Energy Futures Seminar 4 - Podcasts Now Available

Presentations from yesterday's Energy Futures seminar on integrated energy systems are now available HERE

Each presentation is also available as an individual podcast, click here.

The fourth seminar in the Energy Futures series “Integrated Energy Systems” was held last evening at the University of Adelaide. Guest speakers were: Prof Gus Nathan (Centre for Energy Technology, UofA), Terry Kallis (Petratherm Ltd), Dr Rob Dickinson (Hydricity SA) and A/Prof Nesimi Ertugrul (School of Electronical and Electronic Engineering, UofA).

This seminar explored some of the changes to expect in our energy systems during the transition to a clean energy future. Already we are seeing the emergence of fusion and hybrid technologies that combine renewable energy with conventional energy sources as a means to reduce the cost of the delivery of renewable energy.

This seminar series is being hosted by the Centre for Energy Technology and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Click here to view the programme.

Tagged in CET, Events, Podcast
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