Dr Claire Verrall
Position | Lecturer |
Org Unit | Adelaide Nursing School |
claire.verrall@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 30558 |
Location |
Fourth Floor
AHMS - Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences
West End Health Precinct
Biography/ Background
Claire Verrall has extensive experience in nursing as senior clinician, manager and educator. Her roles include Clinical Manager, Nurse Manager, Hospital Coordinator and Nurse Educator (Post graduate Emergency Nursing). Upon completion iof a Masters Degree, Claire became the Program Manager for the Adelaide Central and Eastern Division of General Practice (Later Gp Partners Adelaide) where she employed and trained nurses to work in the general practice setting.
After working as a lecturer at The University of South Australia, Claire moved to Flinders University as a lecturer in nursing for 14 years and is currently lecturer in nursing at The University of Adelaide. In 2023, Claire completed a PhD exploring the influence of the move from fee-for-service (MBS) payment systems to a bundle payment model and its influence on the role of the practice nurse. Her research interests include the role of the nurse in general practice (Practice Nurse), primary health care and health policy and reform.
Claire is a member of the 'missed care' research team, exploring reasons for missed care and the role of the nurse in various settings. Future research is directed at missed care within primary care with a focus on general practice and the practice nurse role.
1983 Diploma in Applied Science. (Nursing) The Sturt College of Advanced Education,
1987 Bachelor of Nursing Flinders University
2000 Masters of Nursing Deakin University-Geelong
2023 Doctor of Philosophy Flinders University
Awards & Achievements
2023 (October) Adeliade Nursing School Research Week presentation: "PhD overview"
2023 (July) Australian Primary Health Care Nurses annual conference- Perth Australia (attendee)
2022 (June) - Presenter Health Workforce Academy Conference - Central Queensland University
2021 (April) Third place winner - Health Workforce Academy Conference - Central Queensland University
Peresentation: Models of care and surveillance
Teaching Interests
Chronic Disease Management
Primary Health Care Nursing
The role of the nurse in general practice
Models of care
Health reform/policy
Claires most recent publications are:
2024 Verrall, C., Willis, E., Gerrie, A & Thompson, J. (2024). Missed care or missed opportunities in general
practice nursing Collegian
2024 Thompson, J., Verrall, C., Bogaardt, H., Thirumanickam, A., Marley, C. & Boyle, M (2024) Responding to
the real problem of sustainable resuscitation skills with real assessment, Mixed-methods evaluation of an authentic assessment programme. The journal of clinical evaluation DOI: 10.1111/jep.14008
2024 Willis, E., Verrall, C., McInnes, S. & Pate, E (2024) An integrative review of missed nursing care and the general practice nurse Australian Journal of Primary Health DOI: https://doi.org10.1071/PY23127
2023 Verrall C (2023) Health Care Homes and the role of the practice nurse: an exploration using case study methodology PhD Thesis uploaded to the Flinders University library
2023 Verrall, C, Willis, E, Henderson, J (2023) Practice nursing: A systematic literature review of facilitators and barriers in three countries Collegian doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2022.09.005
2022 Blackman, I, Shifaza, F, McNeil, E, Willis, E, Verrall, C, Henderson, J (2022) The presence of missed care: a staff development response Journal of Nursing Management doi: https//doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13714
2022 Schrieber, C,Verrall, C, Whitehead, S (2022) Spiritual care in Australian general practice: An interpretive descriptive study Nursing and Health Sciences DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12961
2021 Bail, T, Willis, E, Henderson, J, Blackman, I, Verrall, C, Roderick, A (2021) Missed infection control care and healthcare associated infections: a qualitative study Collegian Vol 28 (4) pp 393-399 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2020.11.007
2021 Henderson, J, Willis, E, Blackman, I, Verrall, C, McNeil, E (2021) Comparing infection control and ward nurses' views of the omission of infection control activities using the Mssed Nursing Care Infection Prevention and Control (MNCIPC) Survey Journal of Nursing Management. Vol 29 (5) pp.122=1328 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.132601
2020 Fitzgerlad, A, Verrall, C, Henderson, j, Willis, E (2020) Factors influencing missed care for older people following fragility hip fracture Collegian Vol. 27 (4) DOI: https://doi.org.10.1016/j.colegn.2019.12.003
2018 Blackman, I, Lye, C, Darmawan, G, Henderson, J, Giles, T, Willis, E, Toffoli, L, Xiao, L, Verrall, C (2018) Modeling Missed Care: Implications for Evidence Based Practice World Views on Evidence Nursing Vol.15 (3) DOI: https;//doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12285
2016 Henderson, J, Willis, E, Blackman, I, Tofolli, L, Verrall, C (2016) Causes of missed nursing care: qualitative responses to a survey of Australian nurses Labour and Industry Vol 26 (4) pp 281-298 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10301763.2016.1257755
2016 Henderson, J, Willis, E, Xiao, L, Tofolli, L, Verrall, C (2016) Nurses' perceptions of the impact of the aged care reform on services for residents in multi-purpose services and residential aged care facilities in rural Australia Australasian Journal on Ageing Vol. 35 (4) pp. E18-E23 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ajag.12343
2016 Henderson, J, Willis, E, Blackman, I, Tofolli, l, Verrall, C (2016) Causes of Missed Nursing Care Labour and Industry Vol. 26 (4) pp. 281-297 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10301763.2016.1257755
2016 Harvey, C, Willis, E, Henderson, J, Hamilton, P, Tofolli, L, Verrall, C, Blackman, I, Abery, E (2016) Priced to care: Factors underpinning missed care Journal of Industrial Relations Vol 58 (4) pp. 510-526 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022185616638096
2015 Willis, E, Tofoli, L, Henderson, Verrall, C, Blackman, I (2015) Rounding, work intensification and new public management Nursing Inquiry Vol 23 (2) pp. 158-168 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022185616638096
2015 Verrall, C, Abery, E, Harvey, C, Henderson, J, Willis, E, Hamilton, P, Toffoli, L, Blackman, I (2015) Nurses and Midwives perceptions of missed nursing care: A South Australian study Collegian Vol. 22 (4) pp.413-420 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2014.09.001
2015 Fuller, J, Koehene, K, Verrall, C, Szabo, N, Bollen, C, Parker, S (2015) Building Chronic disease management capacity in General Practice : The South Australian GP Plus Practice Nurse initiative Colegian Vol. 22 (2) PP.191-197 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2014.02.002
2015 Robinson, C, Verrall, C, Houghton, L, Zeitz, K (2015) Understanding the patient journey to the Emergency Department-A South Australian study Australasian Emergency Care Vol. 18 (2) pp.75-82 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aenj.2015.01.001
2015 Blackman, I, Henderson, J, Willis, E, Hamilton, P, Toffoli, L, Verrall, C, Abery, E, Harvey, C (2015) Factors influencing why nursing care is missed Journal of Clinical Nursing Vol .25 (1-2) pp 47-56 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12688
2015 Willis, E, Henderson, J, Blackman, Verrall, C, Hamilton, P (2015) Understanding Missed Nursing Care Using Institutional Ethnography: The ruling relations of post new public management Austin Journal of Nursing and Health Care Vol. 2 (3)
2015 Willis, E, Henderson, J, Hamiltion, P, Toffoli, L, Blacklman, I, Couzner, L, Verrall, C (2015) Work Intensification as missed care Labour and Industry Vol. 25 (2) pp. 118-133
2014 Hamilton, P, Willis, E, Henderson, J, Harvey, C, Toffoli, L, Abery, E, Verrall, C (2014) Mapping social processes at work in knowledge development Nursing and Health Sciences Vol. 16 (3) pp. 395-402 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/nhs.12106
2014 Henderson, J, Koehne, K, Verrall, C, Gebbie, K, Fuller, J (2014) How is primary health care conceptualised in nursing in Australia? A review of the literature Health and Social Care in the Community Vol. 22 (4) pp.337-351 DOI: htpps://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12064
2023: Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association - Annual Conference - Perth Convention and exhibition Centre, July 27-29 - Attendee
2022: Health Workforce Academy - Central Queensland University Presenter: Voluntary Patient Registrationand the future of practice nursing
2021: 20/21 April: Health Workforce Academy-Central Queensland University Presenter: "Models of Care and Surveillance" Third place winner.
2014: 23-29 June: 2nd Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference - Singapore - Presenter "What nurses miss most: International Network for the study of Rationalized nursing care: multi-study results.
Professional Associations
Claire has been a member of the Australian Primary Care Nurses Association since 2016 and has worked with the Adelaide Primary Health Network to deliver education to practice nurses within the Adelaide metropolitan and southern regions.
2023 Claire is a member on the Nurse Advisory Panel for the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association
Claire is an academic integrity officer for the School of Nursing
Reviewer- Collegian
Reviewer - Journal of Nursing Management
Reviewer - Primary Health Care text book (name TBA)
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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024
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