About Us
The University of Adelaide’s Centre for Global Food and Resources has a global reputation for creating and applying knowledge on secure and resilient global food and resource systems.
Since its formation in 2014, the Centre has built a strong track record in:
- Delivery of academic programs focused on tackling global food system and resource issues and opportunities.
- Specialised research from a multidisciplinary team with academic, industry and policy experience.
Based in the heart of Australian primary production and agribusiness, we understand both the capacity and drivers of success of Australian producers, agribusinesses and supply chain participants. We are cultivating the next generation of agribusiness and resource professionals, through a unique mix of business fundamentals, practical experience and global connections. Our unparalleled agricultural and wine research, and training facilities also extend to campuses located at The Waite Research Institute and Roseworthy College.
This unique Centre conducts world-class innovative interdisciplinary research, using a whole of systems approach. We address economic, policy, agribusiness and social issues affecting global food systems. In addition, we connect relevant partners ranging from industry organisations and enterprises to government institutions and policy makers. Our networks extend across the globe with strong research partnerships with agricultural, food, health and environmental scientists, as well as industry, government and NGOs.
Our priority is achieving healthy, resilient and productive communities and landscapes, which are food, water and resource secure.
Executive team
Executive Director Professor Patrick O'Connor AM Associate Director Agribusiness Innovation Associate Professor Craig Johns -
Senior Research Fellow Dr David Adamson Lecturer Dr Rida Akzar Lecturer Dr Akwasi Ampofo Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Anthelia Bond Postdoctoral Researcher Dr Panharoth Chhay Associate Professor Dr Adam Loch Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Rio Maligalig Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Trang Nguyen Senior Lecturer Dr Alexandra Peralta Research Fellow Mr Theo Simos Senior Lecturer Dr Di Zeng -
Adjunct Emeritus Professor Emeritus Professor Kym Anderson Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Jennifer Cleary Adjunct Senior Fellow Dr Jay Cummins Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Arief Daryanto Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Sahara Djaenudin Adjunct Senior Fellow Mr Jeremy Badgery-Parker Adjunct Professor Dr Garry Griffith Adjunct Fellow Dr Juliane Haensch Adjunct Researcher Dr Xiaobo He Adjunct Professor Professor Ashok Khurana Adjunct Associate Professor Dr John Leake Visiting Research Fellow Dr Pamela Lyon Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Ian Overton Adjunct Professor Dr Tom Reardon Adjunct Professor Dr Kurt Schwabe Adjunct Fellow Dr Claire Settre Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Robert Shupp Adjunct Professor Professor Randy Stringer Adjunct Emeritus Professor Emeritus Professor Mike Young Adjunct Researcher Dr Wahida -
PhD students
PhD alumni
Thesis Researcher Adoption of Multiple Dairy Farming Technologies – Issues and Opportunities for Smallholder Dairy Farmers in West Java, Indonesia Rida Akzar Payments for environmental services to strengthen ecosystem connectivity in a central sumatran agricultural landscape Laura Bateman Social licence in natural resource dependent industries: Improving understanding and integrating economic perspectives Nikki Dumbrell Food system transformation in Fiji: Exploring the determinants of diet quality and health outcomes in rural and urban households Anna Finizio The effect of smallholder vegetable production on children's dietary quality and nutritional outcomes: evidence from Vietnam Christian II Genova Examining the importance of spatial influences on irrigators’ water trading behaviour in the southern Murray-darling basin Juliane Haensch Climate Change Risk and Farming Practices: Evidence from Small-scale Citrus Farmers in Indonesia Abdul Muis Hasibuan Horticultural farming and development outcomes: Examining human and social capital investment among horticultural households in rural Indonesia Phassara Khamthara Economic analysis of farm household perceptions and preferences for salinity intrusion risk reduction in the Mekong river delta Tien Khong Eliciting farmer preferences for rice varietal trait improvements using an experimental methodology based on investment games Rio Maligalig Improving the robustness of water management in Indonesia Sitti Rahma Mamun Examining the spatial influences of natural capital in the Australian agricultural landscape Maksuda Mannaf Understanding factors driving changes of food consumption in urban Vietnam
Anh Duc Nguyen Consumer perceptions and intentions towards sustainable meat consumption and lab-grown meat in Australia Livia Padilha Analysing the drivers of dietary diversity, diet quality and household food security in developing Asia: Evidence from urban Vietnam and rural Bangladesh Jesmin Ara Rupa Understanding the roles of gender in rural development: the case of labour-intensive chilli production in Indonesia Apri Laila Sayekti Understanding adaptation and water market behaviour of irrigators and non-landholder stakeholders in the Murray-Darling Basin Constantin Seidl Exploring the use of water markets for improved environmental outcomes Claire Settre Trade costs, trade facilitation, and agrifood exports in Central Asia Alfinura Sharafeyeva Adoption of high value horticultural crops in Indonesia. Determinants and impacts. Suprehatin Impacts of climatic variability, water scarcity and socio-economic demographics on farmers’ mental health in Australia
Sahar Daghagh Yazd The potential for innovative farm business structures in the Australian grains sector Brendan Lynch Exploring the nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women in Australia Lenka Malek