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eProcurement (ePro) Access Training
From 1 March, staff (or students) requesting access to ePro will be required to complete an online training course as part of the application process. It can also be taken as a refresher course at any time.
Finance Branch out of office 12-5pm Friday 6 December
Please be advised that Finance Branch staff will be unavailable on Friday, 6 December 2024 from 12pm onwards.
All communications will be responded to on Monday, 09 December 2024, including emails sent to CFO Support
[Read more about Finance Branch out of office 12-5pm Friday 6 December ]
Minor amendments to Corporate Credit Card Procedures
The Chief Operating Officer has approved minor amendments to the Corporate Credit Card Procedures effective immediately.
[Read more about Minor amendments to Corporate Credit Card Procedures ]
PeopleSoft Upgrade - clear cookies and cache
As part of the PeopleSoft Finance upgrade over the weekend, you may encounter an error message when using PeopleSoft Finance for the first time.
[Read more about PeopleSoft Upgrade - clear cookies and cache ]
PeopleSoft Finance - new look and feel from Monday 12 August
From Monday 12 August 9am, PeopleSoft Finance will have a new look and feel. This will change how some pages appear, and we will update the guides to reflect these changes as soon as we are able. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the Service Support Officers at or x33414.
[Read more about PeopleSoft Finance - new look and feel from Monday 12 August ]
PeopleSoft Upgrade - Friday 9 August from 4pm
Due to the unexpected CrowdStrike Outage, the PeopleSoft Finance maintenance upgrade was unable to be completed as scheduled in July. As a result, this will be rescheduled between 5pm Friday 9 August and 9am Monday 12 August 2024.
[Read more about PeopleSoft Upgrade - Friday 9 August from 4pm ]
University travel webinar
Hosted by FCM Travel, this session is aimed at booking travel. This includes raising a request in pre-trip approve and navigating the online booking tool. Thursday 1 August, 10 am. Register.
Finance System Upgrade - postponed
Due to the recent global IT incident, the Finance System upgrade will now commence at a later date (tbc).
New Costing and Pricing Tool
From 13 May, a new costing and pricing tool will be rolled out across the University. Join the webinar on Monday 13 May at 1 pm to learn more. Register at Finance Projects
University closedown period
The University will be closed for business from Monday, 25 December 2023 and will reopen in the New Year on Tuesday, 2 January 2024.