Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)
Turn high-achieving into a higher degree
There are many reasons we encourage graduates to apply for an honours year. You might want to build a necessary foundation for entry into postgraduate research. You could be seeking answers to medical questions no one else has asked. Perhaps you’re pursuing advanced communication skills and subject knowledge to gain a competitive edge in the health sector.
What will you do?
- Attend regular classes for advanced coursework.
- Conduct a research project on a chosen topic within the health and medical sciences.
- Partner with a mentor who’ll support and encourage your progress.
- Produce an extended research report or thesis.
Students must choose a major to conduct a research project within.
Majors may be chosen from:
- Biomedicine
- Dental
- Medical
- Nursing
- Public Health
Entry Requirements
Choose your applicant type to view the relevant admissions
information for this program.
I am a:
An Honours Nomination Form must be submitted at the following website: Further information on Honours in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences can also be found at this site:
Domestic applicants
SATAC Code | 3BH066 |
Deferment | Yes - 2 year |
Intake | February and July |
Selection Criteria
Higher Education Study | Successful completion of a recognised 3-year Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, with at least a credit average (Grade Point Average of 5 out of 7). OR Successful completion of at least 3-years of a recognised Bachelor’s degree of 4 or more years' duration (or equivalent) in a relevant field, with at least a credit average (Grade Point Average of 5 out of 7). |
Other Entry Pathways |
Fees and Scholarships
Choose your applicant type to view the relevant fees and scholarships information for this program.
I am a:
Domestic applicants
Indicative annual tuition fees |
Commonwealth-supported place: $9,145
Where the standard duration of the program is less than one year the full cost of the program is displayed.
More information on Student Contribution Amounts.
Scholarships are not only for high achievers—they are also available to provide students with an equal opportunity to study at university, no matter where they live or what their financial situation might be.
Scholarships are available to both new and continuing students. We encourage students to apply for any scholarships for which they may be eligible.
To browse scholarships offered by the University, visit: University Scholarships
To explore scholarships offered by organisations external to the University, visit: External Scholarships
Career Readiness
Graduates have highly developed research, writing and organisational skills and are prepared for careers in government, industry, higher education and research.
The University of Adelaide Careers Service prepares, inspires and empowers students to achieve successful career transitions and connect with industry.
Potential careers
Graduates of this program have gone on to roles such as:
Medical Research; Laboratory Manager; Laboratory Technician; Medical Scientist; Non Government Organisation Worker; Clinical Scientist; Occupational Health and Safety Professionals; Policy Adviser; Public Health; Public Health Management ...
Degree Structure
To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours), the student must complete a program of study consisting of core courses and an elective with a combined total of not less than 24 units.
Students choose a major for the research project component of the program.
Majors may be chosen from:
- Biomedicine
- Dental
- Medical
- Nursing
- Public Health
Complete study plans for each major are available here
Students can choose any major to undertake the research project within and do not have to have studied the corresponding bachelor.
To ensure that students have the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their desired Honours major, prospective Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students will first be provided with a list of suggested research projects from across the faculty, i.e., from all five majors. Students will be required to meet with, and be endorsed by, their prospective Honours supervisor prior to being formal accepted into the Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) program. More information on the faculties key research areas is available here
Course Structure
Core courses to the value of 21 units:
- 'Major' 4X00A - Honours Major Research Project Part A - 9 units
- 'Major' 4X00B - Honours Major Research Project Part B - 9 units
- HTLH SC 4201OL - Honours Foundation Research Skills - 3 units
Or for part time
- 'Major' 4X10A - Honours Major Research Project Part 1 - 0 units
- 'Major' 4X10B - Honours Major Research Project Part 2 - 9 units
- 'Major' 4X10C - Honours Major Research Project Part 3 - 0 units
- 'Major' 4X10D - Honours Major Research Project Part 4 - 9 units
- HTLH SC 4201OL - Honours Foundation Research Skills - 3 units
Elective courses to the value of 3 units from the following:
- NURSING 4301 – Honours Systematic Reviews of Research - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4090 – Global Public Health - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4091 – Public Health Evaluation and Economics - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4110 – Promoting Health in Individuals and Populations - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4274 – Introduction to Biostatistics - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4275 – Introduction to Epidemiology - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4278 – Qualitative Research Methods in Health - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4313 – Environmental and Occupational Health - 3 units
- PUB HLTH 4347OL – Health Technology Assessment - 3 units
- HLTH SC 4200 – Honours Research Communication and Engagement - 3 units
Related Degrees
Further Study
Graduates of the Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) program may consider further study to advance their knowledge and skills or to enter into research. Programs to consider include:
Master of Public Health
Master of Biostatistics
Master of Science in Addiction Studies
Master of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
I chose this degree because it offers such a broad range of subjects, so I could explore a variety of fields to find what sparks my interest.
The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.
Last updated: Thursday, 18 Apr 2024