Echidna Conservation Science Initiative - Echidna CSI

Echidna CSI is an Australia-wide initiative that is helping to conserve our wild echidnas.

We are a team of world-leading echidna researchers connecting with the community to learn more about these unique creatures.

Thousands of Australians have sent us photos of echidnas through our Echidna CSI app. They have even collected echidna poo for University of Adelaide researchers to use for molecular analysis.

Echidna CSI has collected unprecedented data and material to help ensure the long-term survival of this iconic Australian animal.

Echidna research and conservation

Find out what we do and who we are.

Echidna research

Download the app

See an echidna? Take a photo or video with your smart phone and send us the details!

App details and FAQs

Echidna CSI news

Ancient DNA Uncovering the Secret Past of Penguins

Dr. Jamie Wood, a member of the Environment Institute, leads groundbreaking research uncovering ancient DNA from Antarctica, revealing how Adélie penguins and southern elephant seals have adapted to environmental changes over the past 6,000 years.

Environment Institute Celebrates 25 Years of Science Meets Parliament

The Environment Institute Reflects on the 25th Science Meets Parliament Event, hosted by Science and Technology Australia.

World Wildlife Day with Wildlife Crime Experts

As part of UN World Wildlife Day, on Monday, March 3rd, John E. Scanlon AO, an international environmental leader, and Professor Phill Cassey, head of the Wildlife Crime Research Hub, presented a discussion on the scale, nature, and impact of wildlife crime on global biodiversity, as well as the efforts being made to prevent and combat these crimes.


Image credits: Banner image - Cecilia Webster; 'Download the app' image - Matthew Wilkinson.