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Article: Gendered Mundanities

Gendered Mundanities: Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching in Political Science, Katherine Gerber, Katie Brennan, David Duriesmith & Ellyse Fenton (2022). "Much research has been undertaken on gender bias in student evaluations of teaching (SETs) in universities, with inconsistent findings. We undertake a qualitative analysis of the comments in four years of SETs in a school of political science and international relations in a highly regarded Australian university. We ask, can the same evaluations produce different results when analysed qualitatively rather than quantitatively? And do students evaluate male-identified and female-identified teachers differently, and if so what are the differences? We show that qualitative analysis can reveal gender bias that is invisible in quantitative analysis. We find that female-identified staff are evaluated more positively than their male counterparts for undertaking time-intensive, stereotypically feminine, emotional labour. Male-identified staff are evaluated more positively for their technical expertise and teaching style. This suggests SETs evaluate gender-stereotypical behaviour rather than only teaching quality, and has significant implications for their use in universities."

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Book Launch: Mentored to Perfection

Please join us to celebrate the book 'Mentored to Perfection: The masculine terms of success in academia,' by Professor Simone Dennis and Associate Professor Alison Behie. The book explores how well-intentioned mentoring schemes for women in academia unwittingly undergrid and reproduce the very hierarchical structures of patriarchy that they are trying to overcome.  How can mentoring programs for women disrupt institutional paths to success that remain highly gendered?  Please RSVP to the event here. When: Oct 26th, 3-4pm. Where: Ingkarni Wardli, level 7.

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Barabara Kidman Fellowships 2022: Information Session

The University of Adelaide Barbara Kidman Women's Fellowship Scheme is designed to support female academics to enhance and promote their career. The Scheme offers opportunities to enhance, maintain, or re-invigorate research momentum, and assist the Fellowship recipients in applying for, and assuming, enhanced roles in the near future. Preference will be given to those staff whose research momentum has been affected by caring responsibilities, resulting in career-disruption or reduced working hours. More information on the scheme can be found here.  The information session with be taking place on Friday 23rd, from 10:30-11:30 am over zoom. Zoom link here:

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2022 Gender, Sex, and Sexualities Conference

Held annually in South Australia, the Gender, Sex and Sexualities Conference is an opportunity for academics, activists and artists to collaborate across the free two-day event. At its heart, the conference provides a space for the exchange of interdisciplinary and inclusive discussions, showcasing work that challenges us to critically consider social issues, research efforts, and our own identities. The 2022 theme of '(in)accessibility' seeks to overcome structural barriers and interrogate hegemonic ideologies, working towards an introspective analysis of not only the intersections of marginalised identities but more importantly, the spaces and places themselves that we seek to make accessible, including the academy in which this conference was conceptualised. When: 26-27 September. Where: UniSA, City West. Online and in-person. Register here:…

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Alliance of Gender Scholars: Upcoming Meeting

Our next session will be on researching trauma and how to work with participants who have experienced trauma. Shaez Mortimer (RMIT) and Susan Hemer (University of Adelaide) have kindly agreed to share their experience and expertise in this area. Shaez will speak to lessons presented in her paper, Beyond Formal Ethics Reviews: Reframing the Potential Harms of Sexual Violence Research, and her experiences of navigating research in relation to trauma. Susan is a member of the high-risk HREC at the University of Adelaide and she will talk to us about research ethics in relation to trauma. Visit here to learn more about the Alliance of Gender Scholars. When: Thursday 29 September, 3-5pm Where: Napier G25. 

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Fay Gale Centre Lunchtime Seminar

Please join us on Friday 9 September for our next lunchtime seminar. Professor Andrew van der Vlies will be presenting on "Writing Aslant: Karel Schoeman and Genealogies of Queer Writing in Afrikaans." This paper makes an argument for Karel Schoeman (1939-2017) as an important figure in the history of queer cultural production in South Africa. One of the most prolific Afrikaans-language novelists of his day (18 works, garlanded with prizes), though relatively unknown in the Anglosphere, his work has seldom been read for its engagement with sexuality, much of which was both surprising and, in my argument, formative for later writers of queer experience in the country. The paper will focus on select ‘émigré’ work from the 1970s, from the celebrated Op ’n eiland (1971), set in Greece, to Afrika: ’n roman (1977), set in Glasgow, to ask how this quiet, melancholic corpus might be revisited, and with what payoffs. Please feel free to bring along your lunch. When: Friday 9 Sept, 12-1pm. Where: Napier 209 & on Zoom. More information and access to the zoom link here. 

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Reading Feminism Book Club Meeting: August

Our August book is 'Feminism and nationalism in the third world' by Kumari Jayawardena. Join us to talk about non-western feminist histories, (post-)colonialism, imperialism, and the many ways that feminism has been conceived and practiced in many different worldly context. When: 5:30pm, Wednesday 31st August. Where: Napier G25, The University of Adelaide. Visit our Facebook page for more information: 

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Allaince of Gender Scholars

The Alliance of Gender Scholars met last Friday to discuss interviews, the gendered and cultural aspects of interviewing, and the problems, and positive outcomes, that can arise from using interviews as a part of research projects.

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Reading Feminism Book Club Meeting: July

Our July book is 'Making space: Women and the man made environment' by the feminist architecture collective Matrix. Join us to talk about feminist collectives, the politics of public and domestic space, urban design, architecture, city planning, the ways that these practices shape and are shaped by gender, sexuality, disability, race, and class. Bring along any records of your thoughts and ideas so that we can share and think about collective making in the context of our own group! When: Wednesday 27th July, 5pm. Where: Napier G25, meet us outside Napier. Find the link to our Facebook event here.

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Grant Success

Congratulations to members of the FGC who have recently been awarded an interdisciplinary grant from the 2022 Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics Internal Research Funding Scheme. Our project, entitled, ‘Feminist Mentoring for the Contemporary University,' aims to re-define mentoring and generate new practices of feminist mentorship within the academy.

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