SAiGENCI Cancer Research
SAiGENCI Cancer Research
100% of your gift will support leading-edge cancer research, which will lead to better outcomes for patients with cancer, and their families.
Support our research
Linda's story
Linda was 28-weeks pregnant with her second son when she noticed a small lump in her breast.
SAiGENCI is an independent cancer-focused medical research institute located in South Australia; focusing on cancer research and clinical trials, which will include new cutting-edge technologies in immunotherapies and genomics.
Featured projects
From Biobank to breakthroughs
The Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF) has made a transformative impact on paediatric brain cancer research by donating $600,000 to a team at the South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI).
Paediatric brain cancer is the most common solid tumour in children and the leading cause of disease-related death among Australian kids.
Movember and SAiGENCI partner on landmark database to drive improvements in prostate cancer care
Movember, the leading global men’s health charity, has partnered with the South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI) to create a transformative database that will help researchers develop strategies for clinicians to personalise decisions about prostate cancer care.
Give now
Please help our researchers so families like Linda’s don’t have to go through the life-changing trauma of cancer.
It is devastating. I plea for research, and for a future where no woman faces a darkness like this. We are literally dying while we wait for new research and treatments.Linda
We need your support today.
Change lives
Jed's story
Jed was 17 and in year 12 when he was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour – changing his life in an instant.
Nick’s story
“Why me?” were some of Nick’s first thoughts when he was diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer at 45.
Stay informed
Sign up to our mailing list to keep up-to-date with how we are changing the future of cancer treatment.
Be involved
We are seeking consumers and community members with an interest in, or lived experience with cancer, to join our SAiGENCI Consumer Advisory Group.
Why I give
Richard Dopheide’s younger brother was only 65 years old when his life was taken by cancer. This tragedy was the motivating force behind Richard’s decision to repair and sell bicycles to raise funds for cancer research.
"I hope that SAiGENCI cancer research will uncover new treatments and solutions for men suffering from prostate cancer. If I can stop even one person going through the loss that I went through, my mission is done."Richard