Nurturing local talent

Dr Mark Thompson (Master Public Health 2013, PhD 2020)
Alumnus, practicing Occupational Therapist and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dr Mark Thompson (Master Public Health 2013, PhD 2020), wants South Australia to be a place that nurtures talent.
An amateur pianist and opera enthusiast, Mark is passionate about investing in South Australia and enriching the world in which he lives. Mark has chosen to support a scholarship for classical voice with a gift in his Will.
“Health and science are the focus of my professional life, but music is my passion outside of work. I have played piano since I was a young child, love listening to music, and find that there is nothing more astounding than hearing an operatic voice in full flight.”
“A lot of bequests go to support medical research, which is great, but I think more should go to opera!”
By investing in local talent, it is also my hope that as they travel the world in their careers, they will always feel the connection to the home that nurtured them.Dr Mark Thompson
For more information about creating a legacy and leaving a gift to the University in your Will, please contact our Planned Giving Officer on +61 8 8313 5800 or