FAQs For Students
Find out more about Access Plans, Alternative Exam Arrangements and general support services.
How do I register for Disability Support?
To connect with Disability Support we encourage you to register with our service as soon as you have enrolled, as some Reasonable Adjustments require planning.
What supporting documentation do I need to provide?
- Please ask your doctor to complete our Verification and Impact Statement (VIS). This provides us with information about the impact of your health condition or disability on your studies, which will enable us to put the right supports in place for you.
- If you have a diagnosed Specific Learning Disability (e.g. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia) please provide a copy of your Adult Learning Assessment or Psycho-Educational Assessment instead of a VIS. It is preferred that your Psycho-Educational Assessment has been completed after you commenced high school, to ensure the recommendations will be relevant to your studies at University. For more information have a look at this information about the Psycho-Educational Assessment Process.
- If you have any other relevant information (e.g. SATAC/Year 12 accommodations or other university Access Plan), please also provide copies of these.
What do I need to provide if I have a Specific Learning Disability?
To understand what supports will best fit your study needs please provide a copy of your Psycho-Educational Assessment or Adult Learning Assessment which you would have received when you were diagnosed.
If your Psycho-Educational Assessment was completed prior to High School please still provide this report and a Disability Advisor will meet and discuss this with you further.
Do I need to register with Disability Support if I have already notified through my enrolment?
Please register online with Disability Support as soon as you enrol in your courses, and provide us with copies of relevant supporting documentation.
What is an Access Plan?
An Access Plan is a confidential document which outlines potential Reasonable Adjustments to assist you with your studies. An Access Plan assists you to negotiate reasonable adjustments with academic staff.
What are Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEA)?
Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEA) may include changes to the location, duration or other exam conditions to enable you to sit your scheduled exam.
AEA do not change the content of your exam paper - you will have the same exam questions as other students.
All AEA need to be organised in advance prior to the cut-off dates.
When is the AEA cut-off date?
Every study period has a different AEA cut-off date. Below is the complete list for the cut-off dates in 2025.
Study Period
AEA Cut-off dates
Summer School Primary Exam
22 January
Summer School R/AA Exam
24 February
Semester 1 Primary Exam
7 May
Semester 1 R/AA Exam
4 July
Winter School Primary Exam
4 July
Winter School R/AA Exam
30 July
Semester 2 Primary Exam
24 September
Semester 2 R/AA Exam
24 November
Trimester 1 Primary Exam
31 March
Trimester 1 R/AA
9 May
Trimester 2 Primary Exam
18 July
Trimester 2 R/AA
29 August
Trimester 3 Primary Exam
27 October
Trimester 3 R/AA
5 December
What is the difference between Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEA) and Replacement Exams?
Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEA) are different to Replacement Exams.
Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEA) relate to changes to the environment, duration, or other exam conditions, to enable you to sit your scheduled exam. AEA may apply to primary or replacement exams.
If you have a significant exacerbation of your medical condition and are too unwell to sit your primary exams on the scheduled date (even with AEA in place), you may apply for a Replacement Exam. Students are required to be available for both the Primary and Replacement Exam periods each semester/ teaching period.
Please refer to the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) policy for further information. To apply for a replacement exam on medical grounds your treating health practitioner must complete the MACA – Application for Replacement Exam form and you will need to submit as per the instructions on the form.
I have taken a break from my study. Will my previous Access Plan and/or Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEA) still be in place when I return?
If you take a break from your studies, please book an appointment to see your Disability Advisor as soon as you return to studies, to update your AP and/or AEA, as these may have lapsed during your absence.
You may be required to provide updated/additional supporting documentation to ensure your Access Plan is meeting your current needs.
Does the University provide assistive software or specialised equipment?
When you meet with a Disability Advisor your specific needs will be discussed. This may include access to the Adaptive Technology Room that has assistive software installed on the computers and a CCTV machine. Available software includes Dragon, Read&Write, Jaws, Fusion, ZoomText and OpenBook. Access to this room must be arranged in advance by your Disability Advisor and is provided based on your documented needs.
Are there any quiet spaces on campus for me to study?
The University Library has a number of quiet study spaces including open access areas and bookable spaces. For details go to Library services - places to study.