welcome Letters from UoA and OUA.
  • Student fees, CSP places and FEE-HELP

    • OUA will manage all student fee matters, including CSP places and TCSI reporting requirements for HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP. 
    • As the programs are exclusively online, OUA students will not be charged a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). (SSAF funding guidelines
  • Learning, teaching and assessment

    • Courses will be delivered in a 100% fully online format. 
    • There are no exams for OUA programs. 
    • Standard grading and final results processes will apply for all OUA courses – with final results entered in MyUni. The PS CS grade roster will be approved by the relevant course coordinator and faculty. The LMS used to deliver the subjects will be MyUni (Canvas). 
    • Course grades will be visible in Access Adelaide but also provided to OUA and accessible to students via the OUA Student Hub. 
  • Completions and graduations

    Normal completions and graduation processes apply for OUA students

  • Student support

    • OUA students will have access to Smarthinking and Studiosity. 
    • Enrolled OUA Students are entitled to access all University services. 
  • Academic and staff support

    All academic and professional staff enquiries will be managed via email at

  • Who is OUA?

    • Open Universities Australia (OUA) is an online higher education organisation based in Australia.
    • OUA is the sole entity legislated in Australia to offer FEE HELP funding at full fee to domestic students enrolling in single subjects under their Open Access model.
    • Most undergraduate courses offered, have no first-year entry requirements and there are no quotas for most courses. 
    • Students can enrol in hundreds of courses and programs online, which are provided by Australian universities and other education providers
  • Why have we chosen OUA as our partner?

    • OUA enrols over 110,000 students every year
    • OUA develops high-quality student leads in real time 
    • OUA is Australia’s most recognised online higher education brand
    • 74% of OUA students' study outside their home state which creates opportunities for UofA to expand its market reach on an established national platform.
    • OUA contributes to online product development through the provision of Rapid Development Funding grants.
  • How will the University benefit from this partnership?

    • UoA receives a (gross) revenue share of 70% (UoA) and 30% (OUA).
    • OUA has approved a contribution of $135K per program via their Rapid Development Funds initiative.
    • A focus on in-house capability development will position the UoA effectively to embrace and create new opportunities as the digital disruption of the higher education sector continues to unfold
    • The partnership allows the UoA to enter the fully online undergraduate market
    • OUA attract the CSP for Open Access students, preserving valuable CSP places within UoA and enabling market reach in undergraduate programs.
    • UoA’s participation on an online platform, based on reputation will provide a lucrative market opportunity, as well as positioning the University as a contemporary, flexible and accessible education provider.

Please reach out to the Education Transformation program team at if you have any questions about these new programs, or to understand how they can support you in developing new OUA offerings.  

Project role Name Email
Associate Director - Strategic Partnerships Michelle Campbell
Strategic Partnerships Officer Rebecca Scrivens