2022 Gender, Sex, and Sexualities Conference
Held annually in South Australia, the Gender, Sex and Sexualities Conference is an opportunity for academics, activists and artists to collaborate across the free two-day event. At its heart, the conference provides a space for the exchange of interdisciplinary and inclusive discussions, showcasing work that challenges us to critically consider social issues, research efforts, and our own identities. The 2022 theme of '(in)accessibility' seeks to overcome structural barriers and interrogate hegemonic ideologies, working towards an introspective analysis of not only the intersections of marginalised identities but more importantly, the spaces and places themselves that we seek to make accessible, including the academy in which this conference was conceptualised. When: 26-27 September. Where: UniSA, City West. Online and in-person. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2022-gender-sex-and-sexualities-confere…