News: alumni
Geography grant helps rural students

In November 2022, Emeritus Professor Andrew Smith FAA together with his daughters, Dr Hilary Smith and Dr Caroline Smith, established an endowed fund, the Graeme Hugo AO Commencement Grant for Geography, for students studying Geography and Environmental Policy and Management at the University of Adelaide.
The love of music

The love of music was instilled in Ruth Schuetz (Diploma of Arts and Education, 1950) as a child, a connection that endured throughout her life. In 2020 at the age of 95, Ruth passed away leaving a gift in her Will to the Elder Lunchtime concert series.
Ambitious geologist maximises opportunities

Georgie is a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) third-year student and 2020 Augustus Short Scholarship recipient who credits her mother’s strong work ethic for motivating her to pursue her studies and reach her full potential.
[Read more about Ambitious geologist maximises opportunities]
Sights set on becoming science teacher

Kylie knew she wanted to be a high school teacher since Year 12. With the help of the University of Adelaide’s Augustus Short Scholarship, the Bachelor or Teaching (Secondary) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) graduate is well on her way to realising this dream.
Inspired by nature

Driven by a love of plants and animals, and with a particular affinity for birds, Catherine, a previous Augustus Short Scholarship recipient, tells us about her journey before and after receiving the scholarship.
A balancing act

Balancing the responsibilities and busy schedule of being the full-time carer for her 10-year-old son who has disabilities, while also managing her own health conditions, and studying a PhD in Psychology, has meant Stacey is unable to undertake paid work to support her studies.
Inspired to teach
Despite a difficult childhood, Maria finished Dux of her school in 2013. Inspired by the positive impact her teachers had on her life and studies, she pursued a career in teaching, receiving an Augustus Short Scholarship in 2014. Today, Maria is an English and Humanities teacher at her old high school and a Council member for the City of Salisbury.
A world of discovery

Driven by a wonder about how the universe works and how it evolves over time, Kendall, an Augustus Short Scholarship recipient, will graduate in 2022 with a Master in Philosophy (Physics & Astronomy).
Civil engineer in training

Thanks to the Augustus Short Scholarship, Declan has been able to juggle study, professional placements and relocating from rural Victoria, all while putting his time and energy towards excelling in his Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering degree.
Prize creates lasting legacy

An inaugural recipient of the Alicia Rose Doherty Memorial Fund Prize, Dr Burford-Rice has completed her Master of Clinical Psychology/PhD and is giving back in remote and regional areas of South Australia.