Mike Young talks about rights to flood waters

The Institute’s Director, Professor Mike Young was on the front page of today's Australian, talking about water rights.

The recent floods in NSW have caused over 300 gigalitres of water to enter into the Murray- Darling system providing relief for drought ridden communities and river ecosystems downstream. Who has rights to this water is another matter, it appears that unless 640 gigalitres enters into the system, water will not be released to the lower Murray River. NSW has rights to 640GL before being required to relase water downstream. SA Premier Mike Rann has appealed to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to intervene in this situation to allow SA to receive water from the floods.

To find out more read the article in the Australian here.

Mike Young also appeared on an ABC news story about the water issues to view the video use this link.

Murray river on the Murray Princess

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