Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences

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Improve the health of your community

Are you fascinated by the human body? Do you want to help tackle important health issues facing our world today?

Studying health and medical sciences is mentally stimulating and hands-on. It’s about fighting disease through scientific research and actively promoting wellbeing.

What will you do?

Our degree supports you in developing relevant and transferable skills that are highly sought-after in research and health industries. You will:

  • explore human biology and public health in depth
  • gain hands-on research experience in world-class facilities
  • enjoy cutting-edge virtual reality learning
  • work in small groups to solve problems relating to health and disease
  • undertake a year-long research placement or internship
  • increase your understanding of global health issues with opportunities to study overseas.

You’ll also pursue a specialisation in one of a diverse range of areas:

  • Neurosciences
  • Clinical Trials
  • Nutritional Health
  • Public Health
  • Medical Sciences
  • Reproductive and Childhood Health.

Where could it take you?

You could work in a medical laboratory or clinical setting, seeing modern medicine improve vulnerable patients’ health. You might be the first to witness ground-breaking medical research results. Perhaps you’ll help populations make healthy choices, or change the environments in which people live, grow, work, and play, so that everyone can lead healthy lives. Previous graduates have gone on to high-level, influential positions in a range of health organisations and government departments throughout Australia and abroad.

Direct access to industry leaders and paid internship opportunities: The Academy by Deloitte
This degree gives you the opportunity to be part of our new The Academy by Deloitte. You’ll be part of a supportive student cohort that learns from one another and industry leaders. Formal and informal experiences will allow you to build relationships within the Deloitte network.

  • Ranked #59 for Clinical & Health*
  • Choice of 6 health majors
  • Full-year research or internship placement

*Times Higher Education Rankings by Subject, 2023

Entry Requirements

Choose your applicant type to view the relevant admissions information for this program.
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Before applying make sure you understand the eligibility and entry requirements for your chosen degree.

Look out for any prerequisites or assumed knowledge subjects. Some degrees also have additional entry requirements like interviews and auditions.

Domestic applicants

Admissions information

SATAC Code 324951
2024 CSP ATAR 65
2024 CSP IB 24
Guaranteed Entry Score - ATAR 80
Guaranteed Entry Score - IB 29.5
Deferment Yes - 2 year
Intake February and July
Selection Criteria
Recent Secondary Education Applicants with recent secondary education are those whose admission is primarily based on the completion of Year 12 within the last two years, however if you completed your secondary education more than two years ago, you may still be able to be considered on the basis of your secondary schooling. You must not have completed more than 2 years full time equivalent university study (48 units). You compete for a place with your Selection Rank (ATAR plus any applicable adjustment factors). Applicants who have not achieved a competitive Selection Rank (ATAR plus any applicable adjustment factors) required for selection may be selected based on the grades in selected year 12 subjects. Applicants do not need to apply to be considered for subject-based entry, as this will automatically be done. For more information, please see: Indigenous applicants may be eligible for entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access Pathway. See Wirltu Yarlu for further information.
Higher Education Study You must have completed at least six months full time equivalent higher education study (the number of courses and units will vary depending on your prior institution however at the University of Adelaide, this equates to 4 courses / 12 units). A Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated for each separate program you have undertaken (apart from some double degree programs where the GPA is combined). You compete on the basis of your best GPA. Indigenous applicants may be eligible for entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access Pathway. See Wirltu Yarlu for further information.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) study You must have completed an AQF Certificate IV or above from a Registered Training Organisation. Your application will be ranked according to the level of the award. Indigenous applicants may be eligible for entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access Pathway. See Wirltu Yarlu for further information.
Work and life experience To be eligible to sit the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) as as pathway for entry, you must be 18 years or over before 1 February 2025. If you have studied at higher education level in the last two years (for 2025 entry this means you were enrolled in either 2024 or 2023), you must not have accumulated more than a TOTAL of 2 years full-time (or part-time equivalent) higher education study (ie. including any study prior to 2023). If you meet this criteria, you will be ranked according to your result in the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). Your STAT result is not weighted between verbal and quantitative components. Indigenous applicants may be eligible for entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access Pathway. See Wirltu Yarlu for further information.
Other Entry Pathways

2024 Admissions Data for school leavers
(raw ATAR, excluding any applicable adjustment factors)
Lowest ATAR to receive an offer 55.95
Median ATAR to receive an offer 84.43
Highest ATAR to receive an offer 99.95
Selection Rank
(ATAR plus any adjustment factors)
Lowest Selection Rank to receive an offer 65
Median Selection Rank to receive an offer 88.85
Highest Selection Rank to receive an offer 99.95
Minimum eligibility score 65
Additional criteria considered Selection rank only
  • Admissions Transparency Data
    Student Profile
    Applicant background Semester one/Full year intake 2024
    Number of students Percentage of all students
    (A) Higher Education study
    (includes a bridging or enabling course)
    42 16.5%
    (B) Vocational education and training (VET) study 6 2.4%
    (C) Work and life experience
    (admitted on the basis of previous achievement not in the other three categories)
    13 5.1%
    (D) Recent secondary education:
    • Admitted solely on the basis of ATAR
      (regardless of whether this includes the consideration of adjustment factors)
    155 61.0%
    • Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered
      (e.g. portfolio, audition, extra test, early offer conditional on minimum ATAR)
    <5 N/A
    • Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR was not a factor
      (e.g. special consideration, audition alone, schools recommendation scheme with no minimum ATAR requirement)
    <5 N/A
    International students 33 13.0%
    All students 254 100.0%

Ready to Apply?

Find out more about the application process and start your studies at the University of Adelaide.

Be sure to check the critical dates to avoid missing application deadlines.


Fees and Scholarships

Choose your applicant type to view the relevant fees and scholarships information for this program.
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Domestic applicants

Indicative annual tuition fees
Commonwealth-supported place: $10,475

Where the standard duration of the program is less than one year the full cost of the program is displayed.

More information on Student Contribution Amounts.


Scholarships are not only for high achievers—they are also available to provide students with an equal opportunity to study at university, no matter where they live or what their financial situation might be.

Scholarships are available to both new and continuing students. We encourage students to apply for any scholarships for which they may be eligible.

To browse scholarships offered by the University, visit: University Scholarships

To explore scholarships offered by organisations external to the University, visit: External Scholarships


Career Readiness

This degree has been developed in consultation with industry partners and employers who are seeking graduates with a broad range of skills and an understanding of health. Students will be given the foundation to develop the professional skills required to succeed in a future career in the health industry. Career opportunities for the Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences graduates vary depending on specific interests and the major selected, but may include:

  • Medical/research/clinical/nutrition scientists in research institutes, hospitals, diagnostic and pathology laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and universities.
  • Health information and promotion officers, health policy advisors and planners; community health workers.
  • Further Masters and Postgraduate study to gain qualification in other health professions, eg Medicine, Nursing or Physiotherapy.

Direct access to industry leaders and paid internship opportunities: The Academy by Deloitte
Students who as part of their studies take part in The Academy by Deloitte experience will have the benefit of undertaking a paid internship with Deloitte. This internship is designed to shape their business readiness through significant real-world client exposure, access to multiple networking opportunities and relevant professional training.

The University of Adelaide Careers Service prepares, inspires and empowers students to achieve successful career transitions and connect with industry.

Graduate Attributes

The objective of this program is to produce graduates with specific attributes as outlined in University of Adelaide Graduate Attributes.
  1. Deep discipline knowledge and intellectual breadth
  2. Creative and critical thinking, and problem solving
  3. Teamwork and communication skills
  4. Professionalism and leadership readiness
  5. Intercultural and ethical competency
  6. Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural competency
  7. Digital capabilities
  8. Self-awareness and emotional intelligence

Potential careers

Graduates of this program have gone on to roles such as:

Occupational Therapist;  Physiotherapist;  Speech Therapist;  Community Services Officer;  Pharmacologist;  Physiologist;  Microbiologist;  Forensic Anthropologist;  Immunologist;  Indigenous Health Officer ...

Degree Structure

The Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences is a three-year degree. In the first year students will learn the fundamentals of human anatomy and public health, and there is a focus on the development of communication and learning skills. In the second year students will gain in-depth knowledge in selected subject areas including pathology, physiology, pharmacology, health promotion and epidemiology and students will develop problem solving and group work skills by investigating global health challenges. In the third year students will gain extensive hands-on and workplace experience by completing a major in their chosen field.

The Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences is the only degree in South Australia that draws on all disciplines within health sciences including Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology and Public Health, so students have the flexibility to select one of six different majors spread across two different streams: Medical Health or Lifespan Health.

The Medical Health stream offers majors in:

  • Clinical Trials
  • Medical Sciences
  • Neurosciences

The Lifespan Health stream offers majors in:

  • Nutritional Health
  • Public Health
  • Reproductive and Childhood Health.

This degree structure facilitates students concentrating on one specialised health-related area, as well as facilitating study in complementary areas through broadening electives, and provides an opportunity for an international study component.

Academic Program Rules

The Calendar is a comprehensive handbook of the University's academic program rules.

Areas of Specialisation

Students have the flexibility to select one of seven different majors spread across two different streams: Medical Health or Lifespan Health.

Medical Health majors

Clinical Trials
Are you interested in working with patients to advance human health? Clinical research is the process by which new therapies (medications, biological agents, and devices) are tested with patients prior to approval and marketing. The Clinical Trials major will allow you to acquire the expertise needed to design, develop, lead and conduct clinical trials in hospitals, research organisations/institutes and pharmaceutical companies.

Medical Sciences
Are you keen to learn how our bodies work? Our bodies are complex but amazing biological machines. The Medical Sciences major will enable you to understand how the human body functions in health and disease, and how treatments for disease are developed. You will gain an understanding of the fundamental medical science disciplines of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

Are you fascinated by the inner workings of the brain? Neuroscience is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field that explores how our 100 billion plus nerve cells grow, connect and function. The Neurosciences major will equip you with an understanding of how the nervous system regulates the body and behaviour with a view to finding ways to prevent or cure neurological disorders.

Lifespan Health majors

Nutritional Health
Are you passionate about nutrition, diet and healthy eating? Consuming the right food can promote good health and impact on the development of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The Nutritional Health major will explore our body’s mechanical and physiological responses to food including how we use energy and nutrients from the food we eat.

Public Health
Are you keen to promote optimal health through individual and community change? In the Public Health major, you will learn how to measure the health of populations, understand how social, cultural and economic factors influence contemporary health problems in Australia and internationally, and develop practical skills in health promotion and health educational strategies.

Reproductive and Childhood Health
Are you fascinated by the creation of new life? Reproduction is a fundamental process of life, but reproductive success (the birth of a baby that will enjoy a long and healthy life) is a multistep process that begins well before fertilisation. The Reproductive and Childhood Health major will equip you with knowledge about fertility, conception, pregnancy and birth. You will also learn about key health issues that affect children and adolescents.

Example Study Plan

To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences, the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following requirements with a combined total of not less than 72 units, comprising: 

  1. Level I courses to the value of no more than 30 units, of which at least 12 units are Health and Medical Science courses, and which may include the Core courses and Closed electives
  2. Level II Health and Medical Science courses to the value of at least 12 units, which may include the Core courses and Closed electives
  3. Level III Health and Medical Science courses to the value of at least 24 units, which must include Closed electives
  4. Core courses to the value of 6 units
  5. One major from the following:
  • Clinical Trials (27 units)
  • Medical Sciences (27 units)
  • Neurosciences (27 units)
  • Nutritional Health (27 units)
  • Public Health (24 units)
  • Reproductive and Childhood Health (27 units)

  6. Broadening Electives to the value of 9 units

  7. Additional elective courses to complete a total of 72 units for the program, which may include Closed and Open electives.

Example study plans for each of the available majors can be found at

Below is an indicative study plan for the Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences before choosing a major and electives

Indicative study plan
Year 1    HLTH SC 1002 Create. Communicate. Connect
with Health Sciences
Electives (7)
Year 2         HLTH SC 2105 Reflect. Research.
Resolve Questions in Health
Major (2)
Electives (5)
Year 3 Major Research Project (extends over the year)
Major Courses (4)
Electives (2)

Related Degrees

Further Study

Graduates of the Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences may consider further study to advance their knowledge and skills or to enter into research via the Master of Philosophy or the Doctor of Philosophy


I chose this degree because it offers such a broad range of subjects, so I could explore a variety of fields to find what sparks my interest.

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Last updated: Monday, 24 Feb 2025