Palaeo Down Under 2 - Australasian Palaeontologists Conference

Australasian Palaeontologists (AAP) cordially invites all palaeontologists from Australia, New Zealand and around the world to participate in Palaeo Down Under 2 (PDU2) in Adelaide (South Australia) on 11-15 of July 2016.

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A full conference programme is proposed, covering all aspects of palaeontology and associated disciplines. Dedicated symposia on the Ediacaran and Cambrian systems will be a highlight of the programme, under the auspices of the respective International Subcommissions on Stratigraphy, focussing on recent rapid advances in our understanding in these areas.

PDU2 will include guest keynote lectures, general & thematic sessions, symposia and posters.

The conference will be preceded (1-9 July) by a field excursion to Ediacaran and Cambrian fossil localities in the renowned Flinders Ranges to the north of Adelaide, and will also feature the Emu Bay Shale Konservat-Lagerstätte on Kangaroo Island, south of Adelaide.

An half-day mid-conference field excursion has been arranged to Hallett Cove Conservation Park, in the vicinity of Adelaide.

A post-conference camping-style excursion to Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil localities in the arid Lake Eyre Basin is also organized.

When: Monday 11th - Friday 15th July, 2016
Where: Adelaide, South Australia
Registrations: Via Eventbrite
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