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Fay Gale Centre Lunchtime Seminar

Please join us on Friday 9 September for our next lunchtime seminar. Professor Andrew van der Vlies will be presenting on "Writing Aslant: Karel Schoeman and Genealogies of Queer Writing in Afrikaans." This paper makes an argument for Karel Schoeman (1939-2017) as an important figure in the history of queer cultural production in South Africa. One of the most prolific Afrikaans-language novelists of his day (18 works, garlanded with prizes), though relatively unknown in the Anglosphere, his work has seldom been read for its engagement with sexuality, much of which was both surprising and, in my argument, formative for later writers of queer experience in the country. The paper will focus on select ‘émigré’ work from the 1970s, from the celebrated Op ’n eiland (1971), set in Greece, to Afrika: ’n roman (1977), set in Glasgow, to ask how this quiet, melancholic corpus might be revisited, and with what payoffs. Please feel free to bring along your lunch. When: Friday 9 Sept, 12-1pm. Where: Napier 209 & on Zoom. More information and access to the zoom link here. 

[Read more about Fay Gale Centre Lunchtime Seminar]

Reading Feminism Book Club Meeting: August

Our August book is 'Feminism and nationalism in the third world' by Kumari Jayawardena. Join us to talk about non-western feminist histories, (post-)colonialism, imperialism, and the many ways that feminism has been conceived and practiced in many different worldly context. When: 5:30pm, Wednesday 31st August. Where: Napier G25, The University of Adelaide. Visit our Facebook page for more information: 

[Read more about Reading Feminism Book Club Meeting: August]

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