IndoDairy boosts farm milk production through improved feeding management

Pak Nandar (left) was delivering advice to farmers about recommended feeding practices.
Cianjur farmers and milk cooperative (KUD) staff have benefited from extension information from the IndoDairy Discussion Groups (DGs).
Since being involved in the IndoDairy discussion groups, Pak Nandar, the KUD Animal Health Officer has observed farmers implementing better feeding practices which he has found very difficult to change in the past. Observed changes to feeding practices have included increasing the amount of feed offered and intake using minerals, the use of legumes and feeding younger forages.
This change in feeding practices has led farmers to increase milk production and earn more profit. Also, he's observed that improved feeding management has made farmers more aware of better cow health.
Pak Nandar is thankful to the IndoDairy project for helping improve the farmer's knowledge and apply better practices on farm. He's also encouraged the KUD to continue with a similar model to continue discussion groups in Cianjur to support their farmers.

Pak Nandar (right) was teaching farmers to make elephant grass silage using a drum.
“I was very happy to gain new insights through the discussion groups, and also made the farmer community come to life as an effective way of transferring technology and new knowledge.”